The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 142: Space female

The battle soon ended, and the convoy was on the road again.

"It's another one here to deliver food," Zhang Yue said, but the feeling of being ambushed by others was very bad.

"No way, the opposing base is probably in this area. We will definitely be found when we pass by their site. After we get to the base, we will spend points from the mall to cover up the base, then it will be safer." Chu Yunxuan looked at the team. The route itinerary said.

"It can only be so. Fortunately, they are all second- and third-rate races. If all the first-class races are sent out, the trouble will be big. Last time, I just faced the ape law. I can no longer be distracted to protect others. Zhang Yue said with a worried expression.

"Don't worry, no. Those first-class races must have their own goals when they come to the battlefield of ten thousand races. All the members are sent out to deal with our small race. It's not worth it." Chu Yunxuan said with a smile.

"Brother Yue, don't worry, Brother Chu's judgment is more accurate." Lin Dong played with this miniature space fortress at the conference table.

"It's me, so worried."

Chu Yunxuan patted Zhang Yue on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, our points are now just enough to allow everyone to return to the world of the heavens. This is the last resort."


Ten Thousand Clan battlefield, core area, Moonshadow Clan base.

As soon as Yue Xiaomeng returned to the base, she saw people from the Sun Elf clan discussing matters with Yuexi.

"Xiaomeng, come next to me, important things." Yuexi saw Yue Xiaomeng come back so obediently this time, and her tone was much gentler.

Yue Xiaomeng walked to Yuexi, Zou frowned and looked at these sun elves and said, "Sister Yuexi, why are they here?"

"It's not the time to care about this issue. This time, a space-based Zerg female worm came into the battlefield of ten thousand races and called you here to send you back to the world of heavens. You can't stay in the battlefield of ten thousand races. "Yue Xi said solemnly, the importance of Yue Xiaomeng is above all moon elves, and there must be no problems.

When Yue Xiaomeng heard that she was about to return to the world of the heavens, she looked at Yuexi with big eyes and tears in her eyes and said, "Sister Yuexi, is there no room for recovery? That bug didn’t come until the last three or four months. Has the raid started."

"There is no room for maneuver. You also know the importance of things. The points have been transferred to you, and the early return ceremony will start."

"Well, I just made friends, I don't know when they can meet, but before I leave, I want to tell Brother Zhang Yue this news." Yue Xiaomeng said in a low voice.

"As long as you go back, everything else is easy to say." Yue Xi breathed a sigh of relief. Just now, she was afraid that Yue Xiaomeng would become temperamental and would not return to the world of the heavens.

"I'll go back to the room first. After passing the message to Brother Zhang Yue, I will go back by myself."

After watching Yue Xiaomeng return to the residential area, Yuexi took a sigh of relief and united to deal with the Zerg. These were all secondary.

"It seems that in the coming hundreds of thousands of years, you should respect your Moon Elf clan. I don't know when the Sun Son of our clan will arrive." The leader of the Sun Elf clan said with envy.

"That's also the future. You are still in charge of the sun elves. Everything that the Great Elder did for the elves on the fourth day should be remembered forever." Yuexi said respectfully, whenever he saw this piece of history, It's all enthusiastic.

"Elder on the fourth day, there are still more than 2,000 years left. I hope that the Moon God will grow up soon." The leader of the sun elves said with a sigh.

"Well, let's not talk about this, hurry up and tell the truth, you unite the several races, how will the interests be divided in the end, and who will the body go to after the mother worm dies."

"The united races are Angel Protoss, Titans, Protoss, Dragons, Black Golden Tigers, Earth Spirit Bears, Necromancers, etc." said the leader of the Sun Elf clan. These are the few races he has recently practiced.

"How come there are necromancers." Yuexi frowned.

"We need time, and the Necromancer has common interests with us."

"Well, when will the general attack be launched."

"Assemble in 20 days."

"it is good."


After 10 days, the convoy finally reached its destination.

After Lin Dong released the base robot and started to build the base, everyone was waiting.

"This time is much smoother than last time." Lin Dong said.

"Yes, after the base is built, we can finally get a good night's sleep." Chu Yunxuan said with a smile. Since the last time he met the troll family, the formation behind has never been ambushed again.

An hour later, after the base was completed, Chu Yunxuan bought the cover system from Wanzu Shopping Mall before he went down with peace of mind.

Zhang Yue stretched out on the bed comfortably, and was about to close his eyes and have a good night's sleep. Wanzu Mall sent a message from Yue Xiaomeng.

"Brother Zhang Yue, this time there is a female Space Zerg in the Ten Thousand Clan battlefield. He will start to sweep away the ten thousand clan in the last three or four months after the Zerg has accumulated enough. By this time, Brother Yue, you must use your points in advance. To exchange back to the world of the heavens, the chance of the space system bug mother being killed is too low, Brother Zhang Yue, you have to prepare early, and I will return to the world of the Lord."

After reading this message, Zhang Yue felt warm in his heart, sent a fetish, and told himself such important news.

Zhang Yue immediately found Chu Yunxuan and told him about the situation.

Chu Yunxuan thought with a bitter face for a long time, and slowly said, "Why did you come across this stuff? So, in the last four months, I have to go back."

Zhang Yue didn't speak, took out the Atlas of the Ten Thousand Clan of the Heavens and Worlds he spent 100 points on, opened the part of the Zerg and handed it to Chu Yunxuan.

Chu Yunxuan looked at it for a while, and said depressed: "Seeing that there is so little hope for the exchange god, this time I was beaten back to the original."

"Going back to the world of the heavens in advance, one person needs more than 100 points. These points must be kept. It seems that the demigod is enough this time."

"Isn't there a middle-level and high-level team? Maybe they can complete the task." Zhang Yue said.

Chu Yunxuan smiled bitterly: "They can keep their lives, that's not bad, Xiao Yue, think about what would happen if you were replaced by an ordinary shield bearer."

Zhang Yue thought for a while, it is estimated that grass should grow on the tomb at this time.

"The higher the strength, the greater the gap. At that time, the background of a high-level race is reflected. After all, our human race is still a lot worse." Chu Yunxuan said.

"I hope they have good luck." Zhang Yue said in silence. If he really said it, Zhang Yue's desire to become stronger at this moment is extremely strong, not only for himself, but also for the human race.

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