"Brother Yi, I have found the location of this wildlife quarantine station. I couldn’t find it using ordinary map navigation, so I found it through satellite navigation!"

"This is a large building complex, and it doesn’t look like an ordinary epidemic prevention station at all!"

"The target is about 20 kilometers away from here! It is expected to arrive in about 20 minutes!"

Zhang Yi nodded and said:

"Got it, let's set off immediately, go early and finish early!"

The RV drove along the national highway for a while, and the farmlands on both sides became fewer and fewer, replaced by dense forests. There were very few abandoned cars on this road, and even zombies were not seen.

Soon, a dirt road appeared in front.

Looking at the ruts on it, it can only accommodate one car to pass.

A small road like this is absolutely impossible for vehicles that are not familiar with the road.

Because once you encounter a car coming from the opposite direction on the road, it will be a very embarrassing thing.

Liu Qianqian checked the map and made sure that this was the right road, so she slowly drove in.

The sandy road surface only lasted for about 500 meters, and then it suddenly turned into a very straight asphalt road.

Looking at the slope of the road, it should be uphill all the way.

This road leads to the mountain!

The road is easy to walk on, but the woods on both sides are a bit too dense, and the branches extend to the middle of the road. The

RV had to push the branches aside and move forward.

Seeing the branches outside the window rubbing against the car window one after another However, it was like a pair of hands blocking the RV's progress.

This road is either almost unused, or it was deliberately made like this to deceive people.

The RV drove for another ten minutes.

Suddenly, the view in front of me became clear.

It turned out that we had already driven out of the woods, and there was a large open area in front.

There are gardens carefully designed by craftsmen, and there are tender green lawns.

There are two imposing buildings in the distance.

Such a scale and shape really don't match the three words"epidemic prevention station" in Zhang Yi's mind.

Even if you say that this is a well-known hospital in a first-tier city, people will believe it.

Someone actually built such a group of buildings on the hillside!

There must be a lot of secrets that people don't want people to know.

But now Zhang Yi is not interested in these secrets, as long as he finds the black mission, he can complete it.

As for what secret medical experiments are being done here, it has nothing to do with him.

As long as the people here don't take the initiative to cause trouble, Zhang Yi will not kill them all.

"Drive downstairs and we'll ask someone. Stay alert!"


The RV slowly moved forward. There was silence all around, so quiet that it was a little abnormal.

Normally, such a secret medical experimental base should have guards or something like that.

How could a strange vehicle be allowed to drive in so openly?

The RV was getting closer and closer to the white medical experimental building, and Zhang Yi could see it clearly.

This building was not actually white, but was painted with green and brown paint, and it looked like it blended in with the surrounding environment.

Such a protective color may not be found even if you use a satellite to look at it from high in the sky.

But at this time, the outside of the building was wrapped in layers of silver-white silk threads, wrapping the entire building like an insect cocoon.

Occasionally, you can see a few washbasin-sized insects crawling quickly on it.

"This is..."

Liu Qianqian was so surprised that her eyes widened and she stood up from her seat involuntarily.

When she stood up, she did not forget to pull the handbrake of the RV.

Zhang Yi also had a solemn face. Judging from the density of the silk thread above, it seemed that it had just been formed. It was still getting thicker and entangled.

If it weren't for the reflection of these silver-white silk threads, Liu Qianqian would not have been able to see such an area through the satellite map.

But what exactly are these bugs?!

Zhang Yi and Liu Qianqian looked at each other, and an ominous premonition crept into their hearts.


One hour ago, No. 7, Wildlife Quarantine Station, Medical Laboratory No. 5

"Professor Wang, the collection team is back with some new samples, but they lost a hound and captured a man!"

The speaker was a young doctor of medicine named Xu Hao.

""We caught a person?"

Professor Wang Zhen pushed up his glasses and said with shining eyes,"Great, we can finally conduct human experiments!"

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