After this fight, everyone's combat experience was greatly improved.

And all attributes also improved rapidly.

After returning, Zhang Yi distributed the primary strengthening potion to everyone.

Everyone's combat power was greatly improved again.

But the only one who became strange was Xia Xue.

Others increased their combat attributes after taking the primary strengthening potion, but only she...

She actually increased her charm attribute by three points.

Now her charm value is comparable to Liu Qianqian's.

The most intuitive manifestation is that her figure has become better.

Especially the clothes on her upper body, which are obviously a bit tight.

It feels like she is almost suffocating.

Hmm...Increase the size...

It was indeed beyond Zhang Yi's expectations.

The villa area had been cleared.

In order to keep the fruits of victory, Heizi lined up the Hummers and blocked the only entrance to the community.

The villa area was surrounded by two-meter-high walls.

So it was impossible for zombies to rush in from other places.

When it was almost dusk, Xia Xue cooked a sumptuous dinner for everyone in the villa.

This day was over.

In order to save resources, the power in the infected area was cut off.

So as the sun gradually set in the west, the whole world slowly dimmed.

Liu Qianqian took Xia Xue to visit the guest room in the RV that belonged to the latter.

Liu Xiaobai sat on the terrace of the RV, staring at Zhang Yi's back in a trance.

Everyone can rest, but Zhang Yi's work has just begun.

He has never forgotten the purpose of this trip: to find Lin Yunuo! The

RV's breakthrough during the day was a sensation.

The guards of the National Defense Army everywhere must be strictly guarding, especially for the infected area, the number of guards must have at least doubled.

If you force your way out during the day, you will definitely make a fuss.

Now Zhang Yi is looking for someone, not attacking the city.

So naturally the lower the profile, the better, it is best to let the National Defense Army not know that he has secretly left the epidemic area.

The night is the best cover.

In order to avoid being discovered, Zhang Yi did not drive.

Instead, he moved quickly along the buildings.

There were unlucky zombies nearby who wanted to attack him, but their necks were easily broken.

Even the giant zombies had no way to deal with Zhang Yi.

These ordinary zombies were simply no threat to him.

Soon they came to the intersection blocked by the container.

There were two high-power searchlights on it, slowly illuminating the ground.

Within a range of fifty meters from the container, there were many zombie corpses lying.

There were four guards on the ten-meter-high container wall.

The previous configuration was two people, and now it has been temporarily increased to four people.

Although the number of soldiers is not large, it is more than enough to guard the zombies.

Zombies can't climb. If you want to rely on the advantage of numbers to break through the ten-meter-high wall, you have to have at least a group of thousands of zombies.

As long as there is no sound source to attract them, zombies will not gather together for no reason.

To ensure this, the residents within a hundred meters inside the city wall were also completely cleared out.

Therefore, the only task of the guards on the city wall was to eliminate all zombies and humans approaching the city wall.

Of course...If there are still humans alive in the infected area


A soldier yawned out of boredom.

It was impossible for a regiment of the National Protection Army to spare so many people.

They had to defend the broken bridge in the north, the infected area along the long border in the city, and maintain public order.

These soldiers were not pure National Protection Army soldiers, but were drawn from the local police.

"There is a small park nearby. There are not many people here. Where did the zombies come from? They made us guard here all day. I am almost growing on the container!"

Another soldier lit a cigarette, puffed out smoke, and comforted him:

"Okay, stop complaining. At least we can still get some food to eat, which is better than going hungry. Just be content!"

The two soldiers chatted for a while, and suddenly they felt that the searchlight seemed to have illuminated something.

"Hey, did you see that? Something just passed by!"

"Where is it? No, did the bird fly over?"

The two squinted their eyes and tried to look down.

The surroundings were quiet, and there was no moving object at all.

The corpses of the zombies on the ground were lying in their original positions.

There was no unusual movement.

"Are you dazzled?"

""No, my eyesight is very good, I am not nearsighted at all!"

The soldier said, rubbing his eyes.

When he turned to look at his companion, he suddenly found a figure standing behind the searchlight.


The soldier raised his gun quickly.

His shout woke up the other two soldiers who were dozing off.

They all raised their guns, looking confused.

"Zombies are crawling up?"

"There are zombies? Where are they?"

The soldier looked at the searchlight again.

But he found that there was nothing there.

"Strange, I just saw someone on the city wall..."

"No way! This wall is more than ten meters high and absolutely vertical to the ground. There is not even a place to step on. Who can climb up?"

"Besides, the outer shell of the container will make a thumping sound if it is touched slightly. If someone climbs the wall, we would have heard it long ago!"

Another soldier stepped hard on the container under his feet.

Sure enough, there was a series of muffled thumping sounds.

"Furthermore...Even if someone can climb up, can they just jump down from here? At this height, even if they don’t die, they will be half crippled!"

The soldier who just woke up walked to the elevator and said with a smile. The elevator is the only way for soldiers to go up and down the city wall.

And this elevator is parked right here.

How is it possible for someone in this world to climb up to a ten-meter-high city wall so easily without making any sound.

And then jump down safely?!

Isn’t that a plot in martial arts movies?

But even if you are a hero, you have to step on the wall a few times to climb it....

The soldier scratched his head. What everyone said was very meaningful.���That

...Is it really that I am hallucinating?

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