No matter what kind of humanity Long Ge and his group have, whether they are loyal or treacherous to their companions, it doesn't matter to Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi came here to wipe out Long Ge and his group. It doesn't matter whether Zhang Yi kills them personally or the zombies kill them.

As long as they are all dead, it's fine.

This incident was really beyond Long Ge and his group's expectations.

The door was actually broken!

The girl can come in, but what about the seven or eight zombies following her?

"Brothers, grab your weapons and fight! Let's kill our way through and pull the guy off the roof of the RV!"

Brother Long yelled, and rushed out with a few of his brothers, holding axes, sticks and other weapons.



Zombies and humans were fighting each other.

Brother Long was really strong. He knocked a zombie off the steps with just one punch.

He swung an axe back and chopped off the head of another zombie that rushed up.

But the little brother beside him was not so lucky.

In the zombie movies, the zombies were like paper.

You could just open their skulls with a fruit knife, and they would explode if you hit their heads with a stick.

But the actual situation was not like that.

Because zombies were also humans when they were alive, and the human skull was the strongest part of the body.

It was impossible to kill them with just one stick.

Maybe they could cause a concussion or heavy bleeding, but it was almost impossible to kill them instantly.

What's more, the zombies were waving their teeth and clawing to bite off your flesh and blood. How could anyone calmly and accurately kill them with one blow?

So when they first met, although the zombies were hit several times, they had no sense of pain and were not afraid. As long as they were not hit in the fatal parts, they would still pounce on them crazily!

In this way, Long Ge's brothers were knocked down one by one and then eaten by zombies.

As long as you are bitten by a zombie, even if the aorta is not injured, excessive infection will turn you into a zombie after a period of time.

"ah...Brother Long, save me..."

"I'm fighting with you, ah...ah..."

Screams and curses rang out one after another.

Da Mai and Gang Zi were bitten to death on the spot, turned into zombies, and began to attack the living.

The formation of Long Ge's brothers was immediately in chaos, and some were so scared that they turned around and ran.

But after running a few steps, they were pounced on from behind by zombies, pressed to the ground and bitten.

The girl who was used as bait was also dead, with a large piece of meat bitten off her back and her head smashed.

Soon, Long Ge was the only one left at the entrance of the gymnasium, surrounded by the corpses of zombies and the bodies of his own brothers.

"hiss...It shouldn't be!"

Zhang Yi frowned in confusion.

Because he saw that Brother Long's combat potential rating was B.

For survivors of this level, consuming a little evolution essence only adds 3 attributes.

And the added attributes are randomly assigned, which may increase charm, knowledge, or weapon strength.

In addition, points can be added to strength, agility and constitution, the three attributes that are closely related to combat.

Brother Long is not very old, but his current combat power is comparable to Liu Qianqian!

Even in terms of strength attributes, he is stronger than Liu Qianqian!

How is this possible?

Liu Qianqian killed dozens of zombies to get a few evolution essence points. Hua.

Moreover, she is a third degree black belt in Taekwondo, her basic stats are very high, and her growth stats are S-level rating of 6.

With so many advantages, she has grown to what she is now.

And Brother Long, with a B-level rating, is actually stronger than Liu Qianqian?

He needs to obtain at least twice as much evolution essence as Liu Qianqian to barely match Liu Qianqian's combat power.

Did he kill hundreds of zombies by himself?

Zhang Yi shook his head.

It is simply impossible to kill hundreds of zombies with just an axe in just two days.

Even he is not sure that he can kill more than 100 zombies without any injuries without an RV.

Could it be......What secret did he have to become stronger quickly?

Thinking of this, Zhang Yi put away the already drawn Hou Yi Tong Bow.

He couldn't just let him die like this.

He had to find out the secret of his becoming stronger.


Brother Long stood at the entrance of the gymnasium, his voice became hoarse due to long-term screaming.

His front was covered with donated blood, and he yelled at Zhang Yi with a crazy look on his face.

"Come fight me if you dare! Don't hide in the RV like a coward!"

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