"The void is like an abyss, the source of the great way, the beginning of heaven and earth, all things become empty......."

Gu Daoyi started talking about the Great Way of the Void. This was his unique understanding, and he had already touched upon the deepest level of the Great Way of the Void.

The eyes of the Great Emperor of the Void lit up. Gu Daoyi understood his intentions and spoke of the essence of the Great Way of the Void as soon as he spoke, directly stating the differences between him and the Great Emperor.

"Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful!"

"It turns out it is possible!"

"The void is like an abyss, the void is like a measure, the void is like a whisker, the void is like silence......This is the essence of the Great Way of the Void."

As Gu Daoyi continued to preach, the Great Emperor of the Void could not help but applaud and admire, his eyes were extremely bright, as if two voids were rotating, constantly comprehending and deducing.

The Great Emperor of the Void controlled the endless void, and his comprehension of the Great Way of the Void was extremely deep, reaching the pinnacle of the human realm, and his combat power had also reached the stage of the God Emperor.

With his vision, he could easily distinguish the truth and difficulty of the Great Way of the Void that Gu Daoyi was talking about.

He had to admit that his"grandson" was indeed extraordinary, and his attainments in the Great Way of the Void had surpassed him, and he had comprehended the Great Way of the Void to a new height.

Not only the Great Way of the Void, Gu Daoyi had also comprehended the seven great ways, including the Great Way of Taiyi, the Great Way of Yuhua, and the Great Way of Thunder, to a new height.

"I understand!"

Emperor Void said this and then stopped talking, closed his eyes, and entered a deep state of enlightenment.

He had a hunch that if he could digest the essence of the Void Dao that Gu Daoyi had told him about, his combat power would be further improved. Not to mention being able to become a combat immortal, he would probably be close to that, enough to truly sweep the world and be invincible in all the heavens and worlds.

"......The Dao is empty and boundless."

When the last sentence was finished, Gu Daoyi looked at the seven emperor-level masters around him and found that they were all still comprehending the Dao, comprehending the various great ways he had just described. A calm smile appeared on Gu Daoyi's face.

Expounding on the seven great ways was equivalent to sorting out his own perceptions, which allowed Gu Daoyi to integrate the perceptions of the seven great ways and reach a new height.

Gu Daoyi looked further away and found that all the elders of the Gu family had come, as well as a few ancestors whom he had only met a few times.

These big figures of the Gu family and those of the younger generations of the Gu family were all immersed in comprehension, their brows sometimes relaxed and sometimes wrinkled, their expressions sometimes smiling and sometimes worried.

He nodded secretly.

After this round of preaching, the ancient Gu family, from the younger generation to the senior big figures, would gain a lot, enhance their strength and foundation, and make the ancient Gu family's foundation deeper..

After his gaze turned around, Gu Daoyi's gaze returned to the Void Emperor, Taiyi Ancient Emperor, Leiyuan God Emperor and other powerful emperors, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

The comprehension of the Great Dao by these powerful emperors has reached a bottleneck. After listening to his sermon this time, they will surely break the shackles and enter a higher stage.

Except for the Void Emperor, the strength of the other emperors will not increase, after all, they are just a brand.

However, their comprehension of the Great Dao cannot be false, and this time they are likely to create a variety of new supreme magic.

This is what Gu Daoyi is looking forward to.

When they create it, Gu Daoyi will be ready to"live off the old". These ancient emperors can"live off the young", and he can also live off the old, saving him some effort.

By then, he only needs to take a casual look to understand it, and directly turn it into his own accumulation of foundation, so that he can get closer to his goal.


At this time, Huang Weiyang's cold, soft and magnetic voice came.

Gu Daoyi's eyes flashed, feeling a little strange. Huang Weiyang is now a lolita, but she has a queen voice. Her heart can be either a lolita or a queen.

Gu Daoyi looked over and found that Jiutian Xianhuang and Huang Weiyang came side by side after thousands of years. They were two peerless beauties, one big and one small, with peerless temperaments, and they were mother and daughter with almost the same appearance.

Gu Daoyi's heart fluctuated for a moment, and then calmed down in an instant.



Looking at the two stunning beauties coming together, Gu Daoyi responded

"I will call you Daoyi too."

The Nine Heavens Fairy Phoenix, dressed in nine-colored gorgeous clothes, came closer, carefully looked at this peerless exiled fairy, and said with a smile.

Gu Daoyi nodded slightly.

Huang Weiyang stood beside the Nine Heavens Fairy Phoenix without saying a word, her eyes were always on Gu Daoyi, as if he was the only one in the world.

"Daoyi, you have communicated with Xukong, Leiyuan, Taiyi, Hengyu and others, but you haven't communicated with me yet. Let's have a deep discussion and explore the depth of the Dao."

Jiu Tian Xian Huang showed a beautiful smile on her face, and a strange color flashed in the depths of her beautiful eyes.

Gu Daoyi's eyes moved slightly. Why did the second half of Jiu Tian Xian Huang's words sound strange?

I hope he is overthinking it.

""Senior, please~" Gu Daoyi said calmly, with a hint of respect.

The Nine Heavens Fairy Phoenix did not hesitate at all, and immediately sat down cross-legged, facing Gu Daoyi, and the mysterious sound of the Tao sounded between heaven and earth.

Huang Weiyang hurriedly sat down, pretending to sit upright, but his eyes would shift to Gu Daoyi from time to time.

Listening to the Nine Heavens Fairy Phoenix, Gu Daoyi looked calm and indifferent, and pictures emerged in his mind, with the Fairy Phoenix flapping its wings to strike across the sky, the Fairy Phoenix reborn from the fire, and the Fairy Phoenix killing the heavens and the world, sweeping away all enemies....

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