Early the next morning, Xia Yan got up on time.

After the biological clock was completely determined, Xia Yan almost never thought about changing it. Even if he only rested for a few hours, it was enough for him.

Even though he still felt that Anbu was not a place for normal people, he had to admit that the gains from Anbu's career were very valuable to him.

For example, in his previous life, he suffered from a certain degree of insomnia due to various reasons, but in ANBU he mastered a very special ability.

That is, as long as he wants, he can enter deep sleep.

In this state of sleep and with the assistance of chakra, he only needed a small amount of rest time to fully recover.

"The rare vacation has begun again."

Xia Yan stretched and walked outside silently, but when he passed the elder's wooden house, he still handed a scroll in very discreetly, and then slowly left.

As a member of the Senju clan serving in the ANBU, he knew exactly what his identity was.

There is no need to avoid saying that he is a spy, a family spy targeting the village.

Therefore, every time he went on a mission or took any action within the Anbu, he needed to report it to the elder.

Xia Yan didn't like this feeling, but he also knew that he had to do this.

Yu Qing, even though Xia Yan doesn't have much sense of belonging to the Thousand Hands Clan.

But he must admit that when he came to this world, it was the Thousand Hands clan that gave him some protection.

At the same time, his basic ninja training and subsequent acquisition of various ninjutsu were all provided by the Senju clan.

In fact, he also knew that the tilt of family resources was entirely because he had shown certain talents. Without such talents, he would not have been able to obtain these things.

But once you get it, you get it. Xia Yan won't argue with those who have it and don't have it.

It is normal to try to repay a favor within the scope of one's ability and to ensure one's own safety.

What's more, if he wants to complete that mission, integrating the Thousand Hands Clan is inevitable.

Sometimes Natsuhiko also thinks about whether it is better to be reborn into the Uchiha clan or the Senju clan?

After thinking about it, he felt that there was really no good answer to this question, because the two families really had each other, and their advantages and disadvantages were too obvious.

The advantage of the Thousand Hands Clan is that they are relatively stable internally, but their current influence is extremely weak and their strength has been lost too much.

The advantage of the Uchiha clan is that they still have super influence and have quite a lot of resources.

But they were directly divided internally, and even externally they were separated from the village, and they were stared at by the giants of Konoha.

To put it more bluntly, the Uchiha clan cannot survive seven or eight years, and I am afraid they will be rolled into the garbage heap of history like the original novel.

And after seven or eight years, the Senju clan will be completely eliminated from Konoha's influence until everyone forgets and even forgets who they are.

"To put it simply, neither of them will have any good results."

Xia Yan shook his head and looked mockingly at the four statues standing on the top of the mountain in the distance.

The two families who founded Konoha back then were thrown into the garbage heap of history by force and policy. This level of ridicule is truly unimaginable.

If we have to say that these two families still continue, it is not impossible. After all, one has Tsunade and the other has Sasuke.

But if you put it this way, the Uchiha clan is more profitable, because their survivor is a savior.

"But this has nothing to do with me anymore, because no matter what kind of ending it is, I'm afraid I won't have a future at all."

Shaking his head, Xia Yan walked all the way towards the training ground.

There are many training grounds in Konoha, and these training grounds are specially used by various ninjas. Natsuhiko is not interested in going to those abandoned training grounds in the forest.

First of all, it was too far, and secondly, what happened last night was still vivid in his mind. The current root situation was not very good, and the quality of those people was obviously not high enough.

Xia Yan didn't want to get into trouble. Even though he could guess what would happen to those people last night, he still knew that he would learn from every experience.

"Besides, what I want to train isn't a big deal. Maybe I can find a sparring partner or something."

With this thought in his mind, Xia Yan soon arrived at a training ground. It must be said that the Konoha ninjas were still very motivated.

It's only six or seven in the morning, but there are already some people here. Unfortunately, to Xia Yan's regret, there are still a few people here.

The result of there being too few people was that Xia Yan couldn't find a suitable person to help him.

"That's sloppy, it seems it's a little early."

Xia Yan glanced around, and along with his glance, his perception also explored the chakra of everyone present. He found that there was no suitable person in terms of chakra.

Although using chakra to judge a person's strength is not a good choice, because Natsuhiko himself does not have much chakra, but his strength reaches that of a jounin.

But chakra is definitely a good judge of one's basic ability. After all, people with strong chakra may not be that weak.

It's a pity that Natsuhiko didn't see many chakra strong people present, and most of them were almost at Chuunin level like him, and some were even just Genin.

In addition, Xia Yan can also judge from their training that their current actual combat ability may be just like that.

Xia Yan, who has always been in a state of actual combat, is always extremely sensitive to the strength of his opponents, especially the basics. He is very familiar with them.

Shaking his head helplessly, Xia Yan felt that it would be better for him to train on his own. If he really wanted to find a sparring partner, he would not be sure who would be the sparring partner for whom.


But when Xia Yan continued to walk inside, intending to find a quiet place to train, he unexpectedly discovered a slightly familiar figure.

This person has long black hair, but in order to adapt to the training, she tied her long hair up into a high ponytail.

She was wearing a black corset combat uniform with a red and white logo on the back that looked like a table tennis racket.

Obviously, this person is from the Uchiha clan!

Xia Yan was stunned for a moment when he saw this person. Then when she threw the kunai in her hand, a ray of chakra was revealed inadvertently. Xia Yan was almost sure who she was.

If nothing unexpected happened, this person was probably his deskmate back then.

If I remember correctly, her name is Uchiha Qiong?


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