After hearing what the people inside said, Liu Qianqian suddenly realized that the cardboard box at the door did not contain garbage, but food and water for her.

She opened the box and took a look.

There were two loaves of bread and two 500ml bottles of mineral water.

After working for so long, these people just gave her such a small amount of food and wanted to send her away?

What's more outrageous is that the two bottles of mineral water were not intact.

Instead, half of them were drunk by someone.

There were food crumbs floating in one of the bottles!

It was water that someone else had drunk!

The bread was also an expired product that had passed its shelf life.

Isn't this disgusting?!

"You guys are going too far! How could you do this?!"

Liu Qianqian had never seen such a person before, and her face turned pale with anger. She shouted loudly

"How are we? Giving you food and drink is good enough. We have done our best. Now get out of here!"

An extremely rude and impolite voice came from the door. Although it was just one sentence, it was not said by one person.

"Get out of the way!"

Zhang Yi said softly to Liu Qianqian.

"Hmm? Oh, Brother Yi, you should talk to them. These people are really too much!..."

Liu Qianqian was halfway through her words when she saw Zhang Yi raise his right leg and kick the door hard.


The door of the service area was made of solid wood, locked, and there was a table blocking the back.

However, such a defense was completely useless in front of Zhang Yi!

With just one kick, the door swayed.

The table blocking the back was also knocked open a foot away!

""Quick! Block the door! They want to force an attack! We must not let them in!"

The tour guide shouted hurriedly from behind the crowd.

Now the people in the house and the people outside the house have naturally formed two factions.

Since Zhang Yi started to bang on the door, it means that the two sides have completely fallen out.

There is no room for maneuver.

The survivors behind the door also knew that Zhang Yi was so strong that if he was allowed to rush in, no one in the room would be his opponent.

So three or four strong young men came up at once and pushed the table back to the door.


Zhang Yi kicked again.

This kick was even more fierce than the previous one.

The powerful impact made the palm of the man blocking the door numb.

Zhang Yi was a little angry.

He took a few steps back and started to run.

His agility is now more than twice that of an ordinary person. He runs very fast and rushes over like a gust of wind..

Just over a meter away from the gate of the service area, Zhang Yi suddenly paused. This time he did not kick with his feet, but flew up and hit the door with his shoulders.

Zhang Yi is about 1.8 meters tall and weighs 160 to 170 kilograms.

Coupled with the speed generated by the run-up, the impact force is extraordinary!

Although there are four people inside the door holding up together.

But they don't know how to exert force, and the force they generate is not four times that of ordinary people.

The two sides collided head-on. Then there were two sounds of bang! Click! The first sound was Zhang Yi hitting the gate. The second sound was the wooden gate of the entire service area, with the door lock and the door frame, being knocked into the hall together. The table blocking the gate inside was also knocked away by the huge impact force and hit the stomachs of two people, causing the latter to curl up on the ground and wail in pain.

"Qianqian, learn this. Don't waste time talking to idiots like this in the future. Fists are better than anything else!"

Zhang Yi walked in slowly on the door.

There was a person under the door.

But this person was so scared that he didn't dare to fart even with the weight of Zhang Yi and Liu Qianqian on his body.

He could kick open the locked door and the table behind it. How could he be a human being! Isn't this a monster?

Who dares to fight against a monster?

Do you think your life is too long?!

"Who came up with the idea of not letting us in?"

Zhang Yi's cold eyes swept over everyone.

The survivors were so frightened that they were silent. No one dared to look at him. They all lowered their heads.

"This idea is a unanimous decision of all of us!"

The tour guide stood up and said confidently

"No, no, no, this is his own decision, we all don’t agree with it!"

"Yes, yes, we have been objecting, but he insisted on having his own way!"

"Yes, it’s all his fault. I told him that the owner of the RV was our benefactor and we shouldn’t do such an ungrateful thing, but he didn’t listen!"

"This guy is obsessed with money. He just wants the food here, and he says that if we share it with one more person, we will live one day less!"

"I have always been against it. I have said that there are zombies everywhere now, and we humans should unite as one. Having more people to share food won't affect anything...."

These survivors, who had just unanimously supported the tour guide, immediately changed their tune and began to move closer to Zhang Yi.

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