As soon as Shen Yuan removed his hand from the stone pillar, he caught a glimpse of a young man with triangular eyes and frivolous behavior walking towards him.

It was the young man who led the zombies before.

His eyes revealed dissatisfaction and provocation, and he said sarcastically:"Hey, there were only 100 zombies spawned, and you took the points and experience of more than 20 alone. This is too unfair."

Shen Yuan raised his eyebrows. The villain of the classics is here. Was it arranged by

Li Mingfei? It doesn't matter. These people are going to die anyway.

"Eating alone?" Shen Yuan took a step forward, staring at him with eyes like sharp swords.

"If you have the ability, you can eat alone. If you don't have the ability, don't force yourself to complain."

The young man was shocked by Shen Yuan's momentum and couldn't help but take a step back, but when he thought of so many people watching around him, his anger rose.

"You ride a horse......"

"Zhao Lei, don't be impulsive!"

Li Mingfei hurried over and pretended to smooth things over."Brother Shen did this for everyone's good. It greatly reduced everyone's defensive pressure."

"Don't worry about not having enough points, there's still another wave."

Li Mingfei turned to Shen Yuan again.

"Brother Shen, if it were you, I would say you don’t have to use so much force right from the start. Let the other guys exercise as much as possible. When they can’t bear it anymore, you can show your skills."

Li Mingfei looked at Shen Yuan with a smile on his face,"What do you think?"

Shen Yuan laughed in his heart, 'This Li Mingfei is really a dog profiteer, so cunning, in front of so many people, he sang the same tune with Zhao Lei and directly set me up.

He made up his mind that he wanted me to work hard but didn’t want me to get so much experience and points.'

Shen Yuan glanced at the people around him and could see that they basically had the same attitude.

The things in the stone pillars are quite good. Everyone wants to get more points to improve their own strength so that they can survive in this doomsday.

If an ordinary person were here, he would be publicly He was praised so highly that he had no choice but to agree to it for the sake of face.

But what is Shen Yuan's job? Killing.

Is it stupid to give points and experience to the dead?

Although these more than 80 people cannot all be bad guys, not all of them need to be killed.

Most of them should have been half-forced and half-tricked by Li Mingfei, and there are also those who did not do evil, such as the brainless fan Jiang Xiujie.

But he doesn't have the time to distinguish who is good and who is bad, at least not now.

Shen Yuan glanced at everyone, then looked down at Li Mingfei and smiled with his eight big teeth.


Li Mingfei's smiling face froze, and he didn't have time to say anything.

Zhao Lei on the side couldn't bear it anymore.

He took out a dagger and shouted,"Why are you pretending to be so arrogant? Believe it or not, I'll kill you...."

Before he finished speaking, he saw the other party raised a huge palm and slapped him with a gust of wind.


Zhao Lei didn't have time to react, and he felt dizzy, his eyes went black, and he fell asleep.

Everyone exclaimed and quickly stepped back. The originally crowded crowd suddenly became empty, leaving Zhao Lei lying there alone, with a big red mark on his face.......

After this little episode, everyone stayed away from Shen Yuan, fearing that they would also be slapped.

At this time, Jiang Xiujie came over and said,"Brother Shen, this Zhao Lei is a mage, level 3"

"Do you know him?"

Jiang Xiujie quickly shook his head,"I don't know him at all, I just know he is Li Mingfei's subordinate."

"How many people here do you know?"

"Although I usually don't communicate with people, but we've been eating, drinking, defecating and urinating together these past two days, so I guess we know each other."

"Do you know all of Li Mingfei’s confidants?"

"Understand, these few are Li Ming's confidants."

Jiang Xiujie secretly pointed at the young people who followed Li Mingfei.

"They are all ruthless people who kill without blinking an eye. Brother Shen, you must be careful."

"Well, I need your help when we get out."

"I guarantee that I will complete the task!" Jiang Xiujie, feeling honored to see his idol asking for his help, saluted Shen Yuan excitedly.


On the other side, Li Mingfei looked at Shen Yuan and Jiang Xiujie with a gloomy face, and a bad premonition rose in his heart.

This Shen Wenbin seemed to be different from what he thought.

At this time, the electronic sound sounded again from the stone pillar.

"The second wave, 100 level 2 zombies. The attack begins."

Li Mingfei and Li Peng looked at each other, their faces slightly changed.

According to this rule, the next wave will be 100 level 3 zombies. In that case, most people present will not be able to resist.

After all, most of his men are level 2, and there are a few level 1.

There was no time to think about it, the teleportation vortex on the wall started to rotate again.

And Shen Yuan had already stood in front of the teleportation gate.


A roar sounded, and a zombie immediately walked out of the portal.

Shen Yuan adjusted his arm guard, jumped up with his front legs, and used his body inertia to punch hard, using an extremely ferocious Superman punch, aiming at the first zombie that appeared.

Suddenly, the shadow of a huge mouth flashed, and the moment before the fist was about to touch the zombie, it bit the zombie's head.

It was the passive skill attached to the fangs of the rabid dog: mad bite.

The zombie's head was cracked by the wolf's fangs, and then it was hit by Shen Yuan's heavy punch.


The zombie's head instantly shattered into several pieces, and blood, brain matter and bone fragments splashed backwards under the huge impact force, and the headless body fell crookedly to the ground.

Then, the second and third zombies appeared one after another.

Shen Yuan raised his fists, opening and closing them vigorously, using up all his body's inertia with each punch, and he slammed directly into the zombie swarm like a dump truck.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The zombies that were knocked out either hit other zombies or rolled on the ground for a few rounds and stopped moving.

There was a concave fist mark on the head of each zombie.

Seeing that no new zombies appeared in the portal, Shen Yuan decided to use a back throw to complete the final kill.

He blocked the arm of the last zombie with his arm guard, dodged behind it, and locked its legs tightly with his arms like pliers. Then, he bent his waist backwards with force, lifted the zombie high in the air, and slammed it to the ground.


The zombie's neck twisted instantly after it touched the ground, making a crisp sound that made people's teeth ache.

Ah....Shen Yuan stretched out his hands, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath.

Fighting, so cool!

The scene suddenly became quiet again, until it was broken by several shouts of"Fuck!"

"Damn! I never thought zombies could be killed like this..."

"Am I watching UFC? Or WWE?"

"Is this still a person? ?"

""Brother Shen is awesome (broken voice)" It was still Jiang Xiujie's scream.

The remaining zombies were quickly cleared by everyone, with an average of less than one zombie per person.

So, when others returned 2 or 3 points, Shen Yuan already had 70 points.

Ignoring Zhao Lei's resentful gaze, Shen Yuan sneered, strode to the stone pillar, and checked his points.

【Points: 70]

It was more than enough to exchange for a pair of hard leather boots, so Shen Yuan chose to exchange them immediately.

In a flash, a pair of black hard leather high-top boots with a solid iron plate on the front appeared in Shen Yuan's hands.

He found a cleaner zombie, tore off its clothes and wiped the stains on its feet, and then Shen Yuan put on the hard leather boots.

The boots seemed to have magic, and then changed to the right size for his feet and fit on his feet.

This is one of the functions of the equipment in the doomsday game, which can automatically adjust the size according to the human body. Of course, this is limited.

Shen Yuan stood up, feeling the solidity brought by the new boots, and finally he didn't have to step on the pulp barefoot.

And because of the existence of the soles, he was a little taller. With a height of more than two meters, combined with his exposed and distinct muscles, the whole person looked burly and handsome.

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