Zaki tried to step forward again, but encountered strong resistance just like the previous times. But this time he did not dodge, but roared and stepped forward bravely. His entire right hand was covered in a sharp blade of light, and he slashed at the back of Dark Lucifer's neck with all his strength. .

Lucifer was having a fierce exchange with Noah at this time, and he seemed to be completely unaware of it, but when Zaki was forced in front of him with a slash, he gave way, turned around and kicked Zaki away without looking back.

Noah took the opportunity to step up his offensive, trying to seize Lucifer's distraction and punch him several times. But while Lucifer took the time to deal with Zaki, his hand movements were not slow at all, and he calmly resolved Noah's attacks one by one.

The two sides fought faster and faster, until even Zaki couldn't see the speed clearly. Two bodies, one silver and one black, intertwined together, and the energy field radiated by the two formed a whirlwind, wrapping both sides in it like a tornado rising into the sky. The two afterimages were in the center of the storm, their figures flashing continuously, flying from the ground to mid-air, and then riding the storm back to the ground from high in the air.

"You know, Noah?" Lucifer said loudly and clearly while punching as he fell back to the ground, "Many people say that justice is the right of the strong. I think this is the law of how the world works - no matter which world That's all.

Powerful enough to make even the world itself obey your orders, and it will become whatever you want it to be. "

Noah moved sideways and turned into a blurry light image to avoid Lucifer's kick. He instantly moved behind the opponent and punched out, but Lucifer still raised his arm to hold him up without looking back.

"In the end, having power determines everything." Lucifer sneered, "This is what I think is funny about you, Noah, a long time ago.

You are clearly the most powerful being in the world, but you have never thought of using this power to shape the world.

You didn't use it to bring any changes to the world, but just kept using it for what? To help the weak? save life?

Absolutely boring. "

He deftly deflected Noah's two consecutive punches. He slapped Noah's punching arm with his left palm and knocked it away. He made a fist with his right hand and dragged a dark red arc of light towards his face as if the space was being torn apart. Door.

"It's so stupid. It was the same in the past, and so are you as the current heir of this light!" Lucifer raised his voice, "Why will this light always be born in people like you? People like you who hold yourself humble A weak guy who doesn't let go of his 'human' identity?"

Lucifer punched and dragged the domineering red light in front of Noah, but suddenly felt as if he was being pulled by a strange force, and he deflected the direction inexplicably. His tyrannical punch almost hit Noah's cheek, and the power and energy of the punch surged out, exploding behind the two of them, collapsing a large space behind them.

"What?" Lucifer was a little surprised.

The shadow of the fist immediately occupied his field of vision, like a silver bullet. The powerful punch exploded on his face, and the impact air wave exploded on Lucifer's face, knocking him away on his back.

This is not over yet.

Noah stood still, bluffing with his right hand, making a volley and pulling motion.

In an instant, Lucifer felt that his body was captured by something. Invisible hands grabbed his torso and pulled him back towards Noah without any explanation. Noah's right foot flew up and struck Lucifer's abdomen with even more terrifying divine power. A ball of golden light exploded on the dark giant's lower abdomen, followed by scattered sparks.

Lucifer was blasted away again, rolling on the ground in the dark realm, his head and face looking quite embarrassed.

But he laughed.

"I see." He stood up from his knees and swept away the dust slowly. "Repulsion and gravity are a small application of knowledge, right?"

Use repulsion to deflect Lucifer's attacking fist, and use gravity to pull his body back for a second combo.

And it's not over yet.

At this time, Noah has finished accumulating power, and the golden light shines between his arms, and then both fists are thrown out——

——Noah Gravity!

The powerful light technique shot through the air, with a roar that tore apart time and space.

Lucifer's whole body glowed with dark light, and his whole body was briefly quantized into dark particles and flashed several miles away. The golden super-gravity light suddenly fell into the air, shot all the way to the end of the subspace, penetrated the space and disappeared outside.

"Where are you fighting?"

Lucifer sneered, stood up and sprinted, turning into an afterimage that broke through the air and rushed forward again.


Lucifer's body was hit by a super-gravity ray.


The attack came from behind him, and the golden light stream hit his back. Lucifer groaned, staggered a step, and turned his head in disbelief to look at the direction of the attack.

With his vision as a god, Lucifer quickly understood what happened.

He saw a distorted space-time behind him returning to its original state.

Noah used "time reversal", but only designated a specific target. He made the time of the supergravity light that had just been emitted go back one second, and Lucifer's body happened to block the path of the light.

As mentioned before, as a cosmic god, you can apply and rewrite the rules in a single universe.

As a multiverse god, his existence itself is the rule.

It doesn't matter if the Infinity Stones are ineffective in this space, Noah doesn't need that kind of thing anyway. Most of the things that gems can do, he can do most of them himself.

At this time, Noah has completed the starting move of the final trick.

He used his right palm as a knife, the energy core on his chest radiated a huge V-shaped mark, and his left hand powerfully struck the wrist of his right hand.

Energy accumulated into the arm, and heavy amounts of super photons and plasma energy combined, turning into turbulent golden waves and shooting out.

That is Noah's ultimate skill, one of the most powerful tricks, a magical skill that can obliterate any concept of existence from time and space.

Noah Lightning.

Lucifer's body was hit head-on by this move. The power of Noah Lightning was poured out on Lucifer without any reservation. The destructive power that was enough to distort time and space impacted his body, trying to melt the darkness and completely erase him.

All the light penetrated Lucifer's body and finally exploded like a supernova. Light and heat took over the space, exploding the earth and releasing light towards the sky and the world beyond the warp.

Noah put down his hands in a cross shape, looked forward and breathed softly.

".It's really dangerous."

The voice of the dark giant came from the flames and smoke.

Noah took half a step back and solemnly took up his posture again.

The guy still hasn't fallen down.

Even after eating Noah Gravity and Noah Lightning in succession, this monster still stood tall.

"Should I say it's you?" The outline of Dark Lucifer gradually appeared in the smoke screen, sneering, "If I hadn't made some preparations in advance, I might have been killed by you now."

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