In the end, little Peter still failed to travel with the Avengers as he wished. But it wasn't that Gwen changed her mind and didn't want to take him, but that little Peter couldn't arrange his own school life. Although he was very frustrated by this, he finally gave up.

A day later, Gwen and Jessica took their little Godzilla out together.

Fu Lian and others were okay. Although little Godzilla was quite strange, most of the people present were well-informed, and it was not like they had never seen something even stranger. Especially for Fu Lian, who had just had sex with a 100-meter-long giant python not long ago, a small dinosaur with its head reaching the ceiling is really not something to be overly surprised about.

But little Godzilla was a little scared. It had not seen many outsiders since it emerged from its shell. This time it saw so many strange faces that it couldn't help but be wary at all times. It huddled in the corner and shivered.

However, this hostility was resolved soon after. Godzilla is also very adaptable, and the little guy soon accepted these colorful new friends. Of course, this is also related to the bag of potato chips that Jessica brought specially. Little Godzilla’s eyes lit up when he saw the potato chips. He hugged the bag and started chewing. Everything unfamiliar seemed to him in the blink of an eye. Was thrown out of the sky.

After the tenants and pets left the house, the house suddenly became cleaner. Richard stopped all the things he was doing for the past two days. He stopped going to the newspaper office and put the movie on hold for the time being. He even stopped using the vest of the leader of Hydra for the past two days. He lay peacefully at home, watching TV dramas, and exploring the cosmic energy he had just absorbed in his body to deepen his understanding of the new power.

But one of the most interesting things about Marvel is that the world is always full of surprises. Sometimes when you go out and take a few steps, surprises will come to your door.

That night, Richard had just finished dinner and was strolling leisurely along the street, when his extraordinary senses suddenly caught something.

Someone is watching him.

This wasn't the first time he had felt something like this. The power of light made his senses extremely sharp, and after several times of strengthening, this ability was also improved accordingly. Now he can not only sense that someone is following him, but he can also roughly judge the opponent's location, and even judge the opponent's strength level and physical fitness based on minute information such as voice and breath.


Richard became slightly more interested. He began to deliberately deviate from the main road, wandering around while choosing those uninhabited paths. As he continued deeper into the alley, there were fewer and fewer passers-by around him. He didn't stop until he could see no ghosts in two or three streets.

Then the lingering shadow took the initiative to step out of the shadows.

"I don't know why you came here," Shadow walked out and snorted in a deep voice, "Congratulations on picking a good place for yourself as a grave."

Richard rolled his eyes at him.

Although I don’t know who you are, brother, but as far as I know, nine out of ten people who said this are chilled...

The man walked under the pale moonlight, and finally his appearance was completely revealed. He was a man of about middle age, with well-kept hair, and a gray-black suit. He was dressed in a human-like manner, but his eyes revealed a ferocious light like a beast.

"Remember me, Richard Lee?" the man asked coldly.

Richard narrowed his eyes and looked at him for a while, feeling as if he had seen him before but also as if he had never seen him before...

To be honest, he feels that his memory is quite good. He can remember most of the prominent bosses in the MCU series of movies and American TV series. But he really wanted to stop fighting for a while.

He couldn't pretend to understand if he didn't understand, so Richard shook his head honestly: "I don't remember. Who are you?"

This sentence seemed to have a huge impact on the man. He roared furiously: "Who am I? I am a man who once had everything, but you took it all away! You took away my life and destroyed everything about me!"

Richard couldn't help but duck his head when he saw how excited he was squirting, and at the same time he tried hard to think - who the hell is this lunatic?

In fact, I really can't blame him for not remembering it. It's true that there are too many people who meet this condition. Almost every big figure who was defeated by their Daily Planet could jump out and roar like this. How could Richard remember them all?

"Sorry." Richard replied politely but helplessly, "But I really can't remember. Have we met?"

The man was so angry that he was snorting and breathing heavily, like a bull wiping the ground in a bullring preparing to charge. The most annoying thing in the world is not that you can't get revenge, but that you have developed the ability to run in front of the enemy you hate the most in your life, and people can't remember who you are...

"If you can't remember...then go to hell and think about it slowly!"

The man roared exaggeratedly and raised his arms. Something like some kind of viscous liquid suddenly burst out from around him, covering him tightly in the blink of an eye.

The man's body disappeared in an instant, and his entire body expanded in a large circle, like a small giant. His body turned white, his eyes were covered by a twisted mask, and his body seemed to be covered with some kind of white biological exoskeleton armor. There were sharp teeth in his mouth and a long tongue like a snake stretched out.

Symbiotes from alien planets, riot.

Richard slapped his forehead: "Oh, who are you... Wait, don't remind me, I can remember...Drake! Is that you, Drake?"

He really remembered this time. Isn't this the same Drake who was killed by a rocket in the Venom movie? The host of the riot?

So it seems that Drake's Life Foundation was indeed destroyed by their newspaper not long ago, and the boss Drake himself quickly packed up and ran away before anyone checked the water meter. But then there was something about Lord Skyhammer and Jörmungandr. Richard, a small character like this, forgot about it for a while...

"That's right! It's me!" Riot roared angrily, with spittle flying from his mouth. "You ruined everything for me and drove me into the abyss, but guess what? Now I'm back from hell, and I'm better than ever. Be stronger at all times! Now I'm going to crush you to death like an ant. Do you regret it? It's too late! You will die in incomparable pain, and then regret for the mistakes you have committed forever!"

Richard: "...", I'm not trying to dampen your enthusiasm for revenge, but your current state...actually, to me, it's really about the same as a bigger ant...

But before he could do anything, he saw another huge black shadow falling from the sky, suddenly jumping down to block the gap between Riot and him.

"Don't worry, Mr. Li." Venom said in a deep voice with a handsome pose, "Leave this place to us."

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