Bow Ray, Lannai's ultimate move, is also one of the most powerful skills currently in Nexus' hands.

With Stardust's current life and physical form, it is difficult to be injured, and the concept of lifespan is meaningless to her. Unfortunately, the bow beam released by Nexus in her current state can erase even atoms, which is one of the rare skills that can hurt her.

However, Richard did not intend to completely obliterate the other party.

The four envoys of Galactus, including Stardust, are all Uncle Tun's wage earners, and they can barely be regarded as public officials of the universe, but they are in conflict with the earth's position at this moment. If you must count them together, the four of them should also be regarded as Ganata's subordinates. With this relationship, Richard would not want to kill him if possible.

Of course, killing or not is one thing, but depriving someone of their combat ability is another matter entirely.

A bow beam annihilated more than half of the atoms in Xingchen's body, and she probably wouldn't be able to recover for a while. After taking care of Stardust, the strongest among the three, the remaining two were no longer a problem. He could take care of them casually.

Then in the end, only Uncle Tun himself was left with the problem.

But then again, his old man's horses are almost all cleared out now, why is there still no movement from him?

Richard was always paying attention during the fight, but let alone Uncle Tun himself, not even a tiny bit of extra cosmic energy fluctuation could be found in the surrounding star field.

Is it possible that he really didn't come?

But no matter what, one problem at a time, let’s solve the immediate trouble first.

Nexus had finished gathering his momentum, and the energy of his bow had reached its peak. The back of the bow trailed a golden stream of light, locking the position of Stardust.

But the bow and arrow failed to escape after all.


A weak voice suddenly sounded from the side.

Richard turned his head and saw Ganata, who was wearing purple trousers, a short skirt and stockings, and the highly recognizable cross-section helmet, appearing next to him at some point, looking at it in confusion. here.

"Sister Stardust?"

The little girl looked at Stardust and then at Nexus, her face full of confusion.

Ganata appeared, and the battle situation on the other two sides instantly cooled down. The Flame King and the Tyrant both escaped from the battle circle, and their attention was focused on Ganata. They had no intention of continuing to fight for the time being. The Earth's superheroes were already having a hard time parrying the two men's attack. When they saw the two men taking action, they all took advantage of the opportunity to recover. No one took the initiative to come forward to cause trouble.

Richard sighed softly in his heart, lowered his arm, and the golden light arrow turned into countless particles and dissipated.

Well, what I wanted to avoid the most turned out to be unavoidable.

Maybe Ganata sensed something. After all, these messengers were somewhat related to her. It was not surprising that she could detect these people flying so close to the solar system.

Stardust stood up and turned to Ganata: "I'm very sorry. I know it was a bit rash and sudden for us to do this, but we have something we must report to you."

Richard was a little surprised: "Are you here to find Ganata?"

Stardust nodded: "I told you, things are not what you think."

Richard was speechless: "So if you want to see Ganata, can't you just say so and be done with it?"

He didn't want Ganata to see these envoys because he was afraid that there would be a conflict between the two parties and she would be caught in the middle. But it wouldn't matter if they weren't coming for Earth.

After all, several messengers can be regarded as Ganata's retainers. How can Richard prevent them from meeting?

However, Stardust stubbornly shook his head: "This is confidential. I am not authorized to tell irrelevant people."

Richard waved his hand helplessly and stepped aside.

"Okay, then just say what you want to say quickly."

As long as the matter does not involve the earth, it is other people's household affairs, and I have no position to interfere in whatever they say. Even if a few envoys came under orders to bring Ganata back, it would be useless.

But Richard guessed that Ganata might not be willing to follow them back to see her father. It would be embarrassing if she hugged him and refused to let him go.

Richard had no intention of eavesdropping on other people's housework, but the other party still seemed a little wary of him and did not communicate verbally. Stardust held a ball of light between his fingertips and tapped Ganata's forehead lightly, as if to convey some message to her. But only the two of them know what the specific content is.

Ganata was stunned for a moment after receiving the message, and her expression seemed a little stunned. After a while, she asked: "Is this true?"

Stardust didn't speak, just nodded.

Flame Emperor and Tyrant also stood behind with their heads bowed without saying a word. The three envoys did not speak, but stood in a circle around Ganata, as if waiting for their master to give orders.

Ganata looked even more bewildered. She turned to look at Richard, and then at the group of envoys with their heads lowered in front of her. She struggled for a while before finally making a decision.

She walked up to Richard, lowered her head and tugged on the hem of her skirt.

"I'm sorry, Richard, but I may have to leave."

Richard was stunned for a moment.

He didn't expect this.

He knew that in her heart Ganata was unwilling to go back. She didn't know what these messengers said to her to make her change her mind, but at least it was her own decision and he couldn't interfere.

It was just a little too sudden, so sudden that he didn't even think about what kind of expression he should use to face it.

So he had no choice but to nod: "Well, be careful on the way back."

Although it's probably nothing to pay attention to. With Ganata's status and strength, and the protection of these retainers, if she wanted to go sideways, no one would dare to say no.

Ganata's little head was so low that it was almost buried in her chest, and she didn't speak for a long time.

Richard took a deep breath and touched her little head.

"Okay, don't look so sad." He tried to make his voice sound relaxed, "It's not like we will never see each other again. The universe is only so big. Come back when you want to meet. Isn’t that good?”

Ganata still said nothing, but seemed to nod.

"By the way, since you have to leave, why not bring some delicious food back." Richard said, "Just wait here for a while, and I will get you a few boxes of snacks, milk tea, etc. You can take it with you on the way back. "

Ganata shook her head.

"No," she said, "Thank you very much for taking care of me. You really taught me a lot of things and made me so many delicious foods. I don't know how to thank you. But I really Gotta go."

"I should be the one to say thank you. You have helped me so much and I haven't had the chance to compensate you for anything until now." Richard said, "We have agreed, let me know in advance next time you come, and I will prepare it for you." An unprecedented meal.”

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