The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 93 Whose scapegoat?

"What do you want me to do?" Amora asked. At this moment, she became more cooperative than before, her face was full of obedience, and she no longer had the slightest intention of running away or causing trouble.

Richard didn't pay attention to the change in her attitude and asked directly: "That door you mentioned, where is it? Is it near here?"

Amora nodded: "Yes, but it's not stable yet, so it can't be seen with the naked eye. These Frost Giants have just been preparing to stabilize and expand the tunnel so that they can transport more troops."

"Oh, can you block this door or something?" Richard asked.

Amora smiled bitterly and shook his head: "You think too highly of me. This is not a teleportation spell. What we are talking about is a naturally existing teleportation tunnel. How can a little wizard like me be able to block it?" "

"Then how long do you estimate it will take those giants to stabilize this tunnel and break out from the other side?"

"It's very fast. The frost giants didn't notice this passage before, but now that Loki has pointed it out to them, the giant's army should arrive very quickly. If it's slow, it will take three to five days, if it's fast, it might not be possible. It’ll be here tomorrow.”

"So fast?" Richard was a little surprised. After all, this was a cross-border invasion, and Richard thought they would need a few months to make preparations.

It seems that time is a bit tight. It seems that we have to go back quickly to notify SHIELD to prepare. Thinking about the worst, they might have to face Earth's first foreign war tomorrow, so SHIELD might have to start preparations starting tonight.

Amora couldn't help but secretly curse when she saw the way he was thinking. She thought that there was actually a way to solve the problem. If you are so awesome, go straight through this passage to Jotunheim. Wouldn't it be better to just block the Frost Giants at home and kill them? If you block Lao Fei's door for ten and a half days, you won't be afraid of him surrendering.

At this moment, in Amora's eyes, the form of the silver giant was almost deified. At this time, Odin, the god king of Asgard, was old and his power had long since reached its peak. In her opinion, even Odin might not be a match for this giant.

With such strength, wouldn't it be easy to just conquer Jotunheim?

However, his family knew his own affairs, but Amora didn't know that Ultraman's form had endurance issues. The fifty-meter-level Ultraman is really powerful, but he can't last more than a few minutes. In addition, if he really killed the Frost Giants, Asgard would definitely not agree. Didn't you see that at the end of the movie, Brother Hammer even smashed the Rainbow Bridge and refused to allow Loki to do this?

Maybe after he was wiped out by the Frost Giants, Asgard would come looking for trouble again, and what was originally a small trouble would turn into a big one.

Richard decided to go back and notify SHIELD first and see what they decided later. So after finally telling Amora to remember to find him the address of the temple, he immediately returned to the Aegis stronghold.

Richard wakes up Agent Coulson from his sleep. Although he and Amora had made a lot of noise before, perhaps because Amora cast a shielding spell on the entire base, no one in the entire base except him was aware of Amora. 's arrival

Coulson was still sleepy-eyed when he was called out, but Richard woke him up with a sudden sentence: "Aliens have come to attack the earth, and they are on their way now."

Colson was startled and suddenly lost all sleep. He looked at Richard with a questioning look on his face.

I guess I just made a casual comment last time. You won’t really bring me a boatload of aliens this time, will you?

"Are you serious?" Coulson now seriously doubted Richard's integrity. However, he thought that the other party would not make fun of him with such a big matter.

"Of course. The enemy we face is the 'Frost Giant', from Jotunheim, one of the nine kingdoms. Asgardians have fought against them more often. For details, you can ask several Asgardians here. They probably know more than I do.”

Coulson said that he couldn't make up his own mind about such a big matter and had to ask his superiors for instructions first. So he immediately informed Fury, and Fury took the matter very seriously. Not long after, news came back from the headquarters, asking them to fly to the headquarters overnight with a few Asgardians for a meeting.

Several Asgardian warriors who were woken up in the middle of the night heard that there was a battle to be fought. They all jumped out of bed and expressed their desire to help. Especially Volstagg, the big guy jumped up half asleep and mumbled something like, "I'm going to use my ax to cut down the TND Frost Giant."

Although Comrade Thor is already a salty fish and can't help much even if they fight, he is still the prince of Asgard after all. With the insistence of several Asgardian warriors, everyone still brought this oil bottle.

The group flew to the designated SHIELD base that night to attend the meeting.

Several people arrived at their destination, and agents came to greet them immediately after disembarking from the Quinjet. They wandered around in the busy SHIELD base, and soon arrived at the conference room. A group of SHIELD bosses were already waiting inside.

Richard took a quick glance and saw that there were many faces he recognized in the conference room. For example, Victoria Hand, the old woman with square glasses and red hair, is a level 8 SHIELD agent. Another example is John Garrett, a level eight agent, but his true identity is actually a Hydra spy. Another example is Sylvette, a bald guy with glasses on his nose. He is a level six agent and is actually a Hydra spy. Another example is Alexander Pierce, the former director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and a Hydra spy.


Richard wondered, did there seem to be more Hydras in this room of senior agents?

Although he didn't recognize the senior agents who didn't appear in the movies and TV series, it seemed that most of the people he recognized were Hydra?

And Alexander Pierce. Although this kind-faced old man seems to have climbed to the position of Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., sorry, he is actually Hydra.

If you think about it carefully, it's actually not easy to cook braised eggs. A large number of his subordinates are all moles. This can't help but remind Richard of the black organization in a famous Japanese comic that he had seen before time travel. If you must compare, Lu Dan is the leader of the organization, and the good old Coulson is Gin. The good man said that he had done all the dirty work, and his teammates were paddling and shouting 6, but no one came out to do it.

What if one day Lu Dan also instigates rebellion and joins Hydra, and suddenly shows up and says that everyone should stop acting, in fact, I am also an undercover agent, then it will be great fun. At that time, all the undercover agents below were confused. What? Is the director also an undercover agent? Then whose fault are we covering?

(Thanks to book friends Feng Mo Dian’s Faust, Lulu Lulu Lulu Xiaowhisper, and Durham_Archbishop for their rewards!)

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