After a while, the meal was ready.

In fact, Japanese food is very simple. As Liu Qianqian said, it is just cutting and cutting.

A piece of bluefin tuna is as big as a small desk.

Zhang Yi just sliced some fish meat from it, cut it, put it on a plate, and added some mustard and soy sauce, and it was done.

The pot was steaming fragrant rice, and then fried a few pieces of steak, put some onions and black pepper, and called it teppanyaki.

The meal was done.

If the chef saw these precious ingredients being destroyed by Zhang Yi like this, he would be so angry that his blood vessels would burst.

But except for Liu Qianqian, no one else had eaten real Japanese food.

I just think this sashimi is softer and more tender than the one in the restaurant, and it is full of freshness!

Not to mention the steak.

Beef is very fragrant to begin with, and after frying it, just sprinkle some salt and pepper on it, it is already a rare delicacy in the end times.

So everyone has been praising Zhang Yi's superb cooking skills from the bottom of their hearts.

In the end, they didn't forget to praise Liu Qianqian for her good fortune.

Indeed, after the end of the world, almost none of Heizi's group could have a hot meal. They all slept in the open air and ate whatever they had.

This meal was simply the best thing Heizi and his group had eaten in the past few days.

After eating and drinking, Zhang Yi whispered a few words to Heizi.

The latter nodded and left with the team.

That night.

As expected by Zhang Yi.

There was a group of tough survivors, almost all of them were men.

They held fire suits, baseball bats, and machetes in their hands, and went door to door to"search for the murderer"!

They said they were searching for the murderer, but in fact they were taking the opportunity to blackmail!

These guys were very snobbish. They chose to ignore those survivors who were in advantageous geographical locations and strong. They specifically picked soft persimmons with less than 5 people.

Their principle was very simple, either food, medicine, or women, in short, they had to spend money to avoid disaster, otherwise they would be smashed and looted.

The worst were the survivors who were alone and sleeping on the roadside.

They couldn't even afford food, and they were bullied by these villains. Even the sheds they had built with great difficulty were demolished.

Some female survivors who were alone were directly pressed to the ground and beaten by these people.

The patrolling soldiers were used to this situation.

They all pretended not to see it and walked over in neat steps.

The wailing and screaming of women echoed between the buildings.

But no one chose to help.

Soon, the gang of villains came to Zhang Yi's RV.

The shape of the RV is indeed a bit ostentatious and too tempting.

No matter how Zhang Yi chooses to be low-key, there will always be people who like this comfortable RV.

This group of people is no exception.

They have been eyeing this RV for a long time. This time, they took the opportunity to find the murderer and went to the RV to find out.

If it is really good, they will directly take it away.

These people relied on their large numbers and walked towards the RV in a mighty and aggressive manner.

Just halfway through, they saw a few men in black combat uniforms leaning against the RV, with murderous looks on their faces.

The leading survivor had intended to go over and talk to Heizi and the others.

However, Heizi was not used to it at all. He didn't even look at them. He just lifted his collar to pretend that he didn't care.

The pistol in the holster was illuminated by the light of the flashlight, reflecting a dark halo.

With just one look, the leader lowered his head and walked away with the people behind him.

There was no need to talk at all. The deterrent power of guns was more effective than thousands of words. No matter how many people you have, are you still not afraid of death?

No matter how many people are in front of the gun, they are all cannon fodder.

After showing this, it is estimated that no survivors here will be stupid enough to come and cause trouble for Zhang Yi and this RV for a long time in the future.

In the RV, Zhang Yi didn't take the thugs outside seriously at all.

He curled up on the sofa in the living room, tasting Bordeaux red wine while watching the movies stored in the computer.

These movies and TV series were all missed by Zhang Yi during his four years in the army.

It's a good opportunity to catch up now.

Liu Qianqian was playing with Liu Xiaobai tirelessly.

The two girls played for a while, hugged for a while, until they were sweaty all over, and then they agreed to take a shower together.

After a while, the sound of running water and the two girls' giggling could be heard in the bathroom.

Liu Xiaobai has a strong learning ability. In just one afternoon, she can already say several words.

It's just that it's still a little difficult to form sentences, but she can express her ideas in simple words.

In the bathroom, Liu Xiaobai was heard to say curiously:"Big sister! Momomo, ah! Bai!"

Then the sound of water suddenly became louder, and the sound after that could not be heard clearly.

Who knows what Liu Xiaobai saw?!

After a while, Liu Qianqian's scream suddenly came from the bathroom

""What's wrong, Qianqian?"

Zhang Yi rushed to the bathroom.

The RV is an absolutely safe area, and other survivors and zombies can't rush in at all.

The only one who can hurt Liu Qianqian now is Liu Xiaobai.

After all, this guy's fighting power is too high.

Even if she didn't mean it, and just used all her strength when playing, it would be easy for Liu Qianqian to get hurt.

But after the contact between Liu Qianqian and Liu Xiaobai this afternoon, the two get along quite harmoniously.

Liu Xiaobai is also very measured, and his strength and speed are hidden very well.

In fact, in Zhang Yi's eyes, the scene of playing is more like Liu Xiaobai teasing Liu Qianqian

"without...nothing...Let's talk about it later!"

Liu Qianqian said in a daze.

But judging from the sound, she should not be injured.

In this case, Zhang Yi was relieved.

Ten minutes later.

Liu Qianqian came out wrapped in a bath towel.

Liu Xiaobai was also wearing the same bath towel.

Seeing Liu Xiaobai, Zhang Yi suddenly understood why Liu Qianqian screamed.

Because he saw that on the top of Liu Xiaobai's head, there was a pair of white ears like a kitten!

Before, her hair was very fluffy, and her ears were stuck to her head, perfectly hidden by her hair.

Now her hair was flattened by water, and her ears were exposed.

"This is...Cat-eared girl?"

Zhang Yi was so surprised that he couldn't close his mouth. Isn't this something from the second dimension? How did it appear in reality?

But then he thought, the end of the world has come, what is impossible?

Moreover, Liu Xiaobai was brought out of the laboratory by him. Who knows what she had experienced before?

"This is what I just wanted to tell you....But Liu Xiaobai is very good, she is very obedient and a good child!"

Liu Qianqian was afraid that Zhang Yi would dislike Liu Xiaobai and throw her away, so she hurriedly explained.

"this...It's okay to keep her, but I have to ask you a question!"

Zhang Yi frowned, as if he was stuck in a difficult problem.


Brother Yi, please tell me!...Does she have a tail?

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