The Game Warrior

Chapter 208: Unsightly

The sixth fireworks fired in March of Chapter 208 of Yangzhou, the appearance of the people suddenly changed, so the clouded leopard did not care to bite the leopard's mouth to eat Huang Rong.

The pomegranate is sizzling with four hoofs and struggling to pull the leg out of the mesh, jumping for two feet and seeing that it is not far from the net ...

It's a pity that at this time a similarly large net fell again from the sky ...

The problem is that the animal reaction of the clouded leopard on his back is not good enough. He stepped on the back of the pomegranate and left four blood marks while drilling out of the gap between the two nets. Tsai kicked back into the net.

When the two nets were closed, the Du Guhong Huang Rong pomegranate inside was wrapped tightly.

Clouded leopard with a lot of interest around the net dumplings began to circulate inside Du Guhong Huang Rong sweating on his forehead. What kind of leopard? Actually know how to arrange traps?

Fortunately, at this time a loud voice came from afar: "Come on! That beast is on the net!"

After a burst of cheers, the sound of striking the gong and drums came from the opposite side, and tens of hundreds of lights accompanied by rapid footsteps quickly approached the two men, one horse and one leopard.

It turned out that the two people in the trap network laid by the player first relaxed and then mentioned the heart.Is Tang Chunyu so magical that he knows to ambush here?

Clouded Leopard watched the direction of the lights alertly and hesitated for a while. He still felt that the heroes couldn't hold the crowd. The panthers couldn't hold the wolves with their tails and disappeared into the forest.

"What's going on? Does it seem that there is something wrong with that animal?" The person holding the lamp gradually came around.

"Why is addiction a horse? There are two people?" When a group of people approached Du Guhong and Huang Rong, they also saw that these people were wrong. They were not the players they expected. They were a group of people wearing coarse clothes and holding hoes in their hands. Some are holding shovel. If not, there are a few people with bows and guns. So a group of people standing is a pile of farmers.

Du Guhong and Huang Rong jumped awkwardly on the side of the tree before they said anything: "Hey" don't mention it. Originally, the beasts were all caught on the net, and they were sent out by the three bastards. "

It turned out that this group of people set such a big trap just to catch the leopard. Unfortunately, the leopard clever escaped at the last minute.

Listening to this poor tone, Du Guhong, who is trying to get away, has hurriedly started to pitifully say: "We are also victims Ya!"

"Shut up! The pirates also said that they are the victims!" A leading man shouted fiercely and waved his hand "Tie up and even bring the horse back together."

"Pomegranate don't be afraid, don't worry, it's okay." Huang Rong appeased Tianma, who was desperately struggling, and turned to quietly ask Du Guhong, "This should be a task? What should we do?"

Du Guhong also shook his head: "It's rare for the task to touch this first, let's look at the situation first and then talk about it."

Although these crops are dressed up, they are really small, with all their hands and feet, and those halberds and hooks really take the people and horses back to the small village not far away. This is a very small village. Ten households are located at the foot of Tiantai Mountain.

The peasants dropped them in front of a ancestral building. They obviously fell deliberately and deliberately with a vent of anger.

When the leader walked into the ancestral hall, Du Guhong burst into hearing. He heard the leader respectfully said to another person: "Master, your heavens and earth nets are indeed amazing and unparalleled. The animal is about to be caught, but unfortunately, two sudden Emerge

The pine eggs that came here ruined you looking at this ... "I didn't expect that the two nets that flew from the ground and fell from the sky were really called Tian Luo Di nets.

"Not successful?" The master seemed stunned. "What about the net?"

"I still brought it back intact outside."

Hearing that the net was okay, the master first breathed a sigh of relief and then said impatiently: "Then you can just change the net and cast the bait again, can't you just do it? Don't bother me if I'm fine. I still have to practice."

Hearing here that Du Guhong stretched his hand to touch the net outside, he felt that the material was a little weird.

"Don't pull the useless gold-gu bee hog thorns can't be cut." Huang Rong has already tried it. "I'm afraid your ice soul will be cold."

Yi Gongjing, who was scolded by the master in the ancestral hall, said: "Master, you do n’t know that this animal has appeared since a year ago. I do n’t know how many animals have injured us, how many people we have, and we have n’t moved to do traps.

. "

"But this beastly, sly, and simple trap can see through it at a glance. It can hold the bait away for a while, and can keep the machine from moving. Occasionally, even if it succeeds once or twice, it can also be avoided by it, and as long as the trap is caught once, it will not. Again. I'm worried about this day ... "

What else can we do? "

"Master, I remember when you first came to mention that you also have an organ called a beast cage ..."

That trap must be a living person to act as a bait, did you disagree? "

"Of course, people who use us disagree, but if they are outsiders ..."

Is this really the uncle peasant uncle with a stubborn face? Hearing Du Guhong's heart thrilled here ~ ~ Outsiders? The two people came from outside? "Hearing the leader's words Then the master made three steps and made two steps out of the ancestral hall.

When I was alone with this master, I knew how it was. The so-called master turned out to be a player in a robe. Obviously, the task of catching a leopard was that the touched person and Huang Rong happened to meet again.

The priest suddenly turned his head and squinted with the Taoist eyes: "Two problems. The first trapping cage is difficult to make. Need a lot of materials. Do you have two here? The second two bait ..." Taoist Only then did I see Huang Rong's appearance and couldn't help but be surprised for a while before he turned his head and continued, "Will they?"

"We can start preparing the materials tomorrow. As for these two people ..." The leading man grinned. "Why do they want it or not? If it wasn't for them, the beast would be caught. Since they are broken, of course it is up to them! "

The Taoist priest showed a smug look and did not like outsiders to disturb him by forcing Du Guhong and Huang Rong to be human.

Which one heard Du Guhong just smiled slightly, "I don't think so."

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