The name displayed on the phone number Zhang Yi dialed was: Zhou Feizhu


Zhang Yi was very patient with this call.

He was not in a hurry to hang up the phone, but waited until the phone rang eight times and the system prompted the user to be busy.

Zhou Jiankang's mobile phone involves a lot of confidential information, so it has been by his side all the time.

And it is always ringing.

The ringtone is a relatively old-fashioned song ringtone, and the sound is very loud.

If he is still alive now, the moment the call is connected, a normal person will definitely choose to hang up the phone reflexively, and then throw the phone away or turn it off.

Instead of letting the noisy ringing ring eight times.

This means that Zhou Jiankang is dead, or has become one of the 70%.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yi was in a good mood. He took the snow-capped coffee and slowly walked to the bed..

Since the countdown to the end of the world just ended, this place has suddenly become much quieter.

This made Zhang Yi a little uneasy.

He kept speculating in his heart: Could it be that Liu Qianqian has turned into a zombie like the others!

If that is the case, maybe he really doesn't need to kill her immediately.

Anyway, she is tied to the bed and can't move, so we can learn more about the habits of zombies through her behavior.


Zhang Yi called out tentatively.

Liu Qianqian did not respond.

At this moment, she was like a sleeping beauty, lying quietly on the bed.

Long eyelashes, a delicate and beautiful face like a porcelain doll, a golden waist-to-body ratio, and a perfect and impeccable figure.

With such a figure, if it were photographed and posted online, she would definitely become the new generation of otaku goddess.

Zhang Yi had never observed Liu Qianqian in such detail. He used to think of her as an ordinary employee or subordinate. Now the end of the world has come, but she has become the only person to accompany him.

Looking at her chest rising and falling slowly with her breathing, Zhang Yi finally felt relieved.

This girl should not be a zombie. , but fell asleep!

This guy is really careless. The outside world is in chaos, but she is still tied up and fixed to the bed.

In this situation, she can still sleep!

Ding! The system detects that the end of the world has begun, the passive skill Detection Eye has been activated, and the passive skill Evil Thought Perception has been activated!

Detection Eye: allows the host to see the attribute data and growth potential ratings of all creatures (including humans) in a digitized form.

Evil Thought Perception: allows the host to listen to the thoughts of people around him who are hostile to him. The current perception range radius is 2 meters.

Huh? The passive skill is activated?

Zhang Yi was stunned.

When he looked at Liu Qianqian again, he suddenly found a set of data on the side of her body:

【Name: Liu Qianqian

【Charm: 96. Charm includes appearance, figure, temperament, eloquence and other factors. The higher the charm, the easier it is to gain the trust and favor of survivors.

【Strength]: 72. The higher the strength value, the stronger the damage and blocking ability.

【Agility: 75. The higher the agility value, the higher the attack speed, movement speed and dodge ability.

【Knowledge: 92. The higher the knowledge value, the faster you learn new skills and the more skills you master.

【Constitution: 60. The higher the constitution value, the stronger the ability to resist blows, and the stronger the resistance to toxins, viral infections, etc.

【[Combat Potential Rating]: S-level (ratings are divided into: E, D, C, B, A, S, SS, SSS)

Note: The values of ordinary people are 50, and the combat potential rating is C.

C-level is an ordinary person, D-level is weak, and E-level is a waste.

B-level is excellent, A is outstanding, S-level is a talent, SS-level is a genius, and SSS-level is an extreme genius.


This reminded Zhang Yi of the mobile game advertisements he often saw when watching videos before: Ten consecutive draws at the beginning will definitely produce an S-level general!

This is the S-level talent given at the beginning!

In fact, even if Zhang Yi does not use the detection eye, he can see this.

Needless to say, the appearance and figure, just based on the strength of the fifth degree black belt in Taekwondo, plus the academic qualifications of graduating from a top university, it is definitely a talent.

After watching Liu Qianqian, Zhang Yi suddenly became curious about his own strength.

He walked to a mirror and looked in the mirror.

Soon, a set of data appeared on the side of his body:

【Host]: Zhang Yi

【Charm]: 82 (97-15). Due to the host's long experience of war, he has a strong temper and his charm is reduced by 15 points.

【Strength]: 83. The higher the strength value, the stronger the damage and blocking ability;

【Agility: 115 (85+30), with the blessing of Hou Yi's Red Bow, increasing agility by 30 points;

【Knowledge: 85

【Constitution: 92. The higher the constitution value, the stronger the ability to resist blows, and the stronger the resistance to toxins, viral infections, etc.

【Combat Potential Rating]: SSS

Note: The average person's stats are all 50, and the combat potential rating is C.

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