The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 171: Hushou Family 1

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   Ten Thousand Races battlefield, the outer area, the Condor is cruising at high speed.

   "Brother Yue, do you think we are a little closer to the core area?" Lin Dong said worriedly.

   Zhang Yue looked at the map projected by Lin Dong in the central control room, and found that the distance to the core area was less than 1 million kilometers. This distance is ten minutes for those first-class and top-level races.

   "Or let's stay a little farther." Zhang Yue said, the distance here is indeed a bit unsafe, just let the Condor get closer to the core distance, I didn't expect the time for this time to be coming soon.

   "Keep 200 kilometers, it's safer."

   "Don't be afraid, even if we meet our lives, there is no problem." Zhang Yue said slowly.

When    was about to order the Condor to keep a distance, a huge wooden spear flashing with golden war spirit shot at the spaceship with the sound of tearing the air.

  ’Shield Wall: Guardian! ’

   A huge shield formed by a shield wall protects the outer space of the spacecraft.

   "Damn, it was discovered that my 1800-point spacecraft is not working well?" Zhang Yue said depressed, didn't it mean that the aliens of the first-class race could not be detected.

  ‘Boom! The wooden long spear collided with the great shield. The long spear broke through Zhang Yue's cohesive shield and hit the outermost torsion shield of the spacecraft. The Shenying flew hundreds of meters in the opposite direction.

   "The shell of the Condor spacecraft was impacted, and the torsion shield was damaged by 16, and the recovery time was 8 minutes."

   "The shield wall is condensed directly in the air, without the support of the earth, it's a bit virtual." Zhang Yue said while looking at the damage report of the spacecraft.

   "Brother Yue, shall we fight back?" Lin Dong stood still and said, just now the spacecraft almost lost balance after being hit.

   "Is the enemy detected."


   "Such an attack distance, or concealment means, is probably a first-class race. Let's withdraw and not cause trouble."

   "Okay." Lin Dong said to Zhang Yue, turning to the center console of the spacecraft.

  At this time, the Condor began to fly away at the limit speed, thinking about the outer area.

   The lower area where the Condor was attacked just now.

   Hun Tian looked at the flying spacecraft on the detection instrument, turned his head to the green figure next to him, and said, "Xiao Ka, the problem with your data is still the problem with my projection. Why did it fail this time?"

"Commander, your projection is perfect. There is no problem with my data. As for why it didn't shoot down, my inference is that the spaceship on the opposite side defended your spear." Xiaoka said tremblingly, for fear that the big devil would be straightforward if he is unhappy. Relegated yourself to the lowest slave.

   "Defend? Don't you say that it is a Wanka clan spaceship, a second-rate race can defend my magic spear." Orc Clan Soul Sky frowned, and he encountered the evildoer again.

   "Commander, please see, this is the reaction of the Wanka clan spacecraft when it was hit." Xiaoka said the trajectory of the spacecraft detected by the instrument at that time.

   After watching the flight path of the spacecraft after it was obviously knocked back, Soul Tian sighed and said, "I didn't expect to come out for a sweep, and I could meet a master."

   As he said, Huntian put away the 10-meter long spear that was beside him, and returned to the orc chariot.

   "Continue with the raid plan."

In the    Shenying, Zhang Yue told everyone about the situation just now, so that they were relieved.

   "It's not the first time, it's okay." Chu Feng said nonchalantly, but was a little uncomfortable being interrupted when he was comprehending Kendo.

   "Brother Yue is here, don't be afraid." Everyone also said.

   "Then let's continue our protection fee plan." Zhang Yue said.

   When he was a child, Zhang Yue looked at the alien race neatly in the shape of a guillotine, and sighed, "It's not easy. This is a serious hunting. He finally encountered a race."

   "Brother Yue, are you playing too fast? I don't have a chance at all." Lu Heng said next to Zhang Yue with a halberd. He was about to do a big fight just now, but Zhang Yue ended up in a pot.

   "Let's talk about it, how many points do you plan to give out and buy your life." Zhang Yue looked at the alien leader and said.

   "My lord, some time ago, we had already been ransacked once. Now that the whole family has 6000 points after going up and down, those valuable things have also been raided."

  All the alien races that were charged showed their own Wanzu Mall interface, and only the alien leader had more than 6000 points.

   "There are only so many." Zhang Yue asked.

   "You can sign a ten thousand race battlefield contract, and you really have more than 6,000 points." The alien leader said poorly. These points were originally intended to be exchanged for something and used directly in the world of heavens in advance.

"Forget it, you will receive 200 points for signing the contract. I believe you. After all, a second-rate race like yours is really uncommon." Zhang Yue said helplessly. Seeing the second-rate race, he thought it was a fierce one. In the end of the battle, a set of triplets went on, and it turned out to be a nest.

"My clan is not based on the world of the heavens by fighting power. I came here just to collect information on the ten thousand races." The alien leader said. Counting this time, their clan has been looted three times before and after, but each time they are strong. Survived.

   "Then what do you rely on to survive?" Lu Heng asked curiously, he was very interested, is there a way to survive in the world of the heavens when he has been fighting power.

   At this time, the alien leader showed a triumphant smile, and slowly said: "Relying on the tenacity of our race and the spirit of service that is not afraid of death, we have a foothold in the world of heaven."

  "Use life to serve powerful species

Clan, so far, my whole clan has served 6 first-class races in the world of heaven, and there is one top race. "

   "Under their protection, my clan was able to recuperate in the world of the heavens. If the nobles are interested, please leave contact information and we can exchange our experience."

   The words of the leader of the alien race, let Zhang Yue shout for a long time to see, by serving the alien race, he can gain a foothold in the world of the heavens, a strange alien race.

   Zhang Yue released these alien races after seeing 6000 arrived.

   "My lord, the level of a noble third-rate race can train a strong like you, and the nobleman must be a great race in the future." The alien leader habitually began to kneel and lick.

   "It's okay." Zhang Yue replied casually, thinking about whether to search their possessions to see if there are any high-value items.

   The alien leader looked at Zhang Yue's expression and, with years of experience in observing words and colors, immediately understood what Zhang Yue was thinking.

   "The whole family listens to the order! Take out all the things in the storage space and let the adults choose. Remember this is our glory." The alien leader said loudly to the tribe.

   Zhang Yue was suddenly a little embarrassed and was seen through.

   "My lord, don't mind, this is the tradition of our family. For the strong who conquer us, we must devote ourselves to everything." The alien leader said respectfully.

   "What kind of race are you?" Zhang Yue asked. He hadn't seen this race in the Ten Thousand Clan Atlas, but for the performance of the Clan just now, he found that it was not unreasonable for the alien race to look at the heavens that serve the top and top races.

   "The dirt family."

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