"Captain, he's almost catching up!"

In the border area between the Land of Fire and the Land of Rivers, a group of ninjas wearing Konoha Anbu costumes ran quickly towards the direction of Konoha Village.

They looked extremely miserable, and almost all of them had deep or shallow wounds on their bodies.

If it weren't for the fact that they were all wearing masks, you might still be able to see the slightly frightened expressions.

They are in trouble now, because they are being chased by a guy who manipulates a puppet and looks like a monster and is invulnerable!

In fact, it's hard to imagine that a group of Anbu were being hunted down by one person.

Especially these people are not just ANBU, they also have members of the Roots.

Captain Nanmu couldn't help but look a little ugly when he heard this.

He is the captain of the third brigade, and he received a mission half a month ago.

He was asked to lead a team to the border between the River Country and the Wind Country to receive and cover the return of the Roots.

The dark part and the root part are two distinct parts, and the existence of the root part is the most secretive in Konoha.

But as a member of the Anbu, he naturally understands some of the roots, and for some special reasons, he knows a lot more than others.

Therefore, without any hesitation, he immediately set off with the third, fifth and seventh teams who had no mission for the time being.

However, after they waited for a few days, they finally waited for the members of the root, and they also had to face the chasing troops from Sunagakure Village.

After a lot of fighting and the sacrifice of more than six Anbu and five people with only eight roots left, they finally escaped.

However, this escape is only what they think they have.

Because they soon discovered that they were being targeted by an even more terrifying guy!

This guy was wearing black rags, and his numb and cold face also had a tattered black cloth hanging on it.

His body was stooped, and he seemed to be lying on the ground. Such a strange and disabled person caused the entire Anbu and Genbu to suffer a lot!

They didn't know who this guy was because they had never seen him before, but this guy's strength subverted their imagination.

That superb puppet technique was something they had never imagined. This level was probably not weaker than that of Chiyo from Sunagakure Village, right?

However, no one can answer their question at all. They can only run away when facing this guy!

They also asked why this guy wanted to attack them, although they, like Xia Yan, were not familiar with the master who could do anything less.

But the form is stronger than the person, so they have to bow their heads.

"I'm just curious about what the rats who were hunted down by the special hunting force of Sunagakure Village took away to make them so angry."

With his hoarse and cold voice, paired with his empty eyes, this guy looked like an evil ghost from hell!

Such a cold and numb guy made Captain Kusunoki understand one thing, this evil ghost would not let them go.

He had no choice but to fight, and fighting would result in their entire army being annihilated, which he would not doubt at all.

Because the evil ghost in front of him is definitely a shadow-level existence.

Or they can only choose to escape, and then disperse some people to stop him, which can delay his actions.

It can be delayed as long as it takes, because those who stay will surely die!

Captain Kusunoki was extremely angry and aggrieved right now. Under normal circumstances, they might be able to give this guy a try or even kill him.

but now?

Even though they have a large number of people, after experiencing the fight with Sunagakure's Anbu, they are already in a state of embarrassment. How can they fight with this guy?

"So fast? It seems that Bai Yu and the others have been killed." Nanmu gritted his teeth and whispered: "Speed ​​up and move forward. Ahead is Shouzaki City. There are our garrison troops there. As long as we get there... ..”

However, before Kusunoki finished speaking, a kunai suddenly flew over!

This kunai exudes a little green light under the refraction of the sun, and it is obvious that it has been quenched with poison.

Kusunoki noticed the kunai, and he immediately pushed hard at the ANBU next to him.

The ANBU immediately fell to the side, narrowly dodging this fatal blow!

However, this kunai is too fast, and Kusunoki's current condition is also very bad.

Under normal circumstances, he could definitely do it easily, but now he is struggling, especially when he closes his hand, his movements are obviously slower!


The sound of metal cutting flesh resounded in the forest. Kusunoki's arm was scratched by the kunai, and scarlet blood flowed out from his wound.

The blood was very red, which was a normal color, but it only took a moment for the color of the blood to change.

The wound on Nanmu's arm festered rapidly, and even the edges of the wound began to show traces of black.

Poison is always a nightmare for humans, even ninjas are no exception.


Kusunoki quickly used his chakra to resist the terrible poison, although the effect was mediocre because he couldn't stop the bleeding at all.

But if he doesn't do this, he will definitely die faster!

"No need to waste your efforts."

At this moment, the hoarse and cold voice sounded around them.

"Although you can resist a little with chakra, once your chakra is exhausted, the venom will flow into your heart along your bloodstream.

Besides, I also configured some interesting things for my venom, your body will fester.

Your blood clotting function will be lost and you will die horribly. "

"Who are you, Your Excellency?"

Nanmu ignored the voice at all. He quickly knelt down and took out a hemostatic bandage and tied it on.

And all the ANBU around him gathered around him, forming a protective formation.

It's just that the people at the root didn't come close at all. They seemed to be looking for someone somewhere and ready to break out at any time.

Nanmu didn't bother to think about these guys at the base. He was now focusing more on this evil ghost-like person.

"What is your purpose? Now that you have arrived in the Kingdom of Fire, are you still so unscrupulous?"

"Inside the Fire Country? So what?"

That desperate voice sounded again, and this time his figure slowly appeared in the forest.

"You dare to enter the Kingdom of Wind, you dare to enter the Kingdom of River, why don't I dare to enter the Kingdom of Fire?"

"Do you want to completely oppose our Konoha?"

Nanmu quickly tied up his wounds, stood up firmly and looked at the guy in front of him.

"Ignorance." The evil man shook his head and seemed a little disappointed: "Your representatives will not come to Konoha, and besides, can you inform Konoha?"

Having said this, this devil-like appearance seems to have almost exhausted his interest.

He glanced at the ANBU in front of him and suddenly let out a hoarse laugh.

"It seems that you ANBU are not the same group of people. Forget it, let's kill you first and leave one alive. Then..."

"Fei Liuhu·Thousand Bens of Prosthetic Hands!"

As his words fell, he suddenly raised his left arm, and countless thousand copies were launched in an instant.

These senbons are the same as the previous kunai, they are poisonous needles that have been quenched with poison!

High-density poisonous needles flew in all directions, and they covered all the action range of the dark areas in front of them.

Kusumu immediately formed a seal, but the venom in his body made it impossible for him to condense chakra normally.

Even if the other Anbu were not poisoned, their condition at this time was extremely bad, and the poisonous needle was so fast that they were unable to react.

At this moment, a burst of chakra suddenly burst out from not far away.

Then a huge earth wall stood up in front of them...


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