She nodded quickly and said:

"I like it. I like it very much. But why did you suddenly give me such an expensive villa? This villa must cost hundreds of millions, right?"

Su Ye:

"《Didn’t the box office share of"Captain China" come down?"

"I said at the beginning that I would give you a big red envelope after this movie becomes a big hit."

"This house is a big red envelope."

Jing Tian couldn't help but kiss Su Ye:


Thank you , husband, you are so kind to me.

"Are you satisfied with this surprise?"

"I am sure I am satisfied. That is, a trace of helplessness flashed across Jing Tian's face:

"No matter how satisfied I am, I can't live here anymore."


If I lived here, I would definitely not be able to hide my relationship with you from my parents.

"Well, we can't live here for now, so let's use it as a place for our private meeting."

Jing Dian nodded:

"This is the only way."

Su Ye:

"Respected Princess, would you like to follow your knight and visit your palace?"

Jing Tian lifted her long skirt and performed a standard European court etiquette to Ye:

"Thank you, my knight."

Su Ye took Jing Tian to visit the villa.

The luxury inside was like a real palace.

Finally, Su Ye took Jing Tian to the top of the third floor.

Jing Tian looked at the garden outside through the window, and her eyes were filled with intoxication.

Castle, princess, knight...

This was the fairy tale life she imagined.

At this moment,

Su Ye hugged Jing Tian gently from behind, and only heard him say softly:

"Your Highness, please lie down now!"

"Danger ahead."

"Your knight is going to charge for you!"

Jing Tian:"…"

The enemy is very vulnerable!


Han Hong Charity Banquet.

Su Ye sat alone in a corner, silently eating the cakes provided by the banquet.


Su Ye sat in a very remote position.

However, there were still many female stars who came to greet him and chat with him.

Although, Su Ye didn't know most of these female stars.

A few days ago,

Su Ye received an invitation from Han Hong Charity Foundation, hoping that he would attend the"Children's Free Clinic" charity banquet.

This banquet aims to raise funds from caring people.

The funds raised will be used to help children who are sick but whose families cannot afford to go to the hospital.

Originally, Su Ye was not interested in these banquets, cocktail parties and other activities.

However, he heard that Han Hong was really doing charity.

Every donation of funds for charity will be made public.

There will be no situation where a donation of 100 yuan will cost 20,000 yuan for hotel accommodation.

For example, this"Children's Free Clinic" charity event.

Han Hong is going to invite a medical team to personally treat eligible children.

Basically, the situation of false reporting is eliminated.

So, Su Ye came.

Moreover, he is now a public figure.

Since he has made a lot of money, he should show some love.

Otherwise, he will be criticized by netizens for being rich and unkind!

In today's society, hatred of the rich is very serious

Su Ye ate while glancing around the party.

From the celebrities, entrepreneurs and socialites who came to the party, it can be seen that

Han Hong has a wide network of contacts.

Basically, there are big names in the singing, film and television, and opera circles.

""Excuse me, can I sit here?"

Just when Su Ye was feeling bored, a pleasant voice sounded from the side.

Su Ye looked up.

His eyes lit up.

He saw a woman with a fairy-like appearance standing next to him.

It turned out to be Liu Tianxian.

Yang Mi, Reba, Jing Tian, and Bai Lu were not worse than Liu Tianxian in appearance. However, Liu Tianxian had a unique temperament.

She looked very fairy-like and peaceful.

Just like a heroine who walked out of the fairy world.

Although Su Ye was sizing up Liu Tianxian

, he did not hesitate.

He greeted Liu Tianxian:

"Sit wherever you want. There are no names on the seats."

"Thank you,"

Liu Tianxian sat on the chair next to Su Ye.

She stretched out her hand to Su Ye and asked:

"Master Su, nice to meet you. My name is Liu Tianxian.

Su Ye didn't know that

Liu Tianxian was actually calling him Master Su.

He gently shook Liu Tianxian's hand.

It was very soft.

Very cunning.

"Su Ye'~."

Liu Tianxian looked at the empty cake cups in front of Su Ye and asked curiously:

"Do you like eating cakes?"

Su Ye shook his head.



Su Ye:

"I was bored and couldn't find anything to do, so I had to eat."

Liu Tianxian:"Aren't you afraid of getting fat?"

Su Ye hesitated and said:

"Maybe it's because I exercise a lot every day. I really haven't controlled my diet."

The exercise he mentioned, of course, was exercise with Jing Tian, Yang Mi, and Reba.

Liu Tianxian didn't think much about it. She said with some envy:

"It's great to have a physique like yours that you can eat whatever you want without gaining weight."

Su Ye smelled a faint smell of alcohol from Liu Tianxian, and he asked curiously:

"Have you been drinking?"

Liu Tianxian said shyly:

"I was bored too, but I didn't dare to eat too much, so I just drank."

Su Ye joked:

"Will you act crazy when you are drunk?"

Liu Tianxian said proudly:

"I have never been drunk before."

Su Ye said in surprise:

"Zundu, fake du? You are such a heavy drinker?"

Liu Tianxian:

"If you don't believe me, we can compare them when we have a chance."

Su Ye really didn't expect that

Liu Tianxian was actually a little drunkard.

Liu Tianxian suddenly whispered to Su Ye:

"What are you going to sell at the charity sale later?"

Su Ye asked in confusion:

"Is there such a link in the charity sale?"

Liu Tianxian:

"Didn’t Sister Han Hong tell you?"

"Each celebrity present can prepare a few unused items for charity sale."

"The money raised from the auction should be used for charity."

Su Ye said helplessly:

"I came here after receiving the invitation letter. I didn’t know about the charity sale, and I didn’t bring any unused items with me."

Liu Tianxian comforted her:

"It doesn't matter if you don't bring it. It's the same for participating in the auction."


While Su Ye was chatting with Liu Tianxian, the host Han Hong came to Su Ye.

Han Hong was very excited to see Su Ye.

She held Su Ye's hands with both hands and said happily:

"Su Ye, I finally meet a famous person like you."

Su Ye said modestly:

"Don't talk about big names. In front of Sister Han, I am just a junior."

Han Hong kept holding Su Ye's hand and refused to let go:

"I originally sent you an invitation letter just to give it a try."

"I didn't expect you to come. Thank you for your support."

Su Ye:

"Supporting charity is what we should do."

Han Hong:

"Come on, I'll take you to meet my friends, they all want to meet you too."

As she said that, she took Su Ye to the banquet center.

When she left, she did not forget to say hello to Liu Tianxian.

"Tianxian, Su Ye and I are leaving first, you can have fun by yourself.

Although Su Ye didn't like socializing, facing such an enthusiastic Han Hong, he couldn't refuse, so he had to wave and say hello to Liu Tianxian, and then left with Han Hong.

Liu Tianxian looked at Su Ye who was leaving, and a hint of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

���At this time, a woman in her forties, with skin like a girl, elegant and noble temperament, exuding the aura of a mature woman, who looked 50% similar to Liu Tianxian, came to Liu Tianxian.

This woman was Liu Tianxian's mother, Liu Xiaoli.

Liu Xiaoli whispered to her daughter:

"How about it, would he like you to play the leading role in his next movie?"

Liu Tianxian said helplessly:

"I didn't say a few words to him, so how could I have the chance to talk about the movie?"

Liu Xiaoli said with some dissatisfaction: (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Didn't you talk to him for several minutes? How come you didn't have a chance to mention it?"

Liu Tianxian said coldly:

"I can't just say I want to star in his movie, right? That would make me seem too utilitarian.

"This is a rare opportunity to meet Su Ye, we must seize it."

"As long as you can star in his movie, you can break the current lukewarm situation."

Liu Tianxian said helplessly:

"I also know that if I can act in his movies, I will definitely become famous."

"But the problem is, even if I express my ideas, he may not agree."

"After all, we have nothing to do with each other, so why did he let me play the leading role?"

Liu Xiaoli sighed and said with some regret:

"Unfortunately, Su Ye has no background and is not from a noble family."

"Otherwise, with his looks, talent and ability to make money, he is a perfect match for you."

Liu Tianxian suddenly became angry:

"Aristocratic family, aristocratic family,"

"You've been with this young man from an aristocratic family all your life, but in the end, isn't it all in vain?"

"Why do you want me to follow your old path?"

Liu Xiaoli quickly looked around.

Seeing that there was no one around, she breathed a sigh of relief.

She lowered her voice and said unhappily:


"I'm not doing this for your own good."

"I want you to cross the class and live a superior life."

"Don't be fooled by the glamorous appearance of celebrities, famous directors and entrepreneurs."

"But in front of those real wealthy families, they are just actors and white gloves."

"As long as you marry into a wealthy family, your descendants will always be wealthy from then on. Is this wrong?"

Liu Tianxian said helplessly:

"If you want to marry into a wealthy family, you have to be admired by others!"

Liu Xiaoli:

"That's why I want you to get close to Su Ye,"

"As long as you can be in his next movie, you will be a big hit."

"Thus, she has the capital to join a wealthy family."

Liu Tianxian suddenly felt tired.

She didn't want to argue with her mother.

Because this was not the first time she had argued with her mother about this matter.

But every time, she couldn't change her mother's mind.

Liu Tianxian left her mother and walked to a dining table.

She picked up a glass of champagne on the table and drank it all.

Seeing this, Liu Xiaoli quickly reminded:

"You should pay attention to your image. It would be bad if someone took a photo of you drinking."

Listening to her mother's nagging,

Liu Tianxian felt extremely irritated.

She was fed up with being dominated by her mother in every way!

Su Ye followed Han Hong.

He met many celebrities, singers, and movie stars.

He collected a lot of business cards, but there were only a few people that Su Ye could really remember.

When the charity sale was about to start,

Han Hong had something to do, and

Su Ye was finally free from the tedious social activities.

Then, he slipped into the corner and ate cakes in silence.

As for Liu Tianxian, she was no longer in the same place.

"`.Director Su, hello."

However, not long after Su Ye sat down, he saw a young woman with a charming and elegant temperament, walking towards him gracefully and saying hello to him.

Su Ye had seen young women before.

For example, Zhao Ruoxin and Zheng Jia from Yang Mi Studio were young women.

But Zhao Ruoxin and Zheng Jia were not as charming as the young woman in front of him.

Seeing the person in front of him,

Su Ye finally understood Cao Mengde a little!

Young women do have their advantages.

Although Su Ye looked at the young woman, there was no trace of emotion on his face.

He nodded politely to the young woman and replied:


The young woman was very enthusiastic:

"Director Su, I am Xixi's mother."

"We, Sissi, adore you."

"I always praise Director Su's movies."

Su Ye:


Thank you. Do you want an autograph?"…"

Seeing that Su Ye treated her as an ordinary fan,

Liu Xiaoli's expression suddenly became a little embarrassed.

She quickly explained:

""Xixi is Liu Tianxian, and I am Liu Tianxian's mother,"

Su Ye heard this, and his expression was a little embarrassed.

He finally reacted.

Liu Tianxian did have a nickname called Xixi.

This young woman said Xixi, Xixi right away, and he never thought that Xixi was Liu Tianxian!

Now he realized that this young woman was indeed somewhat similar to Liu Tianxian.

In order to resolve the embarrassment, Liu Xiaoli quickly said:

"If she could get Director Su's autograph, Xixi would definitely be very happy."

Su Ye heard this and immediately took out a marker pen.

He was ready to sign for Liu Xiaoli to resolve the awkwardness.

Just now, he signed for many people.

So he had a marker pen on him.

Liu Xiaoli quickly searched her body, trying to find a piece of paper to sign.

She suddenly found out that she didn't have any paper to sign.


The air suddenly became very quiet.

Not far away.

Liu Tianxian also noticed her mother's situation.

At this moment, she wanted to bang her head against the wall and die.

Why do I have such an unreliable mother!

Although she complained about her mother's unreliability,

Liu Tianxian had to save the situation.

She (Zhao Qiande) drank the red wine in her hand and hurried to where Su Ye and her mother were.

When she came in front of Su Ye,

Liu Tianxian hurriedly rummaged through her handbag.

She found something that looked like a piece of paper.

Without taking a closer look, she quickly handed it to Su Ye.

"Director Su, please sign here. I am so happy to get your autograph!"

She acted like a fangirl.

Liu Xiaoli saw her daughter coming to the rescue.

She couldn't help but secretly breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the embarrassment was finally resolved.

Su Ye took the item from Liu Tianxian and was about to sign it when he suddenly froze. Looking at the daily-use

Sophie sanitary pad in front of him , Su Ye immediately fell into deep thought. Did Liu Tianxian think that my signature could ward off blood? So she took out the sanitary angel for me to sign?

At this time, Liu Tianxian and Liu Xiaoli finally discovered what Su Ye was holding.


The two felt a thunderclap explode in their heads.

They were shaken to the point of collapse.

Oh my God, why did I give this thing to Su Ye for his signature?

Can a lightning bolt strike me to death?

I don't want to live anymore!

This is what Liu Tianxian was thinking.

Oh my god, why do I have such an unreliable daughter!

She actually asked for autographs with a sanitary pad.

Is this something a normal person can do?

I thought my daughter was here to resolve the embarrassment.

Unexpectedly, she was here to create embarrassment.

This is what Liu Xiaoli was thinking.


Su Ye was stunned for a moment.

In the end, he still signed his name on the sanitary pad.

"Here you are,"

Liu Tianxian took Sophie's hand and said subconsciously:

"Thank you."

Liu Xiaoli quickly changed the subject and said:

"Um, Director Su, our Xixi likes Director Su's movies very much. I wonder when Director Su's next movie will start shooting. Can you and Xixi cooperate?"".

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