The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 172: The tauren will never be a slave!

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On the    Shenying, Zhang Yue secretly marveled at the information of the Hugo family.

   Zhang Yue didn't move the things of the Hugu family, just some daily necessities, and some A-level weapons and equipment. They didn't bring them, and Zhang Yue simply didn't take them.

   Finally, he withdrew from Zhang Yue's sight in the extremely grateful thanks to the leader of the Nongku clan.

   "Brother Yue, do you say that this Clan is really based in the world of heaven by serving the first-class and top-notch races." At this time, the bored Lv Heng also went to the main control room to chat with Zhang Yue.

"This is just one aspect. The most powerful thing in this family is that they can feel the emotional ups and downs of the living body, so as to guess what they are thinking. There is also a more powerful transfiguration technique. The most powerful is the top genius of their family, who can change Soul breath."

This is what Zhang Yue was curious about. He directly checked the information through the Wanzu Shopping Mall. The Hungou clan has entered the world of the world for less than 800 years, but relying on the characteristics of their clan, they have been directly promoted from a third-rate low-level race to a second-rate low-level race Ranked races, the overall strength has surpassed the second-rate intermediate races, only the number of strong players is limited.

   The most powerful thing is that the Hungu clan is the most trusted race of the dragon clan at present. Within the dragon clan, the number of the Hungu clan around him also symbolizes the noble status of the dragon clan. It can be said that the Hungu clan knows them better than the dragons themselves.

   Among the Hungou clan, serving the dragon clan is listed as a compulsory course in the school.

   After listening to Zhang Yue's narration of the Hungou clan, Lu Heng and Lin Dong had strange expressions. They did not expect that there would be such a race.

   "Awesome, no wonder I didn't even kill them when I was preparing to fight, and even planned to leave one hand around them at a critical moment." Lu Heng said.

   "Me too, I even can't bear to rob them, but now the points are important." Zhang Yue said.

   "Yes, the handling fee for my semi-artifact is not enough," said Lu Heng.

   "I don't have much of mine."

   Lin Dong and Lu Heng sighed at the same time.

   This is, the spacecraft's detection system made a sound, and Lin Dong's expression was shocked.

   "Vitality detected!" Lin Dong said overjoyed, turning around to face the main console, and after a while, a virtual screen was projected in the main control room.

   "The tauren and the orcs." Zhang Yue said. Seeing the two clans were fighting, Zhang Yue said hurriedly: "Go to the rescue, the tauren will not be able to withstand it."

   Finally there is a battle. The first-class orc race can fight as much as they want. This is Lu Heng's idea. He took out Fang Tian's painting halberd and began to wipe it.

   "Understand!" Lin Dong replied.

   At this time Niu Dazhi has been completely suppressed, and the situation of other people is similar.

"Niu Turen, you are very different from my appetite, how about being a subsidiary race of my orc tribe after returning to the world of the heavens." Hun Tian looked at Niu Dazhi and said, the existence of the orc tribe second only to the god-level genius, plus him The strength of the family, he is barely qualified to accept a weak second-rate race.

   "I am a tauren, and I will never be a slave!"

   Niu Dazhi was pressed by a mountain at this time, and he was fully resisting.

"Oh, it’s a bit like the posture of my orcs when they first emerged. It’s a pity that you met me. Let me introduce you. My name is Soul Heaven. I am proficient in the soul and the elements. If you give in, I can extract the souls of you and yours. , Slowly torture where your tauren clan is in the world of heaven."

"Forget it, it's a bit difficult to accept you directly as a subsidiary race. I will mark your soul. After returning to the world of the heavens, how about you taking 100,000 people to join me? My orcs are notoriously bold and generous. I promise at the very least that you will become a god."

"Well, there are probably not a few true gods in your clan, right." Huntian said lightly. When he saw the tauren clan, he felt that he saw an excellent meat shield. What surprised him most was the totem warrior. Perfect match with orc warriors.

   Just when Niu Dazhi hesitated, a 40-meter-long giant spear shot towards the soul sky.

   "Moving the Mountain"

   A big mountain suddenly rose from the side of the soul sky, blocking the giant spear.

   At this time, Soul Heaven and Zhang Yue in the distance were taken aback at the same time, and they both felt the strong power of the laws of the earth.

   "Interesting, I want to eat black, I am still a specialist in soil attributes." Hun Tian said with interest.

   This is the figure of Zhang Yue all appearing in front of Soul Heaven.

   The two giant hands of the earth directly lifted up the mountain that was pressing on Niu Dazhi and threw it towards the soul sky.

   "Shield Power"


   Zhang Yue’s shield directly covered the entire battlefield, creating breathing time for the tauren fighters and began to counterattack the orcs. For a while, the situation changed drastically.

  ’Soil Control: Dissipate’

   smashed into the Soul Heaven Mountain and suddenly burst like a balloon filled with water, turning into sand and falling on the ground.



   Hun Tian made a series of shots, which directly offset Zhang Yue's shield and gravity. After that, he looked at Zhang Yue and said, "Do you want to eat black in the dark? I wonder if I have my teeth."

   "Brother Zhang Yue!" At this time, the liberated Niu Dazhi ran to Zhang Yue, and said in surprise, it is better to be a human brother, and rescue every time in crisis.

   "The cow commander, it's good recently." Zhang Yue said with a smile. Although it was a bit surprised that the orc tribe on the opposite side had similar command methods, the problem was not big.

  " Brother Zhang Yue, don’t talk about it, let’s unite and retreat, the first-class race of can’t beat them, they

Normal people were dispatched, and the rest were in the spacecraft in the sky. "Niu Dazhi said anxiously. He saw the two flying ships in the sky come down.

   "No hurry, I'll try the opposite method first, it's kind of like a colleague." Zhang Yue said with interest.

"Tauren, how are you thinking about it? In order to win you over, I didn't let the clansman kill you. Now none of the clansmen died." After the soul day finished speaking, he looked at Zhang Yue and said, "You are very It’s interesting. Let’s compete. If you win, I will let go of these tauren, your good friend’s comrades."

   "The Power of Controlling Soil: The Cage"

   I saw the tauren on the scene directly trapped by the cage that stretched out from under his feet, and all the orcs put their weapons on the tauren’s neck.

"If you win, they can live. If you lose, it depends on how your friend chooses." Soul Tian said with a smile. He didn't have much feeling for this sudden appearance, except that the human race headed by him was slightly stronger. A little bit.

   "The Power of the Earth and the Sea: The Vortex of the Earth"

   At this time, a huge earth vortex appeared on the battlefield, sucking all the tauren and orcs into the earth.

   At this time, the soul genius discovered something bad, because he found that he couldn't suppress this earth vortex, and could only protect himself from being sucked in.

   "Is it my turn to speak now?" Zhang Yue grinned and said with a mouthful of white teeth.

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