The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 149: Wanka Spaceship

early morning.

After eating, Zhang Yue came to the training ground of the base, and Lu Heng was also pulled by Zhang Yue.

"Brother Yue, don't forget it otherwise, we are not on the same level, and it makes no sense for us to learn from each other." Lu Heng said bitterly, and brought such bad news before finishing breakfast first.

"Why it's useless, Brother Yue can improve your ability to abuse food, you can also increase your own limit value, see if the limit of your ability to be hit lies in your brain power." Chu Feng said jokingly next to him.

"Yes, yeah, brother Lu, you must hurry up to reach the level of Brother Yue, our main output depends on you." Lin Dong also said with interest. She is covered with empty projection screens, and can monitor the entire base at all times. The dynamics, so I can rest assured to watch the big show here.

"Lu Heng, come on, we don't have this opportunity." Ning Xiu said.

Lu Heng saw that there was no room for recovery, so he could only bite the bullet and went to the largest training ground with Zhang Yue.

"Brother Yue is merciful, and it's enough to learn from each other, don't play it for real." Lu Heng said while looking at Zhang Yue who would never give up without training.

"It's okay, don't worry, I can connect it if I lose my arm. If that organ is broken, I can also clone your organ with your gene and install it for you." Xu Wenyou added fire to the side, and recently used points to redeem it. Some top medical materials, now I want to practice my hands.

"I..." Lu Heng looked at the people who had fallen into trouble and thought that his friend had not died a bit too much.

"Brother Yue, let's start then." Lu Heng said forcefully, destined to be abused and slapped.

"Seeing that you are a little lacking in fighting spirit, let's get excited later." Zhang Yue said with a smile.

"Bang" "bang" "bang" "bang" "bang"

Five hands of the earth came out of the shell in a row, and the giant earth hand, which was more than 20 meters long, could immediately hook to the ceiling.


So a game of shooting gophers began.

For a time, the entire training ground could hear the sound of the hand of the earth slamming the place name heavily.

"Brother Yue, you are really playing! This is everyone's training ground. It's not good for you to break it like this." Lu Heng looked at the broken training ground and shouted.

"It's okay, I have repaired this training ground, it will only take a few seconds, no delay."

Zhang Yue continued his game of shooting gophers. Whether the ground was dead or not came out of ground thorns, which also made Lu Heng frightened. He knew that the hardness of the things Zhang Yue condensed could reach B grade, which was irresistible.

An hour later, Lu Heng lay on the ground, panting, and under Zhang Yue's gravity, he still had to get rid of the hand of the earth and the thorns. In an hour, all of Lu Heng's mind and physical strength were exhausted.

"Brother Yue, I don't understand, you can kill me."

"Okay, today is over, it seems that the effect is very good, let's listen to the sky and continue." Zhang Yue looked at Lu Heng lying on the ground and clapped his hands and said, indicating that work is over.

"It will continue tomorrow!" Lu Heng screamed.

"I'm here, I'll go to the City of Games to buy something, and you have a good rest. Drinking some of that bathing **** flower tea is good for restoring your mind." Zhang Yue said as he walked to the teleportation formation of the City of Games.

"I'm just one or two, and I want to honor my grandfather after I go back. Unlike you, you can drink as much as you like." Lu Heng lay on the ground looking at Zhang Yue's back and said, thinking of Soul Sword after coming out of the teahouse that day. The ones given to Lu Heng, Chu Feng and Lin Dong were all exquisite small tea pots, while Zhang Yue was five boxes with the unique logo of the rabbit race.

"I didn't even touch it, what did I say." Ning Xiu said depressed, then looked at Lu Heng lying on the ground and said, "Do you want me to help you back."

"No, let me lie here and think about my next life. Since I was promoted to Legend, everything went wrong, I don't know why."

At this time, Chu Feng said to the side: "Luck is exhausted, and he has picked up his life for nothing, and it has been erratic all day. It is strange that it can be smooth."

"You are talking about metaphysics, not reliable."

"Okay, you can be happy." Chu Feng left after speaking.

In the game city, Zhang Yue was wandering in the merchandise area. He wanted to buy a small spaceship that could fly in all directions with a high level. His own spaceship was too low-level, so it would take a lot of time to find the gods and callers on the road, which is not cost-effective.

After seeing several stores, all of them were manufactured by their affiliated technology races, Zhang Yue was not very satisfied. Although the prices were cheap, they did not meet Zhang Yue's standards.

At this time, Zhang Yue saw a shop opened by the Wanka tribe, his eyes lit up, and he felt that he was about to buy a spacecraft that he was satisfied with.

Vanke tribe, similar in shape to human race, purple skin, height above 2 meters, second-rate high-level race, technology side, space technology is extremely developed, one of the top ten races behind the game city, good at occupation, card warrior, card Card Master, Card Mechanic.

"Hello, welcome, what do you need to buy." Zhang Yue greeted by a girl from the Wanka ethnic group.

"I want to buy a small spaceship with good concealment and high speed. I want to request for concealment. At least I can hide the detection of the second-rate race." Zhang Yue said his request.

After listening to Zhang Yue's words, the Wanka girls' eyes brightened, and those who can make requests are accurate customers.

Immediately, the Wanka girl brought Zhang Yue into the guest room. Later, a clerk brought a plate and put six cards on it.

The Wanka girl picked up a card and introduced it to Zhang Yue.

"Yunniao, A9 grade alloy is 50 meters long, 20 meters wide, and 9 meters high. The fastest speed can reach 50 times the speed of sound. It is extremely concealed and can absorb any scanning light waves. In the subspace. The comfort of this spacecraft is very good. It is positioned for those who travel through the heavens and continents. It has 2000 points. If it needs to be modified, we have professional mechanics to modify and install various modules."

"The Condor has an A7-class cloud steel alloy shell. It is 35 meters long, 16 meters wide, and 7 meters high. The speed can reach 80 times the speed of sound at the fastest. It has the most advanced anti-detection system of our clan. Any alien can detect the Condor. 1800 points."

"Pole Arrow·······················"



"Track Number······················

After listening to the introduction, Zhang Yue's favorites were the Yunniao and the Condor. After a moment of contemplation, Zhang Yue bought the Condor. The animal tide made Zhang Yue realize the importance of speed.

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