The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 129: New enemy

early morning.

"Who is it!" Lin Dong said angrily.

"I launched ten low-Earth satellites in the morning, all types of satellites were launched, none of them can last ten minutes."

Lin Dong rubbed his temples with a headache. The ten satellites launched this morning were all exploded by a laser, only scanning the ground conditions more than 10,000 kilometers away from the base.

"Can you use a drone to scan directly?" Chu Yunxuan suggested. All that is left is the time to earn points. Electronic maps are very important. If not, it is likely to be passive.

"The efficiency is too slow. I suspect that we have a technology-tested race within 30,000 kilometers. This piece of sky has been controlled by them. It is less of a second-rate race level." Lin Dong said, the human race's technology is among the third-rate races in the world. Absolutely at the top level. Near-Earth satellites of this technology can easily detect it, and it is definitely at the level of a second-rate race. .

"Can you find it out."

"The exact location can't be found, the approximate location is here."

Lin Dong called out the state recorded when the satellite was shot down.

"According to the image when the satellite was shot down, and the direction in which the satellite debris fell. Their location is roughly in the northeast of our base." Lin Dong said.

Chu Yunxuan thought for a while and asked: "Maybe the location of our base is exposed."

"That's not true. I found that even our detection system can't scan anything within 5,000 kilometers of our base. The anti-detection equipment sold by Wanzu Mall is really powerful."

Lin Dong called up the map and marked the location of the suspected second-rate ethnic base, roughly four locations.

"First take this second-rate race as the first order for us to complete the task."

Chu Yunxuan notified all personnel to have a meeting with the chief of the Austrian race.

Training Course

Lu Heng is discussing with Soren Mina, and Ning Xiu and Chu Feng are playing with two other top armored manipulators of the Austrian race.

After entering the battle of the King Kong Ape Clan, everyone's strength has greatly improved. The little rookie who was disarmed by the Austrian manipulating the armor for a few times can now fight them with expression.

Zhang Yue watched the progress of his comrades and was in a good mood. The most important task of coming to the Ten Thousand Clan battlefield has been completed. It is estimated that it is difficult to collect 100,000 points, but Zhang Yue is still very good to collect 50,000 points confidence.

At this time, Zhang Yue looked at the divine iron giant shield next to him. This shield was self-conscious, unwilling to enter the storage space, and swallowed his Titan giant shield. At present, the shield seemed to be digesting.

Putting his hand on the giant shield, Zhang Yue transmitted a belief, which means when you can digest it.

"One day, the two hits yesterday hurt me, and I need more advanced metal." This is when Zhang Yue received a reply. After saying the shield, he turned over.

Zhang Yue sighed that he was worthy of being a high-end product with 4000 points, and he had a sense of self early.

At this time Zhang Yue received the news from Chu Yunxuan and went to the conference room for a meeting.

Lu Heng and others stopped the discussion.

"Lu Heng, you have made rapid progress, and your pure combat skills have reached the advanced level of Tier 5. With us, you will definitely be robbed by those war colleges." Sauron Mina said.

"All of them are taught by Sauron instructor. After returning to the world of heavens, my family hopes to hire the best fighter in your clan to serve as our family instructor." Lu Heng said respectfully to Sauron Mina, he has already It can be expected that after returning to the Austrian tribe's high-level mecha manipulators were snatched wildly by the warrior academies.

"No problem, you are the honorable brother, these are all easy to say." Soren Mina said with a smile, these are trivial, besides, the details of the families of these people have been found out by him, and they are all top human families.

"Instructor Sauron, my family also wants." Chu Feng said, the family school also needs better coaches.

"Instructor Sauron." Ning Xiu said that suddenly he thought that there was only one seedling at home, so there was no need to hire a coach.

Zhang Yue walked over at this time and said, "Hurry up and go to the meeting room. It is estimated that there will be another combat mission."

Hearing Zhang Yue's words, the eyes of many fighting mads brightened.

meeting room.

The owner of the Terran race and the senior officials of the Austrian race are looking at a map.

"In these four areas, Zhang Yue, Xu Lingxuan and Ning Xiu team, Ji Xiayun, Lu Heng, Chu Ying team, Xu Pofeng, Meng Guozhu (supporting the fighters out of ten), and Li Yingying (supporting the ten players) The first team of Arcanists, Sauron Mina, Ji Sining (supporting arcanists out of ten), and Fu Xiuer (supporting arcanists out of ten) are a team."

"It's just in charge of detecting the enemy's position, without stumbling."

"One team is in charge of an area. If it is attacked, immediately evacuate and contact the other three teams for rescue. Generally, the ability of a single race of science and technology is weak, and there will be no too strong enemies."

"The remaining people stay for home training."

In the rest of the time, everyone discussed the specific details, what to do when encountering an enemy, how long will it take to ask for help, and the detailed escape plan of the four teams.

After the meeting, everyone began to prepare.

The area Zhang Yue is responsible for is the area in the middle of the four major areas, and it is also the area where all the areas are most likely to support other teams.

Four small spaceships passed through the underground tunnel together and flew toward the northeast.

On the spacecraft, Ning Xiu kept telling his glorious deeds and his travels to the mainland.

"I didn't mean anything else. You really traveled 100,000 miles out of the territories of the human race. Your strength is a little weak. I just listen to others saying that if you don't have a high-level tour, you are looking for death." Zhang Yue asked, according to Ning. Hugh's experience is enough for him to die 800 times.

"Haha, Brother Yue, do you know, I've been very lucky since I was a kid, except for drinking my dad secretly."

"I just left the territories of the human race and saved an authentic dragon. Although it was just a little dragon that just broke its shell, it was about to be eaten by that middle-level alien beast at that time. I tried my best to save it. ."

"I was thinking of being a dragon knight or something, but the mother came and gave me a dragon scale that symbolizes the friendship of the dragon clan, and the high-level and semi-divine beasts on the way didn't dare to provoke me.

Under Zhang Yue and Xu Lingxuan's expressions like the protagonist's adventures slowly talking about him and the dragon clan.

"Awesome, you still want to be a dragon knight, amazing!" Zhang Yue said enviously. He has not seen the dragon clan. According to legend, the dragon clan is a half-god in adulthood. I don't know if it is true.

"What kind of dragon family does that dragon mother belong to?" Xu Lingxuan said curiously.

"It's the kind of dragon clan with wings and five element attributes. I also took a picture with her."

Ning Xiu projected a photo into the air as he spoke. In the picture, Ning Xiu was holding a dragon like a puppy, smiling stupidly, standing at the foot of a huge dragon just blocking the dragon. Toes.

As far as the whole picture is concerned, you can’t see Ning Xiu if you don’t take a closer look. A blue western dragon, whose erect height is 150 meters visually, looks slightly slender. In a pair of huge dragon’s eyes, it is revealed to be found. The joy of your own children.

"The water dragon is still the purest blood. It is only a matter of time before it reaches the level of the true god." Xu Lingxuan said.

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