The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 569 Raton (Additional update for the helmsman Cucumber!)

Skull Island, Hydra base.

Since the establishment of this Hydra base, it has never encountered any external attacks or encountered any external enemies. This is the first time in history.

The person in charge of the base immediately issued a second-level alert for the entire island. The automatic defense turrets and anti-air missiles were all activated. Quinjet fighter jets took off one after another, hanging in the air more than 4,000 meters, waiting for the high-speed object to approach.

"Attention all units, the target has appeared!" the leading pilot shouted.

Although invisible, their target had definitely appeared on the plane's radar. All fighter jets entered combat mode, and machine guns, energy cannons and missiles were all locked on a target behind the thick clouds.


Hydra is not a benevolent organization. "Shoot first and ask questions later" is a fine tradition passed down by Hydra from ancient times. No matter what the thing coming across from him is, it has invaded their Hydra territory. Let's blow it up first!

The Quinjet formation fired a full salvo, all the firepower pouring out. The clouds were torn apart, and intensive artillery fire hit the same target at the same time. The fireballs that exploded one after another formed a floating sea of ​​​​fire, and the billowing black smoke engulfed everything.

The last gun barrel also stopped, and the sound of gunfire still echoed in the air for a long time.

The leader pilot looked directly at the black fog floating in the sky, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

"Report! The target is not injured! Repeat, the target is not injured! All units avoid immediately."

The Hydra pilots pulled the control stick at the same moment and quickly tried to avoid it, but it was already too late. The giant shadow flew out like a huge floating battleship through the black smoke. A huge strange bird flapped its wings, dragging a transparent air ring behind it, and crashed straight into it at an incredible high speed!

The jet power of the Quinjet is about three to four times that of conventional aircraft in service with the US military, but at this moment it is still as slow as a cumbersome woodcock in front of the behemoth in front of it.

The giant bird rushed past, directly hitting several oncoming fighter jets with its body and wings and shattering them into pieces. The body exploded into a dazzling fireball, and countless burning parts fell from the sky.

Although the fighter plane that was a little further away barely avoided the collision, the giant bird actually erupted with a powerful sound wave the moment it passed by! The sound waves mixed with the wind pressure from its wings, and the powerful force blew all the remaining fighter planes apart, and parts fell from the sky like raindrops.

Total destruction!

It only took a few seconds from the exchange of fire between the two sides to the end. The entire Quinjet formation had been wiped out!

The name of this giant bird is Raton.

It is also a well-known monster in the Godzilla series. It looks like a prehistoric pterosaur. It also appeared in the movie "Godzilla 2" and showed dominance when facing the US military.

The Hydra base was completely panicked and all anti-air missiles were released. But their missiles hitting Raton were no different than setting off fireworks.

The protective shield was damaged by Godzilla who wandered off the island, and there was no time to repair it yet. Rodon flew over the turret and missile launcher in a swagger, flapped his wings, and sonic waves exploded, blasting all the facilities below to pieces. Raton pushed past the base without any hindrance in the entire process.

But Raton never glanced at these humans from beginning to end. Its target was not the base itself.

What it is looking for is something hidden in this base.

Raton lowered his altitude and flew over the jungle. The strong wind from his wings made the trees bend down. Its eyes are keenly searching and its nose is sniffing like a hound.

Suddenly its eyes lit up and it discovered something among the green mountains below. Then its eyes became sharp, like a hawk preparing to pounce on its prey.

--Got you.

At this moment, our Miss Mothra had realized that something was wrong. She flapped her wings and turned away from her warm nest, running away into the mountains.

Maybe it's because she's a girl, or maybe it's because she hasn't reached the rebellious stage yet. In short, Miss Mothra doesn't like to run out every two days like Godzilla. Even if the protective net is lifted, she only likes to move around the island. When Godzilla takes it to play, it will occasionally go to areas outside the protective net, but it will never go further.

Before that, it had been living a comfortable life similar to Godzilla's, except for eating and sleeping. But now it seems that this good life may be coming to an end.

The moment Rodan landed on the island, Miss Mothra knew that this guy was coming for her.

However, in comparison, Raton is more than 50 meters tall and has a wingspan of more than 260 meters. He flies in the sky and blocks out the sun like a big dark cloud. And what about Mothra? The little one, who is only less than twenty meters tall, is petite, pitiful and helpless. He can't do anything at first glance!

You can't blame it, after all, it was born a few years later than Godzilla, and God knows how old this Rodon is!

So Miss Mothra made a decisive decision - we good girls don't want to suffer the immediate loss, just run away and be done with it!

However, the wings that it is proud of are a bit in the way at this time, because its wings are so shining. The adult Mothra comes with special effects of holy light. When its wings are spread out, the light effect is gorgeous and dazzling, which is really eye-catching. Raton saw its location at a glance from a long distance away.

Ladon sneered inwardly. Hey, want to run? Do you think you can escape from my hands?

It chased behind, flapped its wings fiercely, and opened its mouth to let out another loud roar. The sound wave and the air flow flew out, but this time the power was very concentrated, like an air cannon chasing Mothra!

Air cannons are colorless and invisible, and the only way to perceive them is through changes in airflow. At the same time, it shoots extremely fast, and by the time it catches up behind it, it's already too late to dodge. Mothra urgently pulled up, but still couldn't completely dodge. Its beautiful wings were scraped by the blade-like cyclone, leaving a deep crack underneath the shining wings.

Mothra screamed, turned quickly, lowered her altitude and rushed into a winding valley.

This valley is not spacious, and the internal terrain is complicated, winding, and full of bunkers. It is not easy for Raton's air cannon to hit it.

Sure enough, Mothra flexibly avoided Rodon's two consecutive air cannon shots by using terrain and bunkers, and failed to hit again. On the contrary, Mothra relied on her small stature to move nimbly, while Rodan was too big to maneuver in the narrow valley, so the two sides gradually distanced themselves.

Raton roared in dissatisfaction, as if in demonstration.

Smart boy, do you think you can stop me from doing this?

Thinking too much!

There was another scream, and the sound wave was carried by the strong wind. Mothra flapped her wings and avoided it again, but found that this time she was not aiming at it. The powerful sound waves flew diagonally from underneath its shining wings, rushed in front of it, and hit the mountain above its head directly in front of it.

Sound waves poured in, and the mountain suddenly collapsed! Rocks rolled down from the top. Mothra didn't brake quickly and rushed into the rockfall area. The situation suddenly became dangerous!

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