"Try the red button with a flame logo at the bottom of the operation interface!"

Liu Qianqian looked at the position Zhang Yi said, and indeed saw a red button.

She had been driving for two days, and it was the first time she found a red button at this location.

Without thinking too much, she hurriedly pressed it hard.

Then, an operation interface for controlling weapons popped up.

Just like playing a game, you just need to control the attack direction of the weapon and then press the fire button.

Each firing lasts for 5 seconds.

Spraying fire?

It only lasts for 5 seconds. Can this really repel the zombies?

Liu Qianqian was a little worried, but she had to try her best.

There was really no other way. A better way.

She pointed the muzzle of the flamethrower at the zombies in front of the RV and clicked the fire button.


The flamethrower emitted a high-temperature flame that was invisible to the naked eye!

Then, the clothes of the zombies on the car window were instantly burned to ashes, and the whole body was as if it had been steamed dry, shrinking rapidly and turning into charcoal with only dry bones.

The flames penetrated the zombies in the first row with undiminished power, and the heat wave suddenly jumped forward seven or eight meters, burning all the zombies in front of the car.

The heat wave around the flames ignited the clothes and hair of the nearby zombies, which were still emitting flames.

This power...So terrifying!

"Please clear out the zombies around here, I need to get to the lift!"


Liu Qianqian had a stern face and operated the weapon seriously. With a five-second burst, the zombies around the car were cleared out.

Heat energy can be transmitted in the air.

Some zombies were not directly hit by the flames, but were only hit by the flames, but they had already turned into a ball of fire.

After the second attack, most of the surging zombies had been cleared.

Only the zombies on the upper floors were left, and they were rolling and crawling down the stairs, launching attacks one after another.

Because the zombies around were cleared out, the remaining zombies came out from the only exit of the teaching building.

So using a flamethrower is very conducive to defense, just spray in one direction.

Zhang Yi stood on the roof of the car, and Hou Yi Tong Bow appeared in his hand.

Now the zombies have not been completely eliminated, so Brother Long dare not come down from the tree.

Once Liu Qianqian slaughtered all the zombies, Brother Long would definitely run away unless he had an IQ problem.

There are buildings nearby. Once Brother Long runs away, it will be difficult to catch him.

So Zhang Yi decided to strike first.

""No, no, don't kill me, I have a secret!"

When Brother Long saw Zhang Yi's cold eyes, he immediately understood the latter's intention.

He was frightened and panicked, and he had lost his previous high-spirited demeanor. He begged for mercy loudly.

Zhang Yi ignored him.




The golden arrow, as thick as a child's arm, cut the tree in half like a flash of lightning.

Brother Long screamed and fell from the tree.

His right leg was broken by the thick branches, and he grimaced in pain.


Several zombies were attracted by the sound from Brother Long, rushed over, pressed him to the ground, and started chewing.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Zhang Yi's heart was calm.

Although this guy has a very low combat rating, he is very scheming.

And he is also cruel enough to do anything to become stronger.

If he develops slowly here in Sishui Middle School, he will definitely become a force that cannot be underestimated in the end of the world in the future.

It's a pity that he provoked Zhang Yi.

So Brother Long's legend can only be completely ended at the beginning of the end of the world.

On the other side, Liu Qianqian noticed the attack limit on the weapon operation interface.

It seems that after attacking 10 times, there will be 10 minutes of overheating cooling.

She has attacked three times now. In order to save fuel, she decided to change her strategy.

The zombies were too scattered.

Although they rushed out of one exit, the number of zombies coming out each time was not certain.

Sometimes dozens of zombies would suddenly appear.

Sometimes there might be only a dozen zombies.

In this case, if she attacked with a flamethrower alone, the weapon would probably enter the overheating cooling stage before all the zombies in the teaching building came out.

The remaining attacks must be as efficient as possible.

Liu Qianqian's mind moved, and she immediately had a good idea.

She drove the RV more than ten meters in the opposite direction of the teaching building, leaving all the zombies around behind the car.

Then Liu Qianqian pressed the horn hard.

""Beep! Beep!"

The horn of the RV, which was as loud as a truck, instantly filled every classroom in the teaching building and the buildings in the surrounding communities.

All the zombies wandering in the school and nearby communities were attracted by the huge sound.

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