
As soon as Zhang Yi finished speaking, the arrow in his hand flew out.

Although it was an arrow, it flew very fast, like thunder and lightning.

In just a blink of an eye, it had hit the driver's head.

The driver thought he had already won.

He saw that if he ran another ten meters, he would be able to sit in this luxurious RV, leave this service area, and live a carefree life.

However, before he had time to imagine the future, his whole head was like a watermelon hit by a stone.

It suddenly exploded, and blood splattered everywhere.

A small-scale rainstorm of red and white liquid mixed fell on the ground.


The survivors in the service area exclaimed.

Some of the timid ones even wet their pants out of fear.

They were just looking into Zhang Yi's eyes, not knowing what he meant.

Just when they heard a"pop" and the sound of something exploding, they followed the source of the sound and saw this tragic scene.

At this time, the driver's head was gone. His torso staggered forward a few steps by inertia, and then his knees softened, first kneeling in front of the RV, and then his whole body fell down.

Although these survivors have witnessed the scene of zombies eating people, they still can't bear the scene of the driver's head exploding.

The latter's death seems to be a hundred times more tragic than the former.

The whole head is shattered into slag. What kind of experience is this?

I guess no one knows They were curious about this experience and wanted to try it.

What scared the survivors even more was Zhang Yi's strength.

He kicked open a locked door held by four people?

He kicked the tour guide to death?

He could hit the target 100% without even looking back, and the way of death was extremely cruel?!

Any one of the above three points would have made them tremble with fear.

Facing a killer like Zhang Yi, all the survivors were terrified.

They stood there shaking and couldn't even speak.

Zhang Yi ignored these people.

Since those who should die are dead, he has also played the role of killing the chicken to scare the monkey.

The next step is to recycle the supplies.

The supermarkets, restaurants, and water bars in the mall are all full of food and food ingredients.

Now only Zhang Yi can recycle, and Liu Qianqian can only clumsily. Moving by hand, the efficiency of the two is completely incomparable.

Liu Qianqian has begun to get used to Zhang Yi's powerful strength and some weird technology, so she didn't ask much, just quietly doing her job.

After a full hour.

Zhang Yi has stored all the food, cooking oil, frozen food and other things in the restaurant kitchen in the warehouse.

Liu Qianqian also moved most of the stock in the supermarket warehouse.

Now only the visible things on the supermarket shelves are left.

Until this time, the survivors gradually recovered from the fear of the threat of death.

After a brief discussion, they pushed a little girl out to negotiate with Zhang Yi.

This girl was the one the tour guide said was going to enter the service area to block the way. The only one who raised objections when Zhang Yi opened the door.

These people nominated this girl to negotiate, not because she spoke in favor of Zhang Yi at that time.

How could Zhang Yi know the details of the decision made by these people on the bus at that time?

The reason why she was nominated was that many people here participated in blocking the door and did not dare to face Zhang Yi.

Some other people have been experienced in society for a long time and are old hands.

They rush to do all the good things and will definitely not stand up for dangerous things.

So it was almost a unanimous vote to push out this little girl who had never experienced the hardships of society and did not understand the wickedness of human nature.

If the negotiations are successful, everyone will have food to eat, and it will not be dangerous, killing two birds with one stone.

Even if the negotiations fail, Zhang Yi is a murderer, so the unlucky one is the little girl, and these people can take the opportunity to escape.


The girl timidly walked up to Zhang Yi and said hesitantly:"That...Could you please leave some food for us?"


Zhang Yi was a little tired from collecting, so it was a good time to take a break.

"It's like this. Look, there are fifteen of us and only two of you. We're going to split the food in half. Is that okay with you?"

"Split in half? Impossible!"

Zhang Yi shook his head without even thinking about it.


The girl bit her lip and looked back at the survivors behind her as if asking for help.

These people made extremely exaggerated expressions and opened their mouths, but did not dare to make even a sound.

What they meant was:"Try to get as many as possible, you think of a way!"

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