The Godfather of Football

Chapter 268 Listening to the Book of Heaven

People who have not experienced it will never understand how great the pressure of being undefeated for a long time is.

Everyone, no matter who he is, good or bad, open-minded or introverted, has a complex in his heart that he does not want to disappoint those who support and affirm him, and this complex often turns into an invisible pressure in the game.

As a professional player and professional coach, the moment you step into the professional arena, you carry such pressure, because you are thinking all the time that thousands of fans are watching you, and the media and fans all over the world are paying attention to you. You can't let them down, and you must do your best to win the game.

The pressure is so great that many players who are geniuses in youth teams and amateur leagues collapse in the professional arena.

When you win a game, the fans hope you win the second game, and when you win the second game, they hope you win the third game, and so on. Over time, the pressure accumulates day by day. When you can remain undefeated in a season, then every time you step into the stadium, the biggest enemy is no longer your opponent, but the pressure you bear.

Ye Qiu understood this very well. As Chelsea's unbeaten record continued, the coaching staff's psychologist team quickly expanded from 2 to 5, and the number of physiotherapists and masseurs expanded to 10, which is very rare in the entire Premier League and even in the European League.

Ye Qiu used such a large professional team to maintain the psychological and physical qualities of Chelsea's first-team players, because he knew very well that for Chelsea, the team's strength was no longer in doubt. Who dared to say that Chelsea was not strong enough to remain unbeaten so far?

For Chelsea now, the biggest enemy is psychological pressure and physical fitness.

Every morning and evening, Ye Qiu would get the team report on medical, physical therapy and psychology led by Peter Brandt as soon as possible. There would be a very detailed analysis and evaluation of the psychological and physical qualities of each player, and then Ye Qiu would use this as a reference to arrange the team's training and game list.

With the arrival of the intensive schedule in the second half of the league, the team, including Lampard, Ronaldinho and many other players, daily training is no longer important. The most important thing is physical recovery and state adjustment. Therefore, after playing against Wolves, Chelsea got a week of rest, and Ye Qiu gave them two days off.

After the main lineup returned to the team, the training programs were mainly for recovery and adjustment.

In the middle of the week, the news came that Arsenal lost 0:1 to Manchester United at home in the FA Cup semi-finals. Everyone was excited, but many people also noticed some warning effects from it, that is, Arsenal has begun to have psychological problems due to huge pressure and intensive schedules.

This is like a person's temper. When you are rational, you tell yourself not to get angry, then you can control your anger, but when you are angry, can you still stay sober and rational?

On the second day of the FA Cup semi-final, when everyone returned to the locker room after training, they noticed a list posted on the door of the locker room. Ye Qiu announced the list of players for Saturday's away game against Tottenham Hotspur in advance, and several players including Ronaldinho, Davis, Deco, Cannavaro, etc. did not appear in this list.

This made the players feel the tension of the upcoming battle.



When I was in Amsterdam, every evening after the training session, walking in De Tokmost, I would definitely see Chairman Michael van Praag. He said he liked to walk in the empty De Tokmost.

Perhaps it was because he had been in Ajax for four years and got used to it, so many times, when Ye Qiu walked in the Harrington training base, he was thinking about van Praag and Bobby Hams, but in fact, Ajax was getting farther and farther away from him. Many things had passed and could never be returned.

Although it has only been a year since he left Ajax, with Ye Qiu's current status, there is no reason for him to go back to Ajax. This is not only because of his influence, because of his astonishingly high salary, but also because the Netherlands does not have what he pursues.

Everyone lives for a purpose. Living aimlessly is a waste of life.

When he was a fan before, Ye Qiu's view of stars was obviously different from now. In the past, he thought whoever was famous was awesome and powerful, and he always hoped to compete for the best in the world, but now he thinks that to treat a star, you only need to pay attention to his football.

To be honest, as a head coach, he deeply understands the various problems brought about by high informatization. Excessive commercialization is also constantly affecting football. Superstars, this honor is constantly flooding, as if a person, who performs better, can be crowned as a superstar by the media.

This is reality, Ye Qiu cannot change it, he can only accept and get used to it, but he has his own scale.

No matter whether it is a player or a coach, one can only conquer the fans with performance on the court, just like Beckham in his previous life. Ye Qiu believed that many fans had doubted him before, but after watching his performance in the season when Capello coached Real Madrid, they completely changed their opinion of him.

He still remembered that in his previous life, many fans liked to compare Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo. Many times, the two groups would quarrel over this topic. However, no matter how much evidence they produced, they could not convince each other. The reason was simple, because there was no comparability.

The reason why football is interesting and fascinating is that it has different understandings and preferences for everyone.

Some people like defense, some like offense, some like creativity, some like stability, some like passion, and some like chic and elegant. Who can compare these? Who can provide a comparison scale?

In fact, after becoming the head coach, Ye Qiu deeply realized that whether it was a genius with good talent or an ordinary player with poor talent, they were actually doing the same thing on the football field, that is, expressing themselves and breaking through themselves!

Even more deeply, all competitive events are for this purpose!

Ronaldinho is a genius, but in the year he came to Chelsea, he trained very hard and was very self-disciplined off the field, because he wanted to use the platform of Chelsea and the Premier League to show his strength and make further breakthroughs to pursue his dream of becoming a superstar.

Lampard is not as talented as Ronaldinho, but he works just as hard. When he is on the football field, he is like a perpetual motion machine, running and chasing non-stop, and can't stop for a moment, because his purpose is also to show himself and break through himself.

In the so-called professional football, money is indeed very important, because without money, players even have problems with life, but Ye Qiu believes that money is definitely not the most important thing in the heart of any professional player with aspirations and goals. Therefore, every year's transfer will have so many players who are willing to reduce their salaries for transfers, or even pay out of their own pockets.

Many things in this world have changed, but many things remain the same, but no one has the patience to discover and dig them out.

Ye Qiu understood a little why Van Praag liked to walk slowly in De Tokmost, because it could calm his impetuous heart, calm his enthusiasm that was changed by the world, the media and the information, and make him more patient, thinking of things that he could not think of at ordinary times, and seeing corners that he could not see at ordinary times.

Standing outside the training ground, Ye Qiu noticed that there were three people in the training ground.

The tall and big Robert Huth was defending the thin and short Messi, Fabregas was responsible for passing the ball behind them, and then the short Argentine teenager received the pass and shouted the bull tail pass or the Marseille turn, trying to pass Robert Huth, just like shouting the ultimate move in a video game.

Ye Qiu stood on the sidelines, watching them play with a smile, he felt that although it was just playing, it actually had a profound meaning.

Just like many media outside are criticizing Cristiano Ronaldo of Manchester United, saying that he often dives, sticks to the ball too much, likes to show off himself, etc., but there is one thing that cannot be changed, that is, the Portuguese youngster is the most diligent one in Manchester United, whether in training or extra practice.

Perhaps, everyone represents unfairness from birth, but the world will reflect its fairness in various other aspects, but some people believe it and some people don't.

"Do you know why you use the cow tail and the Marseille turn, but the effect is not ideal?"

When the three people were tired of playing, Ye Qiu walked into the training ground with a smile on his face, because everyone knew that outside of training and competition, Ye Qiu was actually a very easy-to-get-along person.

"Boss!" The three little ghosts became serious.

"Relax, now that the training is over, you don't have to treat me as a head coach, but as a friend!" Ye Qiu said with a smile.

Messi, Fabregas and Robert Huth looked at each other and nodded.

"Actually, every player has his own characteristics and his own rhythm!" Ye Qiu said, "Do you know boxing?"

"Yes!" Robert Huth seemed to like boxing.

Ye Qiu smiled, "As a boxer, what is the most important thing, do you know?"

The three people obviously couldn't answer this question, they were all thinking, but there was no answer.

"Rhythm!" Ye Qiu said, "When a boxer walks onto the stage, if he wants to defeat his opponent, the most important thing is not to use all kinds of skills and strength, those are auxiliary means, the most important thing for him is to bring the opponent into his own rhythm."

"I'm faster than you, if you follow me, then you will definitely reveal flaws; I'm slower than you, once you slow down, the threat will be much smaller, and the pace, habits and other factors of each boxer are combined, resulting in different rhythms that they are good at. Do you understand what I mean?"

Fabregas seemed to be the most savvy among the group. He was the first to react and nodded: "Boss, you mean, don't blindly learn and follow others, the most important thing is to find and develop your own habits and rhythm?"

"Yes!" Ye Qiu praised.

"Then why do you keep asking us to observe and learn other people's football habits and skills?" Messi didn't quite understand.

Ye Qiu smiled and thought for a while, "Because you are like a blank piece of paper now and don't understand anything. How can you develop your own rhythm and habits? Only when you understand more and have more exposure , learn more, and then extract those things that apply to you from various habits and techniques, so that you can develop your own habits and rhythm. "

"I understand!" Fabregas suddenly understood. "When we were in Barcelona, ​​the coach often asked us to watch videos and took us to watch football games live. This was all to increase our knowledge and accumulate experience in these aspects. ”

"Yes!" Ye Qiu felt that the Spanish boy was indeed extremely savvy, "but he must pay attention to learning and applying, rather than memorizing by rote."

After hearing this, Messi immediately understood that the series of special moves he just shouted were actually memorizing them by rote.

"Just like Leo, you see Ronaldinho playing so smoothly with the cow's tail, but have you ever thought about how tall he is, how long his legs are, what his muscle strength and power-generating habits are like? And your height? The length of legs is obviously different from his, which results in your stride length, cadence and speed being completely different, so he is suitable for cow tail, but you may not be. You should learn, but not this technique, but learn from him The consciousness behind the cow’s tail!”

"Consciousness?" Messi couldn't understand again.

"That's a feeling, okay?" Ye Qiu couldn't explain it. "It's like the moment you get the ball, you already have an idea in your mind about how to defeat the opponent after you get the ball. , I have always felt that the most important thing for you at this stage is to cultivate your own football awareness."

The so-called kicking awareness can actually be regarded as the application of kicking skills.

For rookies like Messi, Cesc Fabregas, and even Robert Huth, their playing skills are solid enough, and there is definitely no problem. The key is how to use them, and what skills to use under what circumstances. , which requires them to develop a kind of thinking, that is, a sense of playing football.

There is no distinction between amateur and professional football, and there is no distinction between South America and Europe. In the final analysis, all kicking skills are the most basic technical movements. Even the most complicated skills are composed of these movements. Yes, but why are some people talented and superstars, while others simply cannot play in the professional league?

Also, why do some players become famous early, while others are late bloomers?

Does it mean that players who are late bloomers are less talented?

You know, from the age of 13 or 14, what really determines a player's progress is no longer some basic skills. Those have been formed and fixed. What determines the player's achievement is their use of these skills.

The reason why some players are late bloomers, apart from the problem of misalignment on the court, is a very important factor is awareness.

In the early years, they could not find the most suitable method for using these skills. Then with the accumulation of experience, they kept exploring and slowly found their own set of methods, and they shined. This created their A late bloomer.

In Ye Qiu's view, there are many reasons why players are late bloomers. One part is their own understanding, but another part is their knowledge.

Premature aging is the opposite of late blooming, but what determines both is the use of kicking skills.

Ye Qiu now asks Messi and Fabregas to learn more about the playing habits and awareness of Ronaldinho, Deco, Lampard, Davis and others. In fact, it is to help them increase their knowledge and accumulate knowledge. More experience to help them find their own path in the future.

It's like if you want to go to a place, there are many different roads. You have to find the one that is most suitable for you. The premise is that you must first be familiar with these roads. You must know how to walk these roads before you can know Which one is best for you.

Of course, you can choose to take a taxi and let the taxi take you to your destination, but the road the taxi driver takes is the taxi driver’s road, which may not be suitable for you. On the contrary, you may not be happy because the taxi driver takes you. After walking once, if you take the same road every time after that, you will never be able to find the road that suits you best because you are not familiar with other roads.

Ye Qiu said so much to Messi and Fabregas. In fact, he wanted to tell them a truth. There is no need to limit yourself and your thinking logic, and there is no need to think about who you want to learn or who you want to learn from. No matter who you imitate, you should open your arms, observe and learn the advantages of everyone, and understand their shortcomings, so that you can take the best and discard the dross.

Ye Qiu's four years at Ajax were not in vain, especially four years with Bobby Hames. Ye Qiu learned a lot. At least he now faces Messi and Fabray. For young rookies like Gase, he can talk and show them a path.

And many times, what young players need most is not only opportunities, but also someone who can point them in a direction.

The difference in understanding is really obvious. Ye Qiu patiently said so much. Cesc Fabregas has a high understanding and obviously understands everything. Messi's understanding is equally good. Both of them seem to have gained a lot. On the contrary, it was Robert Huth from Germany. This tall man still had a frown on his face, as if he was listening to a book from heaven.

Ye Qiu asked himself that he had expressed his thoughts in the most profound and simple language. If he still couldn't understand, then he really had no choice. Could he repeat his words a hundred times in front of Robert Huth every day?

Besides, you have to rely on yourself to understand such things. If you understand, you understand. If you don't understand, you don't understand. You can't pretend or learn.

After saying so much, it was dark. Ye Qiu hurried home to eat, so he said goodbye to the three little ghosts, and at the same time told them to go back early. Before leaving, he didn't forget to throw them a sentence that would probably keep them awake tonight.

"Get ready, you will all start this weekend!"

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