The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 58 Departure (please collect the new book and recommend it~)

At about ten o'clock the next morning, Xia Yan climbed out of bed.

He glanced at the basically healed wound on his hand and couldn't help but nodded.

My recovery ability is indeed pretty good.

It was obvious that the entire palm was pierced and the bones in the palm were broken, but now he is actually recovering well.

"Although there are still some injuries and the movement is not very flexible, it is completely enough."

As an Anbu, Natsuhiko always wears gloves, so he is not afraid of being discovered by Kakashi.

After all, what he did last night was really not a good thing.

After defeating the Jonin, Natsuhiko used genjutsu to interrogate information without any hesitation.

As an ANBU ninja, Natsuhiko's illusion skills were not very good, but he still mastered the illusion skills of interrogating information.

If his career requires it, he will naturally not fall behind.

The Jonin tried to resist after hearing Natsuhiko's purpose, and even hoped to die in Natsuhiko's hands to keep the secret.

But unfortunately, all his actions were useless in Xia Yan's eyes, and Xia Yan also got the information he wanted.

The first piece of information was the specific location of Shouzaki Gosa's grave. He was lucky. The grave was actually in this cemetery, but the name had been changed so no one knew it.

Obviously, Tsuzaki Gosa was also worried that people from the Land of Fire would attack his tomb, so he arranged for these dead soldiers to stay here.

Of course, except for the grave of Shouzaki Gozuo, the other graves in this cemetery are of the most loyal warriors of the year. They were buried together with Shouzaki Gozuo.

As for the second information, Xia Yan asked for some information about the psychic scroll.

According to what this Jonin said, the psychic scroll was not in Gonzo Shouzaki's grave at all - because Gonzo Shouzaki was buried by him, and there was nothing in it.

Xia Yan remained skeptical about this information.

I believe it is because he believes in his illusion of intelligence torture. After all, after so many years, this technique has never had any problems.

But what is doubtful is that this jounin is still a sensory ninja. This kind of sensory ninja has never been bad at controlling his own chakra.

Xia Yan was worried that the information he gave was false, and even both of them were false.

Therefore, I made a decision, that is, before I kill this guy, I need to confirm the information first.

Facts have proved that there is nothing wrong with his technique, and there is nothing wrong with what this guy said.

Natsuhiko dug up the grave of Gosaku Shouzaki. Although the person buried in it had become bones, ANBU had their own way of identifying corpses, even if they were bones!

Based on the information he had previously obtained, Natsuhiko had an idea of ​​Shouzaki Gosa's appearance. After some operations, he could basically conclude that there was nothing wrong with the person in the tomb.

What's more, the funerary objects placed in this coffin are really not something that ordinary people can use.

"If you don't consider the substitute, this guy should be the right one."

After Xia Yan tidied himself up, he walked out of the room.

The last fate of the jounin last night was naturally to follow Gosaku Shouzaki. After so many years in ANBU, Natsuhiko had already become accustomed to the method of eradicating the roots.

ANBU operations leave no traces and will never hold back once a conflict breaks out.

Even if Xia Yan actually didn't have much grudge against them, it was obvious that they would not agree to Xia Yan's purpose, so he would not show mercy.

"So, ANBU is not a place for people. It is easy for people to be distorted, except for me."

In the corridor of the hotel, Natsuhiko met Kakashi who was ready and waiting for him, and the two walked out directly.

Kakashi was very keen, and even though Natsuhiko's hands were well hidden, he still noticed something was wrong.

"Is your hand injured?" Kakashi asked directly: "I smell a smell of blood, are you okay?"

"It's okay." Xia Yan glanced at Kakashi: "Don't worry, it's not an accident, but it's definitely not a problem."

It's really no problem. After bandaging and my special physique, such an injury is not a big deal except that it looks scary.

Especially when Natsuhiko was fighting that jounin, he specifically sensed whether the kunai was poisoned.

Obviously, the guy's weapon did not have such preparations, which allowed Xia Yan to take advantage of certain advantages unscrupulously, and also saved him a lot of trouble.

"Okay, I understand." Kakashi nodded: "So what is our plan now? Or go in directly?"

"Of course, I have already made all the preparations that need to be made." Xia Yan smiled softly: "Now there is only one last thing left, and that is to find the scroll."

"Scroll?" Kakashi frowned, and he suddenly realized something: "Captain, do you want..."

"Yeah, that's right."

Xia Yan had no intention of hiding anything, and this matter could not be hidden.

He had to write a report when he returned to the village, and he would use it in the future, so why should he hide it?

“Such a big guy can definitely enhance my strength.

And if a war breaks out, such a big guy will definitely perform well on the battlefield. "

Kakashi couldn't help but nodded after hearing Natsuhiko's words.

Indeed, such a huge psychic beast can greatly enhance the strength of a ninja, especially during war, this kind of psychic beast is a strategic level existence.

If Natsuhiko really has a way to get such a big guy, it will be a good thing for Konoha.

But the troublesome problem is that such a psychic beast must be restrained by a psychic scroll, otherwise others will have no way to control such a monster.

"Captain, do you know where the psychic scroll is?" Kakashi thought for a moment and asked the key question directly: "Last night, you just went to explore the location of the scroll, right?"

"Yes, there was some unpleasantness, but it didn't leave any traces." Xia Yan covered up what happened last night lightly, and then continued: "From the information I collected, the scroll is most likely to be in this castle. "

"That is to say..." Kakashi did not ask what happened. He directly asked Natsuhiko's topic: "Did Shouzaki Gosa put the scroll in the belly of the psychic beast before he died?"

"Well, that's probably it." Xia Yan nodded, and then he laughed: "How about, do you want to take a risk with me?"

Faced with such a problem, Kakashi rarely rolled his eyes. This was the first time that Natsuhiko had seen such behavior from Kakashi.

Patting Kakashi on the shoulder, Natsuhiko walked directly outside.

Although he didn't know exactly what would happen, he was looking forward to it...


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