The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 15: Shield bearer

   "That'gambling' your dad lost to your uncle archer with a total of 6 million energy points, almost half of his worth was included." My father said mysteriously

   "Uncle Yang? I haven't heard Mom say that you lose to Uncle Yang." Zhang Yue said strangely, suddenly feeling that there is no such simple thing behind this incident

   "That is to hide from your mother." Zhang Shaohui then said with a face full of memories

   "At the time your mother had a chance to be admitted to the prestigious school of Capital Star, I thought I had no chance. But she did not perform well at that time and could only go to the prestigious school of Shui Blue Star. I know my chance is here."

   "I started to inquire about all the news about your mother, and while working hard to improve my strength, I figured out a way to let myself have the opportunity to be included in your mother's team."

   "I spent all my energy points to buy out the archer in your mother's team, so that he won't find the giant sword warrior team at school."

   "That's why I have a chance for your dad, and you will only show up. This is what I kept from your mom for you."

   Zhang Yue did not expect that his father would have such an experience as a mother. Although his father said it was very easy, Zhang Yue was aware of the difficulties at that time. After all the hard work, the ending is beautiful. Zhang Yue thought of the sweet energy of his parents and exclaimed.

   After talking, Zhang Yue went to the training room to practice the most basic shield-holding pose.

   The next day, in the morning, the Interplanetary Spaceship Transit Station of Aquamarine Capital.

   In the living room, Zhang Yue's family and Zhao Gaoshi's family came to see Zhao Shuyun off. Zhao Shuyun will set off to go to school in Capital Star today. The travel time of the interstellar spacecraft is only two months. If there is no accident, Zhao Yunshu will not be able to return before graduation. It takes more than 4 months to go back and forth, which is easy to delay school work, and the school does not allow it. Otherwise, if you are very rich and do an interstellar teleportation array, with 10 million energy points once, Zhao Gaoshi can't afford it.

   "Brother Yue, will you come to Capital Star." Zhao Shuyun took Zhang Yue's arm and looked at Zhang Yue with tears in his two big eyes.

"Relax, I will definitely go to the Capital Star to find you. When you practice and test, I will guard you by the side and guard you as before." Zhang Yue also said with emotion. The little girl of the elder brother is going to the university in Capital Star, a little bit reluctant.

   "Sister Yun Shu, after I graduate, I will go to Capital Star to find you. You must wait for me." Zhang Luoluo said reluctantly.

"Yun Shu must pay attention to safety when getting there, and tell me if there is anything." Zhao Yunshu's mother Li Xin said worriedly. She is really uneasy about her daughter going so far away at such a young age, but for the sake of her daughter's future, There is no way.

"All the energy points are put into your account, don't save, and learn how to summon there. Our Zhao family can still be a demigod." Zhao Gaoshi didn't say anything reluctant, he knew that his children could not be in his shelter. After a lifetime, they need to see the outside world and grow up in the wind and rain.

  Time is up, Zhao Yunshu embarked on the spaceship alone in the eyes of everyone, and started a new journey.

   The two families went home, and Zhang Yue and his master went to his home's training ground.

   Zhao Gaoshi began to teach the use of power.

   "Position is a state, that is, it allows you to enter a certain state, in this state, fight."

"First of all, you have to stabilize this state. And send and receive freely." Zhao Gaoshi said to Zhang Yue, he took up a large fine iron shield, placed a shield bearer, a kind of immobile momentum enveloped Zhang. Yue.

   Zhang Yue also took out his profound golden shield and put on a shield-holding style, but the momentum was not as strong as Zhao Gaoshi's.

"This immovable aura, the most important thing is to strengthen your own defensive state, and the second is to stabilize your comrade’s mood and allow him to exert greater combat power. Because under your aura, even in dangerous situations. On the battlefield, teammates behind you can also play with peace of mind."

   After Zhao Gaoshi finished speaking, he looked at Zhang Yue’s shield-holding pose and said with satisfaction

   "Well, the momentum is relatively stable. Stick to the shield style every day, and you will be able to use it skillfully after a while."

   "Master, what kind of power do we shield holders have." Zhang Yue asked curiously, each profession has some unique powers.

   "Why, I want to run away because of a bad move." Zhao Gaoshi smiled, thinking that he had asked the master this way, but at that time he didn't have the talent of Zhang Yue, and the master didn't bother to take care of himself, just let himself understand.

"I don't move like a mountain, lift weight and promise light, Taishan's power, move like thunder, shield, heavy soil, Xingkai, etc. There are many more. Enough for you to learn for a lifetime, don't worry." Zhao Gaoshi is profound. Said.

   "Master, everything else is easy to understand, what's the matter with this shield, heavy earth, and Xingkai." Zhang Yue opened his eyes and asked curiously after listening.

"What you ask is very important. Let me talk about the power of heavy soil first. It is the power formed after you understand the earth under your feet to a certain extent. After this power is formed, not only will you greatly increase your defenses, but also your physical spirit and strength. It will also be greatly enhanced, and it will be connected to the whole earth in battle. As long as you are on the earth, your strength is unlimited."

"Furthermore, the power of Xingkai, that is to feel the power of the starry sky to temper your body, will and soul. This is very important, because in the race battlefield, there are countless ways to injure your soul and spirit, and you can't defend it with a shield. ."

"Speaking of shield power, it can be said that it is the promotion version of immovable as a mountain. It is also known as the unity of human shield. It is only changed to shield power if it is unpleasant. If you want to advance to a higher level, this is a barrier. This kind of power More importantly, the application of will. I don’t understand this. Let me demonstrate. Come and you will come and slam into me with your shield."


Zhang Yue immediately launched the collision skill against the master, and Zhao Gaoshi just put on a shield style. A faint phantom appeared behind Zhao Gaoshi and kept the shield style. Zhang Yue suddenly felt that his spirit was suppressed. The hands and feet seemed to be constrained, and he couldn't move when he stopped there. Zhang Yue concentrated his mind and turned into a war sword, breaking through the **** that was pressing on him, and then resumed his action and ran into Zhao Gaoshi. .

   and rushed to Zhao Gaoshi and was suppressed again. This time the amount of suppression was twice as heavy as the last time.

   "You have a strong spirit and will, it seems that many chambers of commerce will break the dog's mind for you after you reach the third level." Zhao Gaoshi said with a smile, his apprentice is so evil, and his own master is also very proud.

   "Master, is this the shield power!" Zhang Yue said exaggeratedly, this kind of power doesn't seem like a low-level comprehension.

"Yes, this is the shield power, which your master understood when you reached the 5th level. If you want to learn well, first practice the basic skills and wait for the accumulation of strength. Then I can tell you that the power contained in the shield is just the most basic power. There are more potentials involved in the shield-holding pose, so feel it." Zhao Gaoshi said with emotion, this scene also happened to him, but the master's tone at that time was not as gentle as his own.

   "Okay, that's all for today's teaching. Next time I will be teaching you when you reach the second level and you can practice the basic cosmic energy extraction technique. Go back now, and mine will do something in the world of heaven."

   "Okay, goodbye, master." Zhang Yue also left and went home.

   At noon, after the family had eaten, Zhang Yue was pulled out by Zhang Loluo to go shopping. This is something that Zhang Yue is more afraid of, and what is even more afraid is to go shopping with Zhang Luoluo and Zhao Yunshu.

  On the road, Zhang Luoluo pulled Zhang Yue with a helpless, you finally have storage space and you are making money. Today I want to buy a happy one. "Zhang Luoluo said excitedly

   Zhang Yue doesn't feel bad for spending money, but he is tired.

   "Brother, this is the latest limited edition personal communicator with super powerful functions and the most advanced smart butler."


   "Brother, you see this is the most popular style of dress. I must wear it like a fairy."


   "Brother, you see this is the latest personal electromagnetic motorcycle released by Renault. I want the pink one."


   "Brother, these are my favorite snacks."


   When he returned home at night, Zhang Yue collapsed on the sofa with an expression of indescribable expression on his face. Why is it so tired to go shopping with girls? It's like killing hundreds of giant wolves. No, killing giant wolves is not so tired.

   After his father went offline, he saw Zhang Yue lying on the sofa and smiled

   "The young man is so tired to go shopping with his sister. How tired are you going to go shopping with your wife in the future? It's so pitiful." Zhang Shaohui said with a face of the person who came over.

"Dad, you thought I didn't know. When my mom asked you to go shopping with her, you would hide from your old injuries. I already told my mom that the essence of spiritual water can perfectly suppress your injuries and let you follow It's the same as a normal person. It is estimated that you will not be able to escape from now on," Zhang Yue said gleefully.

   "You cheated me, brat." Zhang Shaohui suddenly felt unhappy.

   "Haha, who made you cry." Zhang Yue said triumphantly

   Tonight’s dinner is the beef of the Big Horn beef brought back by Zhang Yue. The stew is very fragrant, and the family eats it deliciously. The meat of different animals is not only good in meat quality, but eating more is also good for the body.


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