The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 189: Earth force field

Zhang Yue looked at the thunderclouds covering more than 100 kilometers in front of him in shock, and exclaimed: "Is this the strength of the top powerhouse of God level? It's terrifying."

Just now when Zhang Yue was about to sneak into the thundercloud area, he was directly forced out, because within the area covered by the thundercloud, the connection between him and the earth had been severed, and he could not sneak underground.

Just when Zhang Yue wanted to go in, a figure in the distance caught Zhang Yue's attention.

"Human race, you were also attracted by the sound of battle." The orc commander Soul Tian said with a little joy when he saw Zhang Yue.

"Well, come here to see the demeanor of a god-level powerhouse. I didn't expect to stop me here." Zhang Yue said reconciledly. The figure on the other side was not seen, and it was a bit miserable.

"Human race, I advise you not to go in. The two confrontation should be the leaders of the Dragon Race and the Titan Race. They are both god-level top powerhouses. If you really deal with our legendary level, one trick is enough."

Soul Tian said, he just came over to see what was going on, after all, it was in his area.

At this time, there was a thunder that resounded across the world.

Huntian gathered a set of cafes, and said to Zhang Yue: "If it's okay, come over and do it, let's chat and make friends."

Zhang Yue directly sat opposite to the soul day and said with a smile, "Thank you for the hospitality of the orc leader."

"Whatever entertains or not entertains is fate."

After Zhang Yue and Soul Tian finished introducing each other, they sat on the periphery of the Thunder Cloud area and drank tea.

"Brother Zhang Yue, based on the sound of thunder just now, I can conclude that they are really moving."

"Dongzheng, why did they fight?" Zhang Yue asked curiously.

"It must be because of interests or treasures. Looking at this posture, it is estimated that there has been a fetish that makes the hearts of both races appear. Otherwise, they will not fight. They are all god-level top powerhouses, and no one can do nothing. "Hun Tian said while making tea, like an old man who is proficient in gossip.

"Yes, Treasure is touching. Brother Huntian, don't you just come here to take a look." Zhang Yue took the tea that Huntian handed over.

"Here is not far from my base. I am afraid that my people will be harmed. All of them come here to see if there is a need to move the base." Soul Tian said with a smile. For the strong, he is very patient to make friends.

"I guess your base is going to be moved. The scope of their battle is too wide." Zhang Yue said.

"Yes, the aftermath of the battle between the god-level powerhouses, as long as it affects my tribe, the whole army is annihilated. The god-level powerhouses are really terrible."

When the two were talking, the surrounding thunderclouds condensed a giant lightning bolt and struck them at them.

"Mountain Wall"

Zhang Yue didn't make a move, but strengthened the ground protection.

The lightning pierced the mountain wall, struck Zhang Yue, directly pierced the shield of the Earth Guard, and struck Zhang Yuedun.

"Go! This is the opposite God-level powerhouse warning us, let's chat in another place."

Zhang Yue was unwilling to look into the depths of the thundercloud, and said helplessly: "Well, I'll call my people."


Orcs, a new temporary base.

"Brother Zhang Yue, those two god-level powerhouses, are they different from the Zhanshan you've consumed," said Soul Tian.

"These are two gratitudes."

"Yes, that Zhanshan guesses that the power of the earth protection that splits you will be choking." When Soul Tian said of the power of the earth protection, he showed envy, this is the kind of power he dreamed of.

"Oh. Brother Soul Tian knows the potential of Earth Protection." Zhang Yue asked curiously.

"More than just knowing, I have almost studied it thoroughly, but unfortunately I still can't comprehend it." Kuntian said regretfully.

"It should be the path taken by Brother Huntian, and it doesn't match the power of the earth guard." Zhang Yue said while looking at Huntian, he did not feel a trace of guardian will in Huntian.

"That's right, if I had specialised in the Earth Element at the time, I might have achieved even better now."

Huntian thought of the battle between Zhang Yue and Zhanshan.

Then Zhang Yue and Zhanhun talked about some insights about the laws of the earth system and exchanged ideas with each other.

Zhang Yue's comprehension of the momentum is the main defense, while the soul Tian's comprehension of the earth system law is mostly the main attack.

Both of them benefited a lot from this exchange.

After the exchange, Zhang Yue and Lin Dong had a barbecue feast at the base of the orcs, and then left.

On the speeding car, Lin Dong was still reminiscing about the barbecue feast, and said to Zhang Yue with his stomach upright: "Brother Yue, I find that you are very popular. You can make friends everywhere."

"The foundation of friends is all based on reciprocal strength. With strength, there will naturally be more friends." Zhang Yue said to Lin Dong casually, still thinking about communicating with Soul Heaven.

"Yes, no one will show malice against someone who is stronger." After Lin Dong finished speaking, he took out the book given by Zhang Yue and began to read it carefully. He saw that Zhang Yue did not have any Interest in chatting.

At this moment, Zhang Yue fell into contemplation. The force field of the earth used various fluctuations emanating from the earth to manipulate it to achieve the effect of attack or defense. This was not within the scope of power, but it was indeed caught by the soul.

Zhang Yue watched with his own eyes that Huntian changed the gravity coefficient of the surrounding earth by changing the surrounding earth's force field, allowing a few small stones to float in the air.

During the whole process, Zhang Yue did not fail to feel the power of the law, just like those stones should be like this, but unfortunately, by changing the earth force field, it is already the limit for the few small stones to float in the air.

In exchange, Zhang Yue fully explained all his insights about the power of the earth protection to the soul and sky. For the soul and sky, the study of the earth force field is far less important than the power of the earth protection.

At this time, a crystal ball condensed in Zhang Yue's slowly floating on the palm of Zhang Yue's palm. This is Zhang Yue using anti-gravity to make the crystal ball float in mid-air.

Zhang Yue looked at the ball floating in mid-air and perceives the changes around the ball, but he found nothing.

"According to Huntian's statement, the force field of the earth was a situation where his mind was extremely quiet, only to realize the force field of the earth."

"The key is that for the perception of the force field of the earth, even the soul and sky only enters twice before they realize the operation of slightly changing the gravity."

"So, if you want to feel the force field of the earth, you must have the chance to enter that state when the mind is extremely quiet." Zhang Yue said, although he did not feel the force field of the earth, there was a voice in his heart that told Zhang Yue, the earth force field is extremely important.

In the evening, Zhang Yue and Lin Dong looked for a place at the foot of a green hill, and planned to spend the night here.

Zhang Yue's mind is full of Earth Force Field now. After dinner hastily eaten a few quick-hot meals, he began to find a quiet place to feel the Earth Force Field, like the old Internet addict teenagers.

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