The Doberman was fierce and aggressive, with a strong and sturdy body.

Standing on the ground, it was even half a head taller than Liu Xiaobai.

The man and the dog were very close, and the Doberman could bite Liu Xiaobai just by stretching his neck forward.

But the latter did not realize the danger at all, and even stretched out his white and tender hands towards the Doberman, as if he wanted to touch it.

"Xiaobai, come back soon!"

Liu Qianqian hurriedly waved to greet Liu Xiaobai, but after taking a few steps, she was stopped by Li Guang and others again.

"Don't go, beauty, we haven't finished talking yet!"

"I have nothing to talk to you about!"

Liu Qianqian said lightly.

She didn't take the three men seriously at all.

Although the other party had strong muscles and looked very powerful.

But Liu Qianqian could tell at a glance that these were muscles gained from exercising in the gym and eating protein powder.

This kind of muscle is good for viewing and has strong explosive power, but poor endurance, and poor body flexibility, which will restrict them in battle.

The most important thing is that they have not undergone professional anti-strike training. No matter how many muscles they have, they will be useless if they can't bear the pain.

But Liu Qianqian didn't want to act too high-profile.

Because Zhang Yi has been taking low-key measures since entering the checkpoint, and he doesn't want to provoke to get into trouble.

She didn't want to take action over such a small matter, so she would hide if she could.

In the eyes of the three men, Liu Qianqian's behavior was interpreted in completely opposite ways.

They thought Liu Qianqian was scared and wanted to escape!

It seemed that the team behind this beautiful woman must not be that powerful.

Otherwise, she would have announced her name and scared herself away.

In this way, Li Guang and others became more excited and more unscrupulous.

Li Guang followed Liu Qianqian's peripheral vision and saw Liu Xiaobai approaching the Doberman step by step.

He immediately realized that this little girl was Liu Qianqian's weakness, so he chuckled and said:

"In fact, this Doberman I have has been with me for several years. In the past, the city prohibited keeping such aggressive dogs, so I kept it secretly!"

"Now it's the end of the world and finally no one cares about me. And it turns out that the Doberman is really useful. It has pulled me back from the brink of death several times!"

"It pounced on and fended off countless zombies along the way. Oh, and it even bit off the leg of a thief who wanted to steal our food! The entire ankle was bitten off. Wow, that scene was really exciting!"

"But don't worry, it listens to me very much. It will attack whoever I tell it to attack, and it will not bite if I tell it not to....Now, can we get to know each other?"

Li Guang said, taking a step forward.

Liu Qianqian quickly took two steps back, clenching her fists.

"You guys are so shameless!"

Liu Qianqian scolded.

She knew that Li Guang's words just now were actually a threat to her.

As long as she made the slightest move, Li Guang would let the Doberman attack Liu Xiaobai who had no power to fight back!

He actually used a child to threaten her, how despicable!

"Hahahaha, in this world today, shameless people can eat meat, sleep with women, and even live in houses!"

"On the contrary, those who can only curse will have the worst fate in the end. I think you should know what to do!"

Li Guang smiled lewdly, and then gave his two followers a look.

The followers understood, and grabbed Liu Qianqian's wrists one by one.

Threats, plus force!

This is Li Guang's usual method.

Most women encountering such situations will just struggle symbolically for a few times, and then have to accept their fate.

After all, in the end times, human life is worthless. If you anger these people, not only can you not keep your innocence, but you will also be killed.

It's a pity that Liu Qianqian is not an ordinary woman!

When her hands were grabbed, she immediately turned her wrists and grabbed the wrists of the two followers.

Her strength is more than three times that of ordinary people. Her hands are like an iron hoop, tightly grasping the two people

"Hmm? Boss, this woman is quite interesting!"

The two followers thought that Liu Qianqian had accepted her fate and was going to cooperate actively.

If such a beautiful woman took the initiative to cooperate with three big men, the scene would be exciting just to think about it!

Li Guang chuckled and said,"This is my dear baby. Brother will definitely treat you well in a while!"

As he said that, he began to take off his vest.

Unexpectedly, Liu Qianqian pushed hard with both hands, and with the help of the arm strength of the two men, she jumped up and kicked Li Guang's chest with both legs!

Her strength and speed have improved a lot now, and Taekwondo is originally good at leg attack techniques.

Tap, tap, tap!

Within this second, Liu Qianqian kicked out three times quickly, and all of them were at a straight kick angle.

With the heel as the fulcrum, each kick kicked hard on Li Guang's chest.

Li Guang was taking off his vest, and the clothes blocked his sight. When he took off his clothes, his arms were raised, which just exposed the chest area defenselessly.


The air in his lungs was squeezed out quickly, and he made a sound similar to a hiccup.

Then, the whole person weighing 160 to 170 kilograms was kicked to the ground with a horrified face.

He couldn't move at all.

With such force, I'm afraid his ribs in his chest were broken.

""Huh? What happened?"

The two followers were startled by the sudden change. Before they could react, they felt a strong force coming from their wrists.

After Liu Qianqian kicked Li Guang over, she immediately kicked twice as soon as she landed on the ground.

It just hit the back of the two followers' knees.

They were unstable and were pulled by Liu Qianqian.

The two fell to their knees on the ground with their heads hitting each other, and their eyes were full of stars.

""Tsk, you're still using force with such a level?"

Liu Qianqian said disdainfully.

Unexpectedly, these three big men were more resistant to fighting than she thought, and the fight ended in just a few seconds.

The only one left was the Doberman!

Dogs are more flexible than humans, and this Doberman is huge, weighing probably more than 100 pounds.

Among these three men and one dog, this dog has the strongest fighting power.

""Get out of here!"

Liu Qianqian shouted loudly while rushing towards the Doberman.

Logically speaking, dogs are extremely sensitive to sounds and moving objects.

Liu Qianqian's actions would definitely attract the Doberman's attention.

But at this moment, Li Guang slowly sat up from the ground and whistled fiercely! ps: Ten chapters guaranteed for the first day are given away!

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