The first dragon of all time

Chapter 66 Don’t take it too easy

"Lingwu Academy is a secondary academy. Do you think you can get in if you want to?"

Lin Mu laughed heartily, "The disciples who can be selected into the Lingwu Academy are all the young geniuses selected from a million. I think back then, the three of us with martial arts of Xuan level and above almost failed to pass the entrance exam, not to mention you are only Huang. If you have a second or third level martial art and haven’t practiced it before, you don’t have to think about it!”

This time, Yang Xue did not speak for Long Qingchen. She was a little speechless, "Didn't you consider the junior college and small sect I introduced to you just now?"

Yang Gu sighed, "Brother, please listen to my advice and don't aim too high. Only by finding a junior college or a small sect calmly can you be selected. After all, your martial arts of the second and third levels of Huangpin are a bit... ..slightly on the low side.”

Maybe he was worried about hurting Long Qingchen's self-esteem, so he said it more tactfully.

"What's a little on the low side?"

Lin Mu, however, did not take that much into consideration and was very direct, "Even the junior colleges and small sects require martial arts of the fifth level of Huangpin or above. In my opinion, even if he wants to enter the junior colleges and small sects, it is a bit risky!"

"I have decided."

Long Qingchen's expression was indifferent. He had already passed through the dragon blood road that had been sealed for eight thousand years, let alone a secondary college?

Seeing how determined he was, Yang Gu and Yang Xue were helpless and couldn't say anything more.

Lin Mu patted Long Qingchen's shoulder and smiled meaningfully, "You might as well give it a try... You are so brave!"

The three of them continued to hunt wild beasts and spiritual beasts. Long Qingchen watched the battle from the side. From the fight between the three of them, he could see that there was actually not much difference between the cultivation of the human race and the cultivation of the dragon race. Their martial arts and body skills were also different. It's somewhat similar, but the power used is different.

Five days later, the three of them obtained a small pile of animal pills, more than a hundred of them, and three large bundles of animal skins, each carrying one bundle.

Yang Gu smiled with a rich smile, "That's almost it. Selling these beast elixirs and skins will be enough for us to support the academy's repair money and food for a year."

"I'll carry it."

Seeing Yang Xue carrying a large bundle of animal skins on his back, Long Qingchen felt a little embarrassed because his slender body was not proportional to the huge animal skins.

Since being plotted by Long Jinxuan'er, he has been trying to change his ideas and try his best to adapt to this world where the strong are respected. However, he has to admit that his ideas will still be affected by the Earth China. When he sees a girl Carrying heavy objects makes me feel uncomfortable.

Yang Xue chuckled, "No, these animal skins are very heavy, at least six to seven hundred kilograms. You are not a cultivator, so you can't carry them."

"Since he wants to carry it, let him carry it."

A smile appeared on Lin Mu's lips, as if he wanted to see Long Qingchen embarrassed.

However, his smile quickly solidified.

Yang Xue was in a daze.

Yang Gu was also stunned.

I saw Long Qingchen holding up the animal skin with one hand, like holding a straw, don't be too relaxed.

"Although I have never practiced spiritual power, I have been tempering my body since I was a child."

Seeing the doubts of the three people, he could only talk about the train. His power of the blue dragon was sealed. However, with the strong body of the dragon clan, carrying a bundle of 560 kilograms of animal skins was really like playing.

Lin Mu had a strange look in his eyes, "You do have some brute strength."

Yang Xueli's eyes lit up, "Although your martial arts are a little low...but your physique is indeed good. If you try out in those junior colleges and small sects, there is a high chance that you will be selected!"

"talk later."

Long Qingchen was indifferent and didn't want to say more about this matter.

The four of them walked out of Taicang Mountain and came to a small town.

Long Qingchen noticed that although this small town was dilapidated, it was extremely prosperous. There were many shops selling weapons, armors, elixirs, etc., and there were also many stalls, shouting and selling, and it was very lively.

This town is backed by Taicang Mountain and has a geographical advantage. Many cultivators need supplies before entering Taicang Mountain. The beast pills, animal skins, medicinal materials and other cultivation resources obtained from Taicang Mountain will also be sold here. Naturally, it will attract countless dealers.

After selling three large bundles of animal skins and more than a hundred animal elixirs, I got more than three thousand taels of silver. I have to say that the value of animal skins and animal elixirs is indeed good. This is why everyone wants to become a cultivator. , by casually hunting some wild beasts and spiritual beasts, you can obtain huge wealth, which is difficult for ordinary people to achieve in their lifetime.

Yang Gu suggested, "How about we give this brother one hundred taels of silver?"

Yang Xue smiled and said, "I have no objection."

Lin Mu was a little dissatisfied, "We fought hard to get these beast elixirs and skins. He didn't contribute at all, so why should we share them with him?"

Yang Gu glanced at him and said, "How can you say that? Without this brother, we would have been killed by the silver-backed sharp-clawed ape."

Lin Mu waved his hand impatiently, "Split it, split it. It's okay to pay back the life-saving grace, so you won't have to worry about it all the time."

Hearing what he said, Yang Gu couldn't help but frown, "This brother just came from the Northern Territory and is unfamiliar with the place. We gave him one hundred taels of silver just to help him, not to repay the grace of saving his life. The grace of saving his life It’s priceless!”

"Okay." Lin Mu curled his lips.

Long Qingchen waved his hand, "No, I have enough travel expenses."

"Take it." Yang Gu couldn't help but said, putting one hundred taels of silver into his hand.

Long Qingchen had no choice but to accept it, which touched his heart. It seemed that not everyone in this world was ruthless, and there were still some good people...

Possibly because he had solved the problem of money and food in the college, Yang Gu was in a good mood and said with a smile, "There is a restaurant in front of us. The chef who is in charge is from our hometown. His cooking skills are excellent. We Every time I come out of Taicang Mountain, I go there to have a few drinks and have a toothpaste ceremony, and this time is no exception!"

Following the three of them, they arrived at the restaurant. Long Qingchen raised his eyes and looked at the signboard. Sure enough, it was "a restaurant."

The lobby of the restaurant is very spacious, and there are many guests. There are seven tables, all of which are practitioners. There are various weapons next to the tables. Many men are shirtless, drinking from large bowls, and eating meat. It is very noisy.

The four of them found a seat by the window and ordered five dishes and a jar of old wine.

Not long after, the food and wine were served.

Yang Gu was very heroic. He took off his shirt and threw it on the empty stool. He raised the wine jar, poured four bowls and raised the bowl to Long Qingchen. Enough said, from now on, if you need help with anything, just come to us, from now on, we are brothers!"


Long Qingchen raised the bowl, touched it with him, and drank it all in one gulp.

The three of them started eating, one bowl after another.

Yang Gu drank the most, followed by Lin Mu, and Long Qingchen drank less. With his Dragon Clan's "belly", if he let go of eating and drinking, the three thousand taels of silver for the three of them would probably not be enough. Take it easy... ...

Yang Xue was a girl after all, so she drank less and didn't finish half the bowl.

"Miss, this place is dirty, let's find another one."

At the gate, a girl walked in wearing a moon-white costume and holding a long sword. She was about fourteen or fifteen years old. She did not wear any makeup, but her face was extremely beautiful. She was like a beauty. Maybe because of her young age, her body was relatively slender. , her big eyes curiously looked at the guests at each table in the lobby. She seemed to be full of curiosity about everything. With her arrival, the dirty lobby seemed to be much brighter.

Next to the girl, there was a maidservant who was slightly older than her, sixteen or seventeen years old. Although she was not as stunningly beautiful as her, she was still fair and clean, with a beautiful face. Her nose was slightly wrinkled and her mouth was covered, as if she was a little disgusted. here.

The noisy guests became quieter, less rude, and stopped telling dirty jokes.

Many of the shirtless guests looked a little uncomfortable as they picked up their tops and put them on.

Yang Gu's face became hot and he stretched his hands to his shirt.

"Why are you pretending to be a young lady from a big family?"

Lin Mu curled his lips, picked up the wine bowl, and drank it all in one gulp.

When Long Qingchen saw a total of thirty guards carrying long knives following behind the gate, he knew he was about to encounter...

These guards' eyes were sharp, and they scanned the lobby vigilantly, vaguely protecting the girl in the middle. Each guard had a condensed aura, and would never be weaker than the Dragon Clan's Mad Dragon Realm.

The leading guard's aura was even more powerful, like a big mountain, causing huge pressure on all the guests, giving them a suffocating feeling!

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