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When the girls ran over, their sleeves were pulled and the snacks scattered all over the floor.

But they didn't care and just stopped to take a look, then continued to chase and play.

The cleaning staff on the side immediately walked to the front, swept up the scattered snacks and dumped them into the trash can.

At this time, Officer Luo Yun knocked on the door gently and walked in.

He had just tidied up his military uniform and combed his hair. He was dressed very neatly and stood at attention.

With a smile on his face, he spoke a lot to these Luo Yun girls in a soft tone, and his attitude was very humble and polite.

Zhang Yi turned on the voice translator on his mobile phone on the ceiling.

Every time the people below said a word, it would automatically translate it into Mandarin and then display it on the screen in the form of text.

Because of the ceiling, the phone could not recognize the voices of the people below very clearly.

It was intermittent, but the general meaning could be understood.

The officer was asking these Luo Yun girls if they needed anything else, and he would try his best to satisfy them.

Then he said to the cleaner:

"Don't throw away these snacks thrown into the trash can, it's such a waste! Collect them and give them to the experimental subjects to eat!"

The officer asked about the girls' well-being again, and then politely withdrew.

The attitude towards these Luo Yun girls is completely opposite to the attitude towards the Xia country girls.

Zhang Yi followed the direction of the officer's walking on the ceiling and came to the study of the presidential suite.

A woman in loose satin pajamas sat at the desk with her long legs crossed.

Zhang Yi couldn't see the woman's face from the top of his head, but she had a good figure and her voice was extremely charming and beautiful.

He placed the phone as close to the vent as possible so that he could translate the conversation between the two more clearly.

Through the chat between the two, Zhang Yi knew that the woman's name was Ze Yexiang and the officer was called Zuo Menwei.

Ze Yexiang said lazily in her extremely charming and enchanting voice:

"How long will we stay here? This is a city, and there are zombies everywhere! Have you forgotten what happened to us in Luoyun Country?"

"We escaped from Luo Yun Kingdom in the hope of finding a place to settle down in this vast land of Xia Kingdom!"

"As long as there is fertile land and defensible natural barriers, it will be enough! The longer you stay here, the more dangerous it will be. Do you want the tragedy that happened before to happen again here?"

Although she was questioning the left guard, her tone was not harsh at all.

Even so, the left guard still saluted nervously.

Then he replied respectfully:"The Xia people are very easy to deceive. It is unbelievable that they actually believe in things like military shelter and refugee camps!"

"Through many experiments with the Xia people, we have acquired a lot of information about the behavior of zombies, which will be very helpful for our future migration to the inland of Xia!"

"Moreover, these Xia people brought a lot of gold and food, which is very beneficial to the reconstruction and revival of our civilization!"

Ze Yexiang changed his posture and raised his left leg on it.

He tapped his fingers lightly on the table and said:

"If the purpose is just to study zombie behavior, why do we need to conduct experiments on zombie seeds and human conception? How does this help the study of zombie behavior?"


The left guard didn't expect that even such a secret information was known by Zeyexiang, and explained with some uneasiness:

"We are studying whether zombies have reproductive capacity, which will be of great help to our future war against zombies!"

"Facts have proved that zombies really don't have this ability. All the women who have been vaccinated have died! And we have stopped this part of the experiment!"

Ze Yexiang was about to say something when suddenly several gunshots were heard outside the window.

She and the left guard hurried to the window and looked out.

The window of the study faces the main entrance of the hotel.

Outside the fortifications, a giant zombie appeared.

This zombie was more than three meters tall and had strong muscles.

There was no neck, and the head was almost shrunk to the edge of the chest.

It was so powerful that it could lift a car with both hands and throw it at the fortifications.

With a bang, a large gap was smashed in the fortifications.

Soldiers who didn't have time to escape were crushed under the car and wailed in pain.

"Attack! Attack! We must not let it get close to the hotel!"

Luo Yun's soldiers picked up their rifles and fought back.

The bullets hit the body of the giant zombie and were swallowed up in an instant.

Even if it hit the head, it was still unharmed and attacked the soldiers frantically.

It took a big step, came to the front of the soldiers, and waved its hand.

Some soldiers were knocked away.

Others were directly grabbed in their hands and torn in half.

The scene was extremely bloody.

A group of soldiers couldn't stop a zombie?

This made the left guard feel very embarrassed.

Ze Yexiang frowned and said,"This is what you said. Through the study of zombie behavior, it will be of great benefit to our future migration.’?"

This sentence frightened the left guard so much that he stood at attention again, sweat slowly seeping out of his forehead.

"Forget it, I'll send someone to take care of this matter!"

Zeyexiang picked up the intercom indifferently and said slowly:"Jinmen, deal with the trouble at the door!"


A few minutes later, a man in samurai clothes walked out of the hotel's main entrance.

He had a long sword with a white sheath on his waist.

When the soldiers saw this man, they all retreated to both sides as if they had seen a savior.


The giant zombie screamed, picked up a tire on the ground and threw it towards Jinmen.


Jinmen flashed and came in front of the giant zombie.

""Aiki slash!"

Jinmen turned into three phantoms, slashing at the giant zombie from three directions.

A second later, the phantoms merged into one person.

Jinmen had already appeared behind the giant zombie from in front of it.

He slowly sheathed his knife. At the moment when the blade was completely in the sheath.

A stream of blood gushed out from the giant zombie's body.

The huge body was cut into three pieces and slowly fell to the ground._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fulu Novel

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