The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 184: Encounter Dragon Race

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"I voted for the sub-light speed engine plan." Zhang Yue said cruelly, his most unacceptable instant slap in the face.

"Thank you Brother Yue." Lin Dong smiled like a little fox.

"Smelly boy." Zhang Yue smiled, looking at this rich trophy. In my mind, I wondered if I would offer a few more first-class races.

Zhang Yueke, Lin Dong looked at the transportation robot, moved all the spoils to the space warehouse of the Yunjian spacecraft, and once again sighed the power of the spacecraft.

"Xiaodong, the spacecraft space warehouse plan is also very good." Zhang Yue said, thinking of the spacecraft's entire warehouse volume of 1,000 cubic kilometers, it was simply what he wanted to install and what to install.

"Brother Yue, the Kewell clan, behind that is the mechanical group, and now the entire spaceship, I can also build a shell. Such a spatial warehouse, that is..." Lin Dong said helplessly, had it not been for Zhang Yue to be his thigh, he wouldn't have bothered to explain the difference.

After half an hour, the entire Yunjian was turned into a black bracelet, which was worn by Zhang Yue, and in front of them came out a small force field flying car equipped with a spaceship.

"Let's do this to appreciate the scenery of the core area." Zhang Yue said. After entering the core area, the scenery began to change. The scenery around the base where the Dark Snake People were stationed was dark, even if the sun was bright. , Here is also the first gloomy, Zhang Yue likes it very much.

"Listen to Brother Yue, and enjoy the scenery in the core area of ​​the Ten Thousand Race Battlefield."

"Haha, the most important thing is to see if you can run into a few unopened alien races and make a fortune." Zhang Yue said. He looked at the 50,000 points balance immediately, thinking that if he didn't withdraw early In the case of Ten Thousand Clan Battlefield, these points are exchanged for something.

A speeding vehicle is sailing on a grassland. Zhang Yue and Lin Dong admire the scenery of the grassland in the speeding vehicle.

"Brother Yue, do you think I'm floating? I didn't even have the slightest idea to dig out the large A-grade mineral vein just now." Lin Dong said with a cup of drink, and afterwards he took a sip of it intoxicated. It is a drink unique to the moon elves. The blessing of moonlight has the function of slightly raising the upper limit of the spirit. 10 points for a cup.

"You don't have a chance to dig. Now time is precious. If you have this time, it's better to see the first-class races." Zhang Yue said, and he also took a cup of moonlight blessing in his hand. This is after Lin Dong was divided. A drink specially invited to him.

At this time, a strange sound came from the speeding car, which was the sound of a foreign race being detected.

"Brother Yue, there are fine points, no, it's a foreign race." Lin Dong hurriedly changed his words. He was a little annoyed after seeing the scenery for so long. Suddenly discovering something other than the scenery shocked him.

"Understood, Serena, head in the direction of detection."


Not far from the spaceship, the Xuanjinhu clan and the dragon human clan were facing each other.

"This energy vein was detected by our clan first. Why, you Dragon Clan still want to grab it hard." said the leader of the Xuanjinhu clan.

"You have detected it, and my dragon race has also discovered it. What do you say. Do you want to occupy such a large energy mine?" The dragon race leader said, his leader is not there, but he can't weaken his aura.

"I am mining this energy concentrate with all my strength. Before the battlefield of the ten thousand races is over, it will be ready to be mined. You say I will not let me." The leader of the Xuanjinhu clan said in a dangerous tone, thinking whether to kill directly. The team in front of them is calculating gains and losses.

At this moment, the head of the Dragon Clan looked at a certain place with a sense of induction, and in his perception, a familiar breath was thinking of his door approaching.

The speeding car stopped not far from the confrontation between the two clans. Zhang Yue and Lin Dong got out of the car, holding drinks in their hands, looking like it was not too busy to be too busy.

At this time, both groups saw Zhang Yue and Lin Dong not far away.

"It's the human race who has consumed Zhanshan with hard steel. Don't worry about him. It's probably just to watch the excitement. You can benefit from it later." Yixuan Jinhu said to the commander, who is in charge of intelligence.

Just as the leader of the Xuanjinhu clan was thinking about how to proceed, a voice interrupted him.

"Brother Zhang Yue!!" Jiehai Jiadi, the leader of the Dragon Race, shouted happily, and used the energy resonance technique to directly transmit the sound to Zhang Yue's ears.

Since receiving the information a few days ago, a human defender had abruptly consumed the god-level powerhouse Zhanshan, Jiehai Gatti knew that Zhang Yue must have not run.

Zhang Yue was stunned when he heard the sound, and looked at the place carefully, and found that it was Jiehai Gati, the Dragonoid clan he had met when he had just entered the battlefield of the Ten Thousand Races. Zhang Yue also lost his Dragonoid token.

"Follow me, someone will take care of the food." Zhang Yue whispered to Lin Dong. Without being so coincidental, he met Jiehai Gatti here.

"Brother Yue, great, you can meet friends here!" Lin Dong said admiringly.

Zhang Yue and Lin Dong walked to Jiehai Gatti, the leader of the dragon race, Zhang Yue was hugged by Jiehai Gatti.

"Brother Zhang Yue, I thought the next time I met would be a hundred years later, but I didn't expect to meet you here." The Dragon Race leader Jihai Gatti said happily.

"Haha, I didn't expect that as soon as I entered the core area, I met you." Zhang Yue was also in a good mood, and meeting acquaintances in such a place is also something to be happy about.

The leader of the Xuanjinhu clan looked at Zhang Yue and the leader of the Longren clan who were chatting happily on the opposite side. After thinking for a while, he said: "Jiehai Gati, our two clan also have contacts. In this way, this energy concentrate, six Four points, I am six and you are four."

"If you still don't agree with then it can only be solved through battle."

After hearing the words of the leader of the Xuanjinhu clan, the Dragon Clan leader Jiehai Gati said in his heart, "Okay, then four or six points. We will make a contract. Our two clan mines will not interfere with each other."

"it is good"

Under the witness of the three parties, the two clans signed a contract.

After the contract was signed, the leader of the Xuanjinhu clan looked at Zhang Yue and Zhang Yue said: "Friends of the human race, your appearance saved a battle, and the dragon race should thank you."

The commander of the Xuanjinhu clan, after speaking, glanced at Jiehai Gati, and then took the clan away.

Jiehai Gatti ignored the words of the Xuanjinhu clan leader, but said to Zhang Yue: "Brother Zhang Yue, you have helped me a lot today, go, come back to the base with me, and I will treat you and you well. friend."

"Okay." Zhang Yue did not refuse, and directly promised to return to their base with Jiehai Gati. Isn't he entering the core area to see the powerhouses of the heavens and ten thousand races?

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