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The captain clapped his hands in satisfaction, then took the dagger back from the woman's hand and praised her repeatedly:

"Very exciting, really exciting! Is this the nature of people in the end times? It's so interesting that a companion can be betrayed and killed so easily!"

He turned around and said a bunch of words to the soldier that the woman couldn't understand.

The soldier next to him immediately saluted and tied the woman's hands.

"What are you doing? I have done what you asked. I just want to enter the refugee camp! Don’t kill me!

The woman knelt on the ground and begged

"Who said I was going to kill you?"

The captain smiled and gently lifted the woman's hair.

"You are our very precious experiment. You will never die before all your value is squeezed out!"

The soldier dragged the woman into a room on the third floor of the hotel with a cold expression.

As soon as she entered the room, a strong stench hit her in the face, choking the woman to retching a few times.

As the door behind her closed heavily, the woman noticed that there were more than a dozen people living in this room of only more than 30 square meters.

It was not all women, but there were men!

Everyone squatted on the ground, their eyes were dim, and there was no expression on their faces.

It was like they had lost their souls.

What puzzled her most was that there was a woman lying on the bed without any clothes, staring at the ceiling with empty eyes.

The man next to her didn't even look at her.

He curled up and lay with his back to the woman.

What's going on?

Is this a refugee camp?

It feels like these people are not in the right state?

"Open the door and let me out! Let me out! I don't want to come in anymore, I want to go back!"

""Is there anyone here? Can anyone hear me? Please let me out!"

The woman banged on the door and screamed at the top of her lungs.

But the guard at the door seemed to be deaf, standing there silently, motionless.... roadside...

Zhang Yi parked the SUV behind the green belt and hid.

He took Xia Xue to secretly observe the situation in the Holiday Inn from a distance.

He saw everything that happened to the man in sunglasses and his female companion.

When Xia Xue saw the woman brutally killing the man in sunglasses with a dagger, she was so surprised that she almost cried out.

She thought the two were in a relationship.

Even if they were not lovers, they were friends in need.

They escaped from the zombies together, went on the road together, and came to the refugee camp together.

They were about to be safe, but there was an internal conflict at this time?

Zhang Yi looked calm.

The man was afraid that he would kill him, so he took the initiative to give the woman to him!

To put it bluntly, the two people were in a relationship of mutual benefit, and it would not be surprising if anyone killed anyone.

But what surprised Zhang Yi was the behavior of the guards. They actually let the survivors kill each other?

What's the reason?

Suddenly, an idea flashed in his mind and he remembered.

The military uniforms of these people looked familiar to him before, but they were not quite the same as those of the National Defense Army.

Because they are the maritime police of Luo Yunguo.

Luoyun Country is an island country close to Linhai City, and is deeply influenced by Xia Country's culture.

(It's a virtual country, don't take it personally)

So many people there can speak a little Mandarin, and the uniforms are very similar to those of Xia Country's National Defense Army.

If you are an ordinary citizen, it is difficult to tell the difference between the two uniforms without careful observation.

Luoyun Country's men are crazy, while women are just the opposite, gentle and skilled.

They are two completely extremes.

If the troops in the Holiday Inn are Luoyun Country's maritime police, then all this can be explained.

Letting the survivors kill each other, testing human nature by creating extreme environments, and so on are their favorite things to do.

In the past, they had a real-life desert island chicken-eating show in peacetime, and during the show, any extreme behavior was not illegal. This is an absurd variety show.

Because the content is so violent and bloody, all countries have listed this variety show as a banned content.

However, this show is very popular in Luoyun Country.

There was even a professional deserted island chicken-eating team that was cold-blooded and extremely brutal.

Such people seemed to be tailor-made for the end of the world.

Another characteristic of the people of Luo Yun Country is their extreme obsession with gold.

There were even news reports that someone starved to death at home because he had no money to eat.

But almost all the decorations in the house are made of pure gold.

Any one of them is priceless.

But this guy would rather starve to death than sell a piece of gold decoration.

Of course, this is a very extreme case, but it also shows the obsession of the people of Luo Yun with gold.

It seems that there must be a lot of survivors who were deceived in the Holiday Inn.

More importantly, there is a lot of gold hidden there!

Zhang Yi's RV upgrade depends on them.

"You wait for me here. If I haven't come back by the time the sun sets below the sea level, you can go back to the first gold shop we searched in the commercial street and wait for me!"

Zhang Yi instructed Xia Xue.

"That...What about you? You are not going to sneak into the Holiday Inn, are you? I feel something is wrong there, everyone is not right!"

Xia Xue said worriedly

"Don't worry, I already know the general background of these people. They should be the coast guard of Luo Yun Country, and they ended up here for some unknown reason!"

"Xia is in a mess, and Luoyun is definitely not much better. Maybe now there is no such thing as a country...."

"And you can rest assured about my skills. No matter how powerful these people are, can they be as powerful as the monster we met a few days ago?"

Zhang Yi smiled and comforted.

It would have been fine if he didn't mention the monster. As soon as he mentioned the monster, Xia Xue's face suddenly turned pale.

It was not because the monster was too strong, but because Zhang Yi's injury was too serious at the time.

It was so difficult to even move a finger.

That time really made Xia Xue cry secretly for a long time

"That...You must be careful! I'm waiting for you to come back!"

Xia Xue stared at Zhang Yi with her eyes wide open, tears almost coming out of her eyes.

"Do not worry!"



When Zhang Yi turned around, his face was held by a pair of gentle and warm hands.


The taste...It is indeed berry-flavored tiramisu! _Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect, recommend

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