
With the current state, there is basically no limit on the number of clones of Nexus, but there is usually no need to use them. The greater the number of clones, the greater the decline in combat effectiveness of each clone. As the number, intensity, and duration of clones change, the energy consumption will become more intense, even affecting the combat effectiveness of the main body.

Therefore, clones are generally only used to lure enemies or have special functions. Richard doesn't like to easily transform into ten or eight clones to rush up and fight in a group.

But now the situation is different. Doppelgänger is the skill that can most easily achieve "appearing in all places at the same time". Although if there are too many, the ability of each clone will be greatly reduced, but if it is only enough to disintegrate a nuclear bomb, it is still more than enough.

In a flash of thought, the blue giant suddenly split into dozens of clones, each of which quantized and teleported in different directions.

In just a short moment, Ultraman appeared all over the earth. People all over the world can look up and see the blue giant appear in the sky, using the dazzling divine light of the sun to erase nuclear warheads into nothingness.

Although Ultraman has defeated powerful enemies time and time again and saved the earth from darkness, he has already given people a feeling that "he is omnipotent". But even so, when people see this situation now, they still can't help but feel a sense of "miraculous".

But this is really not an exaggeration, this is truly a miracle.

Only God can do this and wipe out all the nuclear bombs on the earth with a wave of his hand.

The manipulator behind the scenes saw more than a dozen Ultraman teleporting around the world, and seemed to quickly realize that something couldn't be done. Even if they then throw out all the nuclear bombs in the world's inventory, there is no point. In the face of such a number of gods who can teleport without CD and can wipe out atoms, no amount of nuclear bombs is meaningful.

So the other party fell silent and did not continue.

All military bases returned to normal at the same time, communications were restored, and all parties learned about the external situation and understood that this was just an accident and that a world war had not broken out.

Of course, various countries and organizations still need a certain amount of time to conduct diplomatic negotiations, clarify their positions, and persuade everyone to put down their guns and talk. However, I believe that after experiencing such a doomsday shared by everyone, it will be easier for everyone to reach a consensus.

When the matter came to an end, all nuclear bombs ceased to be launched, and Nexus immediately released his transformation. Multiple Ultraman around the world simultaneously dissipated into nothingness in the beam of light. But long after he disappeared, people from all over the place still gathered together and looked in that direction from a distance, and did not disperse for a long time.

Ultraman saves everyone once again, this time from humanity's own ultimate weapon.

Everyone living in this world is undoubtedly relieved. After the disaster, everyone feels that having such a guardian is really lucky for everyone.

But at the same time, some people who are too idle began to think from another angle——

——Since Ultraman has such magical powers, does that mean that even if we humans want to overturn the table and fight to the death, we can't do it?

Do our weapons really look like toys to him? Hundreds and thousands of nuclear bombs combined do not pose any threat at all?

A senior executive even called Stark about this, asking him if he had any other options other than nuclear bombs to check and balance Ultraman. Stark didn't even finish hearing these words and hung up impatiently.

How long has it been since these people are still thinking about checks and balances? Are they really confused about priorities?

Has Stark ever thought about designing an "anti-Ultraman armor"? Of course he has thought about it, but he has not succeeded so far.

But now he didn't have time to think about that.

Stark thought he already knew what was going on.

It was Ultron, his own creation, the product of his ingenuity and arrogance combined to become a common threat to all mankind.

He didn't understand why Ultron still existed, just like he didn't understand how Ultron had perfected itself from a incomplete framework before. Richard told him before that his Ultron program had been completely wiped out, and Stark checked it himself and found that this was indeed the case.

Although I don’t understand why, judging from the data traces left by the hacker in this attack, he can clearly see that his own algorithm and his own handwriting are indeed the traces he left when designing Ultron.

Stark felt that there was nothing to defend. This was his mistake and his responsibility.

He arrogantly wanted to protect everyone and thought he could save the world, but he failed and almost dragged everyone to pay the price with him.

Now he must take responsibility.

Stark took off his armor and sat tiredly behind his desk. Maria Hill came in and reported a long list of follow-up situations, and then SHIELD scientists, operations experts and others came in one after another to report.

Although not a single nuclear bomb hit the designated target in the end, the incident itself still caused the whole earth to explode. There are a bunch of people waiting for answers and a bunch of follow-up matters waiting to be dealt with.

Stark said almost nothing the whole time, only silently listening to everyone's reports and waving them out.

He sat alone in the office for a while.

After a while, he said in a deep voice: "If you are here to accuse me, there is no need. I will surrender and tell everyone that this is my responsibility."

Richard appeared silently behind him. He looked down at Stark and shook his head.

"No." Richard said, "I thought it was your responsibility at first. But now I find it's not."

Stark wondered: "What?"

"You did not complete Ultron. You proposed the concept and designed the framework, but someone completed the follow-up work for you." Richard said, "Later, I eliminated Ultron and completely erased his existence. I did it myself. But then he showed up and got a giant indestructible machine body."

Stark raised his head suddenly: "That robot in New York? That one too"

"Yes, that one is Ultron too. Someone is helping him."

Stark's eyes flickered and he frowned.

"But that doesn't change anything." He said, "I designed it, I came up with this idea. Even if it is used by others."

Richard shook his head: "Since the person behind the scenes is determined to cause trouble, even if he doesn't have this opportunity, he will still do it. If it's not Ultron, it will be something else. Remember this lesson and don't give it to me again. Just poke fun at other people."

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