The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 20: Thunder Tiger

  Early morning, the world of heavens, the west gate of the blue city.

   Zhang Yue and the team gathered together. After two days of rest, everyone was full of energy.

"These few days we are going to the Blind Sun Forest, hunting Tier 3 exotic animals, Thunderprint Tigers. Usually they appear as individuals, up to two. If we encounter pregnant or newly born tigers, we will make a fortune." Zheng Yang looked like a wealthy fan and couldn't help it. Recently, Zheng Yang saw a mount, a red flame horse, a third-order strange animal, a fourth-order potential, and 20 million energy points. He didn't know where his courage came from, he actually paid the deposit, 1 million energy points, the deposit is non-refundable if you buy it or not.

"It is more than 500 kilometers away from Shuilan City. Because we have sufficient funds, I specially bought an all-round terrain vehicle with 3 million energy points. Following the main road opened up, you can go directly to the target area 100 kilometers away." Zhao Yujue said From the storage space, I took out a folding car with a length of 2 meters in length, a width of 2 meters in height, and after a period of deformation, it became a large-wheeled terrain vehicle with a width of 3 meters, a length of 5 meters and a height of 2 meters.

"The folding terrain vehicle is made by a Tier 3 mechanic. It has a maximum speed of 500 kilometers per hour. It can defend against attacks from Tier 2 monsters. If necessary, it can be transformed into a ship or a flying car. However, it cannot be changed for a long time, which may cause the vehicle to collapse. ."

   "Sister Zhao, you are finally willing to buy a car. I can see this day in my lifetime. I haven't lived in vain." Zheng Yang said exaggeratedly.

   "Sister Zhao, you have the courage, and you will shoot when it's time to do it. Let's try to get the car back." Ren Feipeng said happily.

   "Sister Zhao, this car is good." Zhang Yue also felt that in the future, he didn't have to waste time on the road, which was pretty good.

   "Let's set off then!" Zhao Yujue said, the increasing energy points kept her mood above the pleasure line, and the debt of 20 million made her see the hope of repayment.

   Facing the South City Gate, there are several avenues leading to the Bisun Forest, all of which were opened by high-ranking professionals from the official sentiment. Each avenue is 1,000 kilometers long, and the alien beast has a maximum strength of Tier 6. This is convenient for the hunting of low- and middle-level professionals. The forest is not like the grassland, and you can ride horses or run at full force.

  In an hour and a half, the four arrived at the destination and put away the terrain vehicle. Looking at the heavenly woods beside, each tree has a history of hundreds of years and thousands of years.

   "It feels like the grassland is actually good, the terrain is so convenient, this big forest looks frustrated." Ren Feipeng took out his weapons and was ready to fight at any time.

   "So at the same level, the price of forest animals is more than half that of grassland animals. Forest animals are generally rare in groups, which is why we came." Zhao Yujue explained

   plunged into the forest in the predetermined direction, but soon after entering the forest, he encountered a strange animal.

"Sister Zhao, be careful!" A Tier 3 giant bear with a head and shoulders of three meters rushed towards Zhao Yujue. Zhao Yujue hadn't reacted yet. Zhang Yue had already ran into the giant bear with a shield. The three of them reacted and quickly started fighting. .

   Zhao Yujue's ice spear and Ren Feipeng's heavy arrow, Zhang Yue and Zheng Yang are in a giant bear.

   "Old Zheng, give it a wound, I can kill it." Ren Feipeng shouted.

   Zhang Yue and Zheng Yang heard that Zhang Yue directly slapped a shield on the giant bear’s face, and Zheng Yang took the opportunity to cut a wound on the giant bear’s neck.

   "Whooh", a heavy arrow pierced the giant bear's neck directly along the mountain wound.

   "Dodge quickly." Ren Feipeng reminded that Zhang Yue and Zheng Yang backed away at the same time.

   "Bang", the place where the giant bear's wound was shot exploded, and half of the giant bear's neck was gone. It was dying to struggle a few times and completely died.

   "Sure." Zhang Yue and Zheng Yang gave Ren Feipeng thumbs up.

   "The burst arrow I just learned, I'm not proficient. It can only explode from the body and still hurt." Ren Feipeng said triumphantly.

   "This routine can always be used in the future. It is very cost-effective. This giant bear alone will get around 400,000 energy points." Zheng Yang said happily.

   "No problem, my arrow is very accurate."

   After everyone cleaned up the giant bear, they continued on the road.

   As it got deeper and deeper, the sound of tigers roared from time to time deep in the forest. The four Zhang Yue converged and walked more cautiously. Finally, in a clearing, they found a huge thunder pattern tiger lying on the other thunder pattern tiger making a tiger.

   "Should we not wait for them to finish?" Zheng Yang was a little unbearable. He was killed at this time. How big was the resentment.

   "What do you want, don't take advantage of this opportunity to sneak a wave. Xiaopeng, take the bursting arrow, and find the opportunity to shoot there. I don't need to say." Zhao Yujue said with a little red face.

   "I understand." The three male crotches are cool.

   Two huge thunder-print tigers were passionately throwing in. At this time, a heavy arrow shot into a key position.

   After the explosion came, it was accompanied by a miserable tiger cry. Ren Feipeng dropped a few more heavy arrows, and the battle was over.

   "If all future battles are like this, that would be great." Zhao Yujue said happily. In less than a day, he harvested 3 strange beasts with a value of more than 1 million. They decided to harvest them in the previous 3 or 4 days.

   The three felt a cool wind blowing under their hips.

"Look for it, there should be precious elixir or minerals nearby. There are more or less treasures in the territories of the third-order alien beasts and they are worth a lot of money." Zhao Yujue suddenly remembered, and quickly reminded him, and took out the energy detector. Come out and start exploring.

   After a while, everyone found the tiger's cave according to the instructions of the energy meter.

After    went in, it was found that the value of the detector reached its peak. Zhao Yujue said happily, we should be lucky. There are high-energy minerals here, which should be small mines.

   "It's here, let's dig." Zhao Yujue placed an arcane to soften the ground below.

   The three of them excavated and found high-energy minerals without digging too deep.

   "Good luck, it is a low-level energy jade, also known as spirit jade. One kilogram of 100,000 energy points. It is a common material for legal professions." Zheng Yang happily said with a piece of spirit jade.

   "Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and work."

   After an afternoon of digging, more than 80 kilograms of spirit jade were dug. The crowd gathered up happily and started cooking directly in the tiger cave. This land of Thunder Tiger will not be invaded by other monsters for a while, so everyone can rest assured to cook.

   I buy fast-food fast food for dinner, after all, I will get tired of eating meat.

   After the meal, four people each had a cup of tea and chatted under the light.

   "Sister Zhao, is it easy to comprehend the power of your Arcanist?" Zhang Yue remembered the genius who comprehended nine powers that the master said.

"This is hard to say, but the general arcanists will always understand the 1,2 potentials. For example, I am about to understand the ice powers, so I usually fight with ice spears." Zhao Yujue said, raising his right hand to condense the void. Played a fist-sized puck.

"A little genius will comprehend 3 or 4 stances at a low level. Such a person will generally become a high-level boss. The most powerful one understands the nine stances. Now he is the idol worshipped by all of our Arcanists, claiming the most hope to become a true god. The man, my male god: Li Daoyi." When he said Li Daoyi, Zhao Yujue showed an idiotic expression.

   "Hey! Hey! Sister Zhao, you collected your saliva and fell to the ground." Ren Feipeng said in a low voice.

   Zhao Yujue threw the puck on his hand to Ren Feipeng. A layer of frost formed on Ren Feipeng's appearance.

   Zhang Yue heard Li Daoyi's name again, and Zhang Yue would really like to see the evil spirits of the same period as the master in the future, how powerful it is.

   After talking, everyone dispersed and started to do their own thing, the meditation that should be meditation, the exercise that should be exercise.

   Zhang Yue, according to his usual habit, found a quick place and began to practice the shield pose. At the moment of posed, Zhang Yue felt extremely transparent, and now he figured out all the things he didn't understand before the immovable situation.

   The immovable mountain of Zhang Yue's body began to expand, from the previous 40 meters to the current 100 meters. Zhang Yue was very happy, which represented a state of motionlessness, which he had completely mastered. At this time, the layer of starlight armor on Zhang Yue's body was also brighter than before.

   Early in the morning, four people wake up late for breakfast.

   "Hey, have you noticed that Brother Yue is a bit different, he seems to have a particularly safe smell." Ren Feipeng leaned over to Zhang Yue and said

   "I didn't find it just now, it's really true. Brother Yue, what happened to you last night, did you understand the situation?" Zheng Yang asked

   "When I practiced the shield pose last night, I suddenly figured it out, and then the posture of not moving like a mountain became a big success." Zhang Yue said with a smile, he finally mastered a posture completely, which will be more helpful for future battles.

   "Congratulations, we have to celebrate when we go back."

   The three of them were happy and said that Zhang Yue was already very tough before, and now he fully understands the situation. Isn’t it easier to fight in the, let’s eat quickly, and then find a strange beast for Brother Yue to practice. "Zhao Yujue said

   After the meal, the four set out on the journey again. On the road, I met many Tier 1 and Tier 2 strange beasts and did not hunt, unless they attacked them, they would be killed easily.

   "Shhh!" Ren Feipeng, when everyone looked at him, he pointed his finger forward to signal everyone to keep quiet.

   I saw two little tigers playing and playing in front of them, and everyone suddenly showed ecstatic expressions. One less said 8 million and became rich. At this time, Zhao Yujue whispered: "The little tiger must be his mother nearby. Don't worry, wait for the tigress to come out."

   While the four of them were concentrating, there was a violent tiger roar.

   The tigress smelled an unfamiliar breath and quickly summoned the children.

   When the four of them heard Hu Xiao's moan, their expressions changed, Ren Feipeng quickly gestured to retreat.

   After retreating to a safe distance, Ren Feipeng dared to speak loudly.

   "I saw a Tier 4 thunderprint tiger. Fortunately, Sister Zhao has the name of foresight, otherwise it will be finished."

"Haha, although the little tiger has not been caught, the news alone is worth 1 million energy points. The children of Tier 4 strange beasts, the basic potential of Tier 5, the news can be sold to the beast trainer in need for 2 million. I am already in Where did the arcane marks and images be made?" Zhao Yujue said happily.

   "Is there really no way, Tier 4 is 30 million energy points, can you resist Brother Yue?" Zheng Yang said and looked at Zhang Yue.

"Although I resisted Tier 3 monsters when I was Tier 1, it doesn't mean that I could resist Tier 4 monsters at Tier 2. This is not a gratitude, let alone wait for me to resist Tier 3 monsters. Let me talk about me. You can't break the defense if you resist it." Zhang Yue smiled bitterly.


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