The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 143: Game city

"By the way, Brother Chu, when do you think I will go to the Shenhuan clan, now?" Zhang Yue suddenly remembered this, what if there is no chance in the future.

"Of course it's been a while, we just scraped a layer of oil and water, and it's not fat yet" Chu Yunxuan said. He is very supportive of this matter. After all, Human Race has one more artifact, which is more effective than a demigod. It should be larger, as it doesn't matter who holds it, as long as it is a human race.

"Listen to Brother Chu." Zhang Yue said with a smile, leaving the Zerg thing behind. It was more than six months later.

Just as Zhang Yue and Chu Yunxuan were about to rest, Lin Dong ran over, holding some documents in his hand.

"Brother Chu, Brother Yue, we seem to have reached a strange place. There seem to be more than a dozen second-rate and powerful races. Call this area a game land."

"Now. Our human race is called Race 564. As long as we enter this game land, we will join this game by default."

Lin Dong put the document on the conference table, opened the virtual screen in the conference room, and projected the rules of the game land on it.

Chu Yunxuan looked at the rules of the game on the screen and said: "It seems that this alliance race is a neutral and partial kind race. This game place is very interesting."

"Yes, they also built a game city, in which trading, gambling, entertainment, gambling, individual competitions, race competitions. This does not encourage mutual slaughter between races." Zhang Yue said with interest.

"The most powerful thing is that they have also set up a credits bank to store the credits with them, and they can wait until the next time the Ten Thousand Clan battlefield is opened, and they can be retrieved by the same clan." Lin Dong sighed.

"These races have hosted more than 200 games on the battlefield of ten thousand races, 16 of which have been swept away by the Zerg and Mechanical races, but the points that existed here in the past are still exchanged for the second time. The strength is really powerful." Zhang Yue It also specially spends points to check the information of the game place in the Wanzu Mall.

Chu Yunxuan looked at the data projected by Zhang Yue, with a joyful expression on his face and said, "I like this place."

"I like it too." Zhang Yue and Lin Dong said, feeling back to the land of civilization.

"You go back first and rest. Tomorrow we will go to the City of Games to see if we can earn points." Chu Yunxuan said.

"There is a teleportation array there, and we can directly spend points to build a teleportation array that connects to the city of the game." Lin Dong said, looking at sales, this teleportation array is still one of the most popular products.

"How many points?" Chu Yunxuan asked, but he didn't expect to have this function.

"500 points, 10 points for the entrance fee per life body."

"Really black." Chu Yunxuan cursed.

Then all three of them returned to their rooms and began to rest.

The next day, after a night's rest, everyone gathered in the conference room full of energy.

Chu Yunxuan told everyone about the game city, and everyone became interested in this magical place.

Several female professionals, including Xu Lingxuan, Chu Ying, and Ji Xiayun, all gathered together happily, discussing to go to the game city together to see if they could buy some special products.

"The teleportation array is next to the elevator. The teleportation array uses 1 point once, and the entrance fee is 10 points per person."

"In other words, you have at least 12 points each time, and you can make a round trip without doing anything. These 12 points are not reimbursed for personal travel."

Chu Yunxuan was talking about the game city, and there were various precautions, and everyone could not wait.

"There is no mission today. Those who want to go to the game city can go now."

As soon as the meeting broke up, the crowd began to walk towards the teleportation array in small groups.

Zhang Yue, Lu Heng, Chu Feng, Lin Dong and Ning Xiu chatted and set foot on the teleportation formation.

‘Destination, the city of games, charge 10 points for entrance fee’

"Pay 1 point teleportation fee"

Time and space change, 5 people have appeared in the west gate of the game city area. ,

"Fortunately, I didn't see this kind of civilized place." Zhang Yue said as he looked at the various foreign races on the big square.

"I don't know if there are any races on the side of science and technology. Let's communicate together." Lin Dong said expectantly.

"The race on the technological side is either too strong, such as the machine race, or weaker than the Caiji. Here. The race on the technological side is probably hard to find." Chu Feng said.

"Wander around first and see what's fun." Lu Heng said.

At this time, behind a white robe, a girl with a white cattail came towards Zhang Yue and five others.

"Several adults, do you need a guide? As long as 10 points, first serve and then collect points. If you are not satisfied, you don't need to pay." The white-robed cattail girl said weakly, but there was a hint of cunning in her eyes that destroyed it. The overall temperament of the cattail girl.

Lin Donggang wanted to agree, and looked at the cattail girl madly.

"Thank you little sister, we don't need it." Zhang Yue waved his hand and said, the meaning flashing in the girl's eyes was seen by Zhang Yue. If you don't know the routine, it's best to reject it entirely.

"Oh, those adults have to find someone else if they need it next time." The cattail girl ran to other places like a shy kitten after she said it.

"Brother Yue, that catwoman looks so pitiful, she doesn't have 10 points." Lin Dong said a little disappointed, and didn't complain too much about Zhang Yue for not hiring that catwoman as a guide.

"Second-rate middle-level race, the cat tribe, which one is still the nobleman among the cat tribe, the cloud cat tribe, we are pitiful for that." Zhang Yue patted Lin Dong's shoulder and said. Look at seven or eight.

"I just thought that little cat girl was not that simple." Ning Xiu said.

"Well, let's walk around the city to see if there is a way to earn points." Zhang Yue said.

"it is good."

The five Zhang Yue walked towards the game city.

At this time, the white-robed cat-tail girl looked at Zhang Yue’s back and said to the black cat teenager with a gloomy expression behind her: "Stare at them, they are the head of the person, behind her back is the **** iron I’ve seen the juvenile type of the Great Shield’s divine weapon from the Giant Stone Clan, Human Clan, a third-rate race, isn’t this a gift of welfare?"

"I advise you to forget it, I can't break the defense of that defender, whether it's physical or spiritual."

"If you don't try, how do you know that you can't break his defense." The white robe cattail girl said brutally.

"No need to try, my instinct has already told me. I can feel that this is a full-time earthen system defender, the most troublesome kind, like the big rock, just want to stay away from them, I There is no place for them in the Code of Assassin’s Way."

"Well, you have said so, I won't be looking for them."

At this time, the teleportation array in the distance lights up again, and the white-robed cattail girl hurried over.

"It's not a species. Where's your courage to eat with your face." The black cat boy shook his head and looked at the cattail girl's back and said.

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