The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 100: First entered the battlefield of ten thousand races

Just when Lin Dong wanted to return the money to Zhang Yue, something came from his ears, like a dream, like the most beautiful sound in the world. He was instantly obsessed with this beautiful sound, and wanted to find the source of the sound and savor it carefully. This made his most beloved voice, forever.

Zhang Yue looked at Dao Lin Dong's eyes instantly became utterly lacklustre. Some were just yearning for this extravagant sound. Looking around, it seemed that only Lin Dong was bewitched, and everyone else was trying to resist this sound.

‘Star Kai’s Power’

Several softest stars shot out from Zhang Yue's hands, one by one on the teammates, helping him restore his sanity.

The people who were struggling to resist suddenly returned to their normal state. After Lin Dong regained his sanity, he was shocked by the fact that he had almost walked into the sea by one step.

"Xiaoyue, just a few times, your consumption is not big." Chu Yunxuan walked over and asked, Zhang Yue has the power of Xingkai, he knows that he usually focuses on his own defense, although he can also Defensive ability is applied to others, but this is rare.

"It doesn't consume much." Zhang Yue said. In his spiritual consciousness, the starlight that has been gathered is about to condense into a spar shape. The consumption just now can be said to be minimal.

"Very good. When we encounter a race that is good at soul and mental attacks, we have one more hole card." Chu Yunxuan said with a smile. The current overall situation of the team is developing in a good direction.

Chu Yunxuan compiled a detailed production table of the performance of everyone when resisting the charm of the sea monster and sent it to everyone.

Lin Dong looked at the mental intensity column on the form as medium. He smiled bitterly. He didn't expect that his top-notch self would one day be evaluated as medium.

"Brother Yue, thank you just now. Fortunately, I met you at the beginning, otherwise our loss would have been great." Lu Heng walked over and thanked him. This time he was completely convinced by Zhang Yue. Even Brother Yue shouted more naturally than before. A lot.

"Yes, Brother Yue's defense is all-round." Chu Feng said next to him. Just now he almost fell, fortunately he was clicked by Zhang Yue.

"Brother Yue, our safety will take over you in the future." Xu Lingxuan looked at Zhang Yue admiringly, but she didn't expect that there would be such an enchanting presence in the shield holder.

A group of people gathered around Zhang Yue and said gratefully.

"Okay, okay, besides, I'm going to heaven." Zhang Yue scratched his head and said with a smile. From his point of view, everything is normal. Could it be possible for them to enter the illusion.

At this time, a Tier 9 illusionist walked to the edge of the splint and directly used the spirit to induce the group of siren who cast a mental attack at a distance, guided the siren to the vicinity of the battleship, and grabbed it with the secondary creature backpack.

"In fact, the illusionist is also quite powerful, why don't we recruit a top illusionist in our team." Lin Dong looked at that level arcanist like catching a fish, and grabbed the charm sea monster into the secondary biological space.

"It's not that I don't want it, but it's not very useful. Those who enter the battlefield of ten thousand races are elites of all races. Defensive souls and mental power attacks are necessary for each race. Besides, we have poison masters and can directly control them with mental toxins. "Chu Yunxuan explained that the configuration of this team has been considered in many ways. There is no illusionist, no priest, and no ability person, these can be replaced.

"Oh, I understand." Lin Dong suddenly realized.

At this time, Xu Wenyou came over to Lin Dong and said: "Would you like to experience it, Mantra Water, you only need a little bit, you can say everything in your heart."

Looking at Xu Wenyou's slightly perverted face with a smile, he shuddered and quietly took a step back.

"Thank you Brother Xu, I still don't need it."

"It's a pity," Xu Wenyou said.

At this time, Chu Yunxuan said: "Get ready after you go back today. We will enter the battlefield of ten thousand races tomorrow. When we have time, we should hurry up and do what we haven't done before."

"Don't you think you are just talking now, it's a bit late," Ji Xiayun said.

"Haha, it's never too late to say, in case someone really forgot." Chu Yunxuan said with a smile.

In the evening, Zhang Yue had a video call with Zhao Gaoshi.

"Didn't you tell me a long time ago, I know it's dangerous inside, but I firmly believe that you will return in triumph."

"I just want to thank the master for his teaching. Without you, there would be no Zhang Yue where I am today."

"Haha, don't say these useless words, I'll wait for you to come back."

Then Zhao Gaoshi hung up the phone directly.

Zhang Yue dialed Zhao Yunshu's video call again and chatted for a long time. Zhao Yunshu seemed to know the danger of the place Zhang Yue was going to. When chatting, even with a smiling face, his eyes were red.

After that, he said goodbye to his family, Zhou Jie, and his three comrades.

Capital area, above the No. 1 main city, the city in the sky.

In a huge teleportation array, the core position is Zhang Yue 10 team, the middle team is the middle team, and the periphery is the high team. One third of the human demigods gathered here, watching the three teams that are about to set foot on the battlefield of ten thousand races.

"After entering the battlefield of ten thousand races, everyone will have a score recorder in their wrists. The initial score is one point. Whenever you kill a foreign race on the opposite side, you will plunder all the points on the opposite side, and vice versa."

"Except for the one-year expiration, you can only pass the qualification that ends with redemption of points."

"Also on the battlefield of ten thousand races, when you encounter teams or individuals of top races, don't have any fluke ideas. Run as fast as you can."

"If you see that there are Zerg races and machine races that have formed a scale, the only thing you have to do is to quickly use the points to get out of the battlefield of the ten thousand races. If it is not enough, go and kill other alien races. You must be fast. Keep staying. The mortality rate is 100. %."

"Most of the race information has already been transmitted to your personal communicator, and Chu Yunxuan will identify it for you at that time."

"Now let’s talk about an important thing. If you have enough energy to get points after successfully blocking the King Kong Ape Clan, the first priority is to exchange the true God’s rank, the second is the demigod, and the third is the demigod’s foundation god. liquid."

"No matter that thing, these things will change the status quo."

"Regardless of the exchange, my human race will reward you with a reward of 100 trillion energy points plus an ordinary reward of 10 trillion energy points."

A person who has survived to the Ten Thousand Races battlefield has been explaining the precautions of the Ten Thousand Races battlefield for the team of the teleportation formation.

I kept talking for a long time before stopping,

"I have finished speaking, I wish you all the best in your task."

"The world of the heavens, the human race is immortal!"

The highest courtesy of all the pedestrians present, pay tribute to the three teams that set foot on the battlefield of ten thousand races.

"The world of the heavens, the human race is immortal!"

The three teams responded, and the teleportation array was activated at the same time, and the three teams disappeared into the void.

"I hope this time will be successful. I always have a hunch that the immortal ape clan can be promoted to the true **** in less than 50 years." said a white-robed demigod old man. Recently, this feeling has become stronger and stronger. The ape clan army has attacked the human race. Forte's images flashed before him from time to time.

"Elder Yang. Don't worry about so much, my Human Race can't be destroyed." Wei Duntian said respectfully next to him. At present, the only person who can keep him respected in the Human Race is the one who raged in the first great crisis of the human race.

"Haha, I mean, but this time I have a hunch that those three things, let alone exchange for one, will be for you to use at that time, whether it is a demigod or demigod foundation building fluid. "

"I don't want to use it. Even if I am promoted to a demigod, I have lost the hope of becoming a real life, and it is wasted."

"What a waste, you, the shield of the human race, can't stop the true **** after becoming a demigod." Yang Tianyi said with a smile. This old man of his age has become stronger with the rise of the human race, if it weren't the original one. A battle of demigods will not lose the qualification to be promoted to demigods.

"I feel that it is better to give my disciple-grandson than to me. When my disciple-sun is promoted to the true god, that will be the real human shield." Wei Duntian said expectantly, and his expectations of Zhang Yue have already broken through the sky. , He wanted Zhang Yue to inherit the position of other people's shields to replace him and continue to protect the human race.

"You think too much. Right now is the most important thing. I can hardly stop that old thing. The rest is to see Daoyi and Chu Bing."

"What are your two apprentices here, but I have to rely on my apprentice and grandson all the time."

"Yes, yes, yes! Your disciple has the talent of the king of gods, this will finally work, there is a disciple who can become a true god, see you always show off here."

"Who told you to show off to me in the first place? After just saying something, Human Race will rely on them."

"Well, my fault."

"It's your fault."

On the battlefield of ten thousand races, bright lights flashed, and a team of 10 Zhang Yue appeared in the desert.

"Fortunately, just passing by here, a group of third-rate races came in." A dark, cruel, bloodthirsty voice came.

"No! It's a first-class race, the Dark Snake Race. Retreat. The desert is half of their home. Zhang Yue, Lu Heng, and Ji Xiayun stayed behind." Chu Yunxuan was extremely rational, and his calm voice sounded. Article 197 26 The emergency plan was launched, encountering first-class races, darkness, mental test, and candidates for retreat, Zhang Yue, Lu Heng, and Ji Xiayun. The reason is that the three of them have strong mental will and their combined combat power can play the highest level, and the chance of escape success is 80%.

"Received!" the three of them said in unison, rushing towards the four dark snake tribe without hesitation.

Seeing the three people rushing towards him, the dark snake human race headed by them smiled The three people actually wanted to stop the four of us. You have enemies with you wise men. "

The snaketail stands up to 4 meters high, with six arms and dark red scales covering their whole body. The dark snake human race said to the three companions around you, you will chase and kill again later, if you can’t run away, I will meet These few geniuses from third-rate races do not know how to pick me up.

‘Darkness is coming’

"Darkness Plus Body"

Suddenly, more than 2,000 meters of the entire Dark Snake Race's entire body turned into a dark area, and the outside sunlight could not enter, and Zhang Yue and the three were in darkness.

"The Five Elements Wizard, appear."

‘Shield Power’, ‘Shield Power’, and ‘Sand Power’


As soon as the three of them entered the dark area, the firepower was fully fired.

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