Manhattan, corner of 39th Street.

To most citizens who are familiar with Manhattan, this store with a shabby appearance and shabby appearance on the corner of the street is just an ordinary nightclub. But for certain people - or certain things - this is a place of lawlessness.

Past the dilapidated facade and rusty escalators, hidden at the bottom of the nightclub is a surprisingly large dark space. The hall was crowded with people, and the dark figures were all twisting and dancing in some kind of ancient sacrificial ritual. Dazzling colored lights flashed over everyone's heads over and over again, and gothic music hovered in the air.

It's like a devil's feast.

A dozen or twenty haggard-looking, disheveled teenagers and girls were surrounded by the carnival crowd on the dance floor in the middle of the hall. Colorful spotlights flickered on and off in the middle of the dance floor, as if they were the theme of the carnival. Some of them are trafficked, some are smugglers, and illegal immigrants. But these are not important anymore.

Here they have only one identity, and that is food.

This is one of the carnival spots for vampires living in New York. Every once in a while the vampires hold a feast here featuring singing, dancing and eating. The food for each feast is carefully selected by the organizers and brought to the young people. In the eyes of vampires, it may be considered "fine food".

A human-looking vampire wearing a suit and tie slowly walked up the steps, showing his sharp fangs and looking at one of the pretty girls with a ferocious smile. He stretched out his fingers and slowly slid them along the girl's snow-white cheeks to her delicate chin, his hungry eyes like looking at a sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

The girl's expression was dull, as if she was completely numb to her dark fate. This is true of virtually everyone brought here.

For them, there is no future for them.


A discordant muffled sound came from the back of the hall. Although the music was quite loud, vampires have a hearing far beyond that of ordinary people, and everyone present heard the sound clearly.

All the vampires stopped dancing and turned their heads warily to look in the direction of the entrance.

The vampires in the Marvel world are not as glamorous as their counterparts in many other stories. It seems that vampires are much stronger than humans, but their own fatal weaknesses such as fear of sunlight and silverware are destined to be in a weak position in the racial confrontation with humans. Furthermore, in a system like Marvel, a mere vampire is really no big deal. Not to mention that most of the superheroes in New York can fight a group of vampires one at a time.

Therefore, the way of survival of vampires in this world is actually quite difficult. They rely on disguising themselves as humans to accumulate wealth and social status so as to find a living space for their race in the cracks.

Because of this, most vampires are actually quite insecure. They are afraid of being discovered and exposed, because once they are under the sun and forced to go to war with humans, they all know that they have no chance of winning.

The door to the hall was violently kicked open from the outside. Richard was dressed casually, standing casually in the open doorway, his eyes quickly sweeping over the dark mass of vampires.

Oh, I won the prize.

Before Richard came here, he thought there were only three or five vampires gathered here. Unexpectedly, he won the jackpot by blind guessing and bumped into one of the largest gatherings of vampires in Manhattan.

But bad luck for these vampires.


The vampires began to stir. Their natural sense of smell can help them quickly identify aliens. At the first moment, they all realized that the guy who suddenly broke in was just a pure-blood human.

A human being, isn't that equivalent to food?

Each of the vampires began to show excited expressions, as if they saw fried chicken drumsticks delivered to their doorsteps. Can you believe that tonight’s feast includes extra food?

A female vampire who was standing closer to the door, wearing only lingerie and a rather hot figure, came over with a seductive smile on her lips. She smiled and twisted her waist and walked up to Richard: "This handsome gentleman, do you want to come and have a carnival together?"

Richard glanced at her sideways and took out the energy blast gun without saying a word. With a blast of blue light, the female vampire maintained a charming smile and was hit by the blue light. Her entire body was instantly torn apart under the dazzling light. Everyone could clearly see that her fair skin was gradually corroded and shattered, exposing her white bones, which were then broken down into flying particles in the next half second.

In less than a second, the female vampire was shattered into pieces under the gaze of all the vampires, with not even a drop left.

The expressions of the vampires changed instantly. They were not only surprised by the strange firearm in the hands of this human being, but they were also shocked by the strong light that erupted at that moment. The moment the shot released its brilliance, all the vampires in the room felt a painful burning sensation, as if their skin and internal organs were being burned by boiling water.

As we all know, sunlight is the natural enemy of vampires. To this group of vampires, the light possessed by Richard seemed a hundred times more terrifying than the light of the sun.

After a few seconds of shock, two more vampires shouted loudly and rushed up from the crowd, one from the left and the other from the right. They are extremely fast, but their teeth and claws are exaggerated, and they are full of flaws from head to toe. Richard took half a step forward to meet him, and grabbed the air with his free left hand. The Evolution Trustee appeared out of thin air in his hand like a dagger. He struck like lightning, hitting the two vampires on the shoulders and abdomen respectively. The power of light circulated, and the two vampires were torn apart and turned into powder by the light that their bodies could not bear.

At this moment, the vampires exploded, and the vampires in the room immediately began to rush towards the exit of the hall desperately. Even vampires are mostly just "civilians". Like humans, their first reaction when facing a fatal threat is to save their lives. After all, there are only a few vampires who can fight for their lives with their blood boiling. When Richard showed off his explosive gun and killed the first vampire instantly, most of the vampires present were already intimidated.

But of course, militants also exist. Several vampires took out steel pipes, crowbars, and even a few submachine guns from nowhere, and rushed forward one by one desperately.

But whether they fight or flee, today is destined not to be a lucky day for this group of vampires.

None of them can escape.

(Thanks to book friends 150225125115311, Dream Queen, QMONG, Bai Yiyanyang, Happy Book Guest, ko90, and 20190119145705298 for their rewards!)

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