The End of Technology

Chapter 145 The advantages of carbon-based advanced life forms are crushed

Many times, human inspiration comes without any reason.

March is still there working tirelessly to popularize the working patterns of the human brain, such as predictability, etc...

When Yu Yue suddenly mentioned that the world that humans see is actually virtual, because humans cannot see the world that is happening and can only receive the world half a second ago, Ning Zi only felt that something suddenly hit her head. Let me give you an example in March. Many times when people look in a direction for the first time, they are sure that what they want to see is there, but after staying for a second, they find that the thing is not there at all. This is enough to show that what humans think they see are all illusions and the results of predictions by the brain.

Human beings think that someone is a good person and will not harm themselves. This is based on the person's previous good performance. People do not carry weapons when they go out. This is based on their judgment of the entire social environment. In short, everything human beings perceive is It is the overall modeling of the external world by the neuron network. What flowers are planted will produce what fruits...

But at this time, Ning Zi didn't even look at what the cat had sent.

Ning Zi's mind was filled with questions such as brain, fantasy, delay, true, false... and so on.

The next step was an epiphany. When his eyes fell on March, it was as if he was looking directly past the kitten's body and looking into the huge void.

"Stop... let me think about it, our cognition and external information stimulation will eventually converge, so theoretically speaking, if we understand a certain point of view of a person, we can infer his past, or infer his past through his experience. Push his point of view... Yes, this kind of plot often appears on TV. Although it is not necessarily accurate, it is credible! Experience and feedback guide behavior, um... So why must our encryption methods have clear text and cipher text? right?"

"Meow..." Sanqiyue called, and then stopped sending its long speech to Ningji.

This cat is very experienced in how to deal with this kind of thing.

The legendary epiphany of inspiration. Although it has never had this kind of enlightenment, its previous owner has experienced it a lot, so the kitten is actually very good at handling it. So this unruly kitten took the initiative to transform into a pet and stood there. He stood up and jumped lightly into Ning Zi's arms. He didn't need his owner to hold him, and he started to rub Ning Zi's chest gently...

"Then go back to the most primitive mathematical method. In March, if I construct an NPC problem through encryption and then reduce it to a P problem, I can solve the P=NP problem. Of course, we have to construct this specific algorithm at the same time. To do a constructive proof. Well... let me think about it, I remember you gave a hint before, and your master once considered using photons to solve the Ising model, such as continuous quantum phase transition...

Then we can also consider encrypting in this way. It's like giving our brains a layer of protection? No, one-to-one correspondence? Why not have a one-to-one correspondence? If the most commonly used ideas in encryption are diffusion and confusion, if we spread the plaintext and ciphertext to the entire space, each plaintext can correspond to N ciphertexts, which can produce infinitely many correct results that can be explained.

Yes, that is, the plaintext directly corresponds to the entire encrypted space, but every time a result is obtained, the system cannot be sure whether it is correct or wrong. At this time, a verification process needs to be added, but it is impossible to allow unlimited verification within a limited time, so A loop will be constructed, an infinite loop. At the same time, A's message is completely unknown to B. Even if the information is intercepted, there are countless possibilities.

Otherwise, there are countless possibilities... Wouldn't it be P! = NP? In March, your master's prediction may be wrong. But to prove this, you first need to build a proof framework of mathematical induction, and then perform the calculation! If I can prove that this function satisfies the properties of a one-way function, I can prove that the key cannot be found in polynomial time, but verifying the correctness of a key is polynomial time complexity.

At the same time, the verification of the destination only needs a one-way function to complete, and it can still maintain extremely high efficiency. It's just that this one-way function reaches the target computer first, and countless one-way function distribution processes are also impossible to intercept or decrypt because they are meaningless. Because even if this information is intercepted midway, it cannot be associated with the information published in plain text.

If there are no problems at this step, then we have conquered the first step. Of course, this conclusion is very useful, because once this encryption scheme is implemented, in March, even you will not be able to get whatever you want on the Internet. Because your computing power will always be less than the amount of calculations that need to be verified, the world's Internet system will be more secure than ever. Basically, as long as you don't commit suicide and expose plaintext encrypted information, there is no possibility of information leakage.

Even if a quantum computer is invented, it will not have any unpredictable consequences on the entire encryption system. Because the particles in the entire universe are finite... Yes, finite, finite, particles are finite... Let me think about it, there are only a finite number of particles..."

Ning Zi began to murmur to herself, and her hands unconsciously began to fumble on the cat's head, while Yue Yue raised her head, half-opened her mouth, and looked up at Ning Zi with a pair of big eyes...

This sudden burst of inspiration caught the two intelligent beings in the room off guard at the same time.

"If you follow this mathematical derivation, the multiverse derived from quantum theory should be a false proposition, because it can be calculated from theoretical mathematics and cannot support such a large framework. But... yes, although the multiverse is a false proposition proposition, but multiple universes may exist. There may not necessarily be another me in another world, but there is a high probability that there will be another earth that obeys the same physical laws. Well, this part is a known proposition, but how to record it Woolen cloth?"

Ning Zi lowered her head and looked at the kitten on her body. One person and one cat looked at each other, looking at each other in confusion. Looking at March's widened eyes, Ning Zi suddenly realized another paradox.

Although he is confident that his speculation just now is correct, he needs the help of March to construct such a large proof framework. But if his result is finally verified to be correct, once this algorithm starts to be used on a large scale, Will limit March's ability.

So will the cat's core system allow it to help it complete this huge project?

"Meow..." March seemed aggrieved and shouted.

"Well..." Ning Zi suddenly didn't know what to say.

"Meow, meow, meow..." The kitten meowed three times in a row.

"It suddenly occurred to me that this theory can also be used in electronic warfare. The unpredictable and variable frequency can effectively gain a crushing advantage in electronic warfare. Of course, we must first develop the theory. Well... this problem should not be Big. Well, March, you have to know that freedom is a relative concept, and maybe in the end of the proof process we can find a universal polynomial key? That means P=NP is still true, although this is almost impossible.

Hey, do you think there is a possibility? Your former master thought that N=NP might be true, but maybe he didn't actually think so. Is it just that his relationship with you makes him unwilling to believe that there is such an encryption algorithm that will bother you? He wants you to be invincible in the world, because you were also created by him, you know? People subconsciously hope to create gods and even become creators. So he gave this inference. "

"Meow..." March called again, and then a message box popped up in Penguin Chat.

"Meow, your guess is very possible. Of course he loves me! But don't worry, I will complete your commission. In fact, my existence is to verify all the possibilities in this world. I will be very happy to Help you finally prove the theory you just proposed, because that means you have completed a missing piece of my former master's mathematical puzzle, and it is also an extremely important piece. And you know what? The time you spent is incredibly short!

Of course, this is enough to show that the mathematical model I constructed is extremely correct, at least in selecting you as the successor. Of course, as a humble kitten, I also have requests. Before humans break through the shackles and enter the infinite universe, theories can of course be released, but is it okay for specific algorithms to be used only on a small scale? For example, it can be used within China's large local area network, but it should not be used abroad. After all we don’t need that much money, there’s no point. "

Ning Zi smiled. At this time, he had an impulse, not to start building this theory immediately, but to write a paper to prove how realistic artificial intelligence can be and how humble it can be...

This was the first time that in his chat with March, the other party used the second-person pronoun "you" to express respect. It was you before, obviously not as distracted as you are today. What's more important is that this guy actually used "a humble kitten" to refer to himself. He really played the pronoun game clearly.

Well, I feel very proud and feel the pleasure of the rise of the human race.

"You know? In March, we thought of going together. Of course you need a private land of your own. Then I will start with the most basic theory. I will build the theoretical framework and you will help me design the corresponding calculation process. , and perform calculations, and then start multi-party verification, and strive to achieve theoretical results in the second half of the year. I have a hunch that this direction is definitely correct. But you have to hurry up and complete the verification of the zero-point conjecture."

"Meow, don't worry, these are all small things. Have you forgotten? There are many tasks that I can handle in parallel."

Just when Ning Zi was overjoyed by the sudden burst of inspiration, Xing Jianxin was already exhausted.

He regretted why he hadn't made a few friends who had achieved enough achievements in the field of natural science before.

Because when he wanted to get in touch with Ning Zi, he realized how difficult it was.

After making more than ten calls, no one could help him make an introduction.

The Internet does allow anyone to express their opinions, which makes many people feel infinitely better. However, Xing Jianxin discovered that the high spirits he once had were all an illusion. When things happen, his status in academia is not even close to that of a Fields Medal winner...

Yanbei University of Sports has a school of management and a school of business, but both schools have only one major. The major of the school of management is public utility management, while the major of the school of business is mainly sports economics. Moreover, as a 211 university, Yanbei University of Physical Education has the word "sports" in its name. It is also close to two top universities, Yanbei University and Huaqing University. It also rarely offers various MBA courses, so Xing Jianxin and the teachers at the University of Physical Education almost There is no intersection.

Even if you can find someone in a roundabout way, most people will simply refuse when they hear that they want to talk to Ning Zi about something like this.

No one is a fool these days.

Not to mention that although Xing Jianxin hid his previous article on Weibo, it had already spread throughout the Internet. In addition, Ning Zi's reputation and temper in the academic circle are there. We have learned from the past. In this situation, who would wade into such muddy waters?

Xing Jianxin finally got in touch with Chen Yonggang.

However, the president of the National Sports University hung up the phone immediately after hearing him announce his home address.

Yes, I hung up the phone directly without saying a word to him. It was too much, but even though I was very angry, there was nothing I could do about it.

This obviously doesn't work!

Finally, after working hard in the study for nearly three hours to no avail, especially after calling Chen Yonggang and being hung up on, Xing Jianxin suddenly felt his heart skip a beat. He has been forced to this point, and killing someone is just a nod. Does the person opposite really want to force him to death?

He is already barefoot and is he still afraid of wearing shoes? Since we can't even reach there, what's there to talk about? The money is gone, what else can we do?

Yes, Xing Jianxin plans to compete with Ning Zi...

Maybe he can still fight for a chance of survival. How can he say that he is also a big V with millions of real fans, so he can't help himself get an explanation? Not to mention that Ning Jie’s previous actions have aroused public outrage. Returning the value of virtual currency to zero has made many economic experts disgraced and even lost their money. In addition, the series of policies of the World Semiconductor Alliance this time are obviously aimed at If he goes, how many jobs will this affect?

How many people in this industry don't wish him bad luck? All he needs to do is raise his arms, but are he afraid that there will be no followers?

How can any academic scientist not love his reputation?

Yes, Xing Jianxin has made up his mind to make that guy realize his ability even if it costs him his life.

Yes, people often have some illusions about the future when they are angry. Especially when it is foreseeable that there will be nothing, a gambler's mentality of taking a chance often arises in the mind.

After thinking about this, Xing Jianxin sat in front of the computer and first posted the article on Weibo. Then I began to carefully research various rumors about Ning Zi on the Internet. This is just like writing a paper. Sufficient research is necessary to support your arguments.

By the way, there is also what is happening to his son. Is he imitating the behavior of a tycoon, bullying others, or relying on foreign forces? He has bad conduct and is extremely dirty. During his stay in Huaqing, he molested other girls in public. Wait, this guy also has a sister... Doesn't the record say he is an only son?

Yes, at this time Xing Jianxin has regained the passion of his youth. At this time, he just wants to fight!

He has already written the title of the document on the computer, "Ning to Be Alone".

After constant signing and stamping, and going through one formality after another, Xing Wenji finally got his mobile phone and walked out of the building behind him.

His credit card was frozen, and he didn't bring his wallet when he was brought there. Fortunately, Detective Jack Lawton gave him a hundred dollars before leaving. This money would at least allow him to take a taxi back to his home. In the villa.

No, it seems that the villa no longer belongs to him.

He still probably remembered that the document he just issued authorized the other party to have full authority to deal with his real estate.

Fortunately, the American judicial system is humane and he bought himself a week to deal with his personal belongings in the house.

Of course, this is limited to personal belongings, because theoretically, most of the facilities in the house already belong to the other party.

He has many sets of limited edition clothes and shoes. If you take them to the second-hand market, you should be able to exchange them for some money. The most important thing is that he put 20,000 US dollars in cash in the safe at home. This is money for emergencies. After all, some things are not convenient for swiping credit cards.

If he saves some money, the money will be enough for him to rent a house and survive for a while. The other party promised that if he signed a plea agreement and made up the balance within the specified time, his credit score would not be affected.

This can be considered a blessing in misfortune.

After all, if he really loses his credit points, it will be difficult for him to move forward in this country.

Only when real people face adversity will they discover that things they didn't care about before have become small blessings in life.

For the usual one hundred dollars, Xing Wenji didn't even care. And today this hundred dollars will keep him in mind.

"Catch the thief!" Just as Xing Wenji stood on the street and sighed, preparing to stop the car, the woman's scream attracted his attention, and then he saw a beautiful blond woman shouting, and a woman in front of her A young, thin black man was running towards him with a bag.

Really, that woman has a great figure, just the type that Xing Wenji likes.

It's a pity that she obviously couldn't catch up with the little black man. The high heels restricted her performance, and she seemed to have sprained her feet when she was just starting out, so her steps were a bit awkward...

If it were normal, he would definitely not mind twisting this small black man. Maybe it would lead to a wonderful affair, but today he had no such idea at all, especially when he saw the black man running in his direction, he even took the initiative to give in two steps, for fear of bumping into the black man, even if he He knew that at this time, he only needed to simply stretch his legs to get this thin guy out.

Xing Wenji is now afraid of trouble. He can no longer bear any trouble.

Not to mention that now he no longer has the capital to spend money to please a strange woman.

He didn't even dare to call the country to ask for money until his father in China called him the final payment and asked him to completely solve this problem. After all, his accounts cannot withstand inspection. He also had that old guy in China who just ignored him because of money.

However, what he never expected was that when the skinny robber was passing by him, he tripped and fell, almost to death, and bumped directly into him, knocking him to the ground before he could wait. When he reacted, the nimble little black man had already climbed up, and the exquisite little bag fell to the ground, but he didn't bother to take it. He just glared at him fiercely and cursed: "Fuck you, bitch!" and then He turned around and ran away.

Xing Wenji was so embarrassed that he didn't pay attention to the look that the little black man gave him.

After living in the United States for many years, Xing Wenji is very aware that homeless people and criminals here have a very strange way of thinking, that is, most of the time they only do these bad things in the neighborhoods they are familiar with.

Just like the rich and the poor have their own scope of activities, in most cases everyone does not interfere with the river. Sometimes they are only separated by one block, but the security environment is worlds apart.

This is definitely something that no Chinese can understand, but it is a reality in the United States. It's as if there is a force somewhere that seals people's thinking patterns.

Xing Wenji knew that as long as he stopped coming to this place, he would basically have no intersection with the black man's life just now. So he just sat up from the ground and subconsciously picked up the lady's small bag that was dropped by the black guy just now.

Being familiar with all kinds of luxury goods, he knew as soon as he got his hands on it that this Chanel bag was not only new but also absolutely authentic. A young woman who should have some wealth. This kind of woman has a lot of knowledge and is not easy to deal with...

Just when these contents popped up subconsciously in Xing Wenji's mind, the woman had already limped over and stretched out her hand to him.

"Thank you so much, God, you're not hurt."

Xing Wenji subconsciously reached out and took the woman's white hand. Well, it felt good, soft and slightly cool. Then he stood up with the help of his strength, and then handed over the bag he was carrying in his other hand in a gentlemanly manner. Yan said: "I'm fine. This is your bag. Check to see if there is anything missing."

"Oh, thank you, you are so kind. Do you know? There are fewer and fewer brave people like you now... Well, there is nothing missing." After saying this, the woman opened the door in front of him without any precautions. The sharp-eyed Xing Wenji immediately saw the thick stack of banknotes and the thousands-dollar Bond crystal lipstick in the bag.

Well, actually, to the former Xing Wenji, this amount of money was not much, probably only a few thousand dollars at most.

But he knew very well that in this country where everyone swiped credit cards, those who carried a lot of cash in their bags were either rich people or poor people whose credit was ruined, but it was obvious that the woman in front of him was not related to the poor.

After all, it is impossible for poor people to afford that Chanel, nor can they carry so much cash with them.

This made Xing Wenji a little hesitant. He helped this woman recover such a big loss and really wanted to ask for some reward, but it was obviously too embarrassing and he couldn't say it. Yes, although he doesn't want to get into trouble, he really wants to make his life easier these days.

But in the end he gave up the idea.

Xing Wenji's pride prevented him from doing such a thing.

"Then you are really lucky... Well, then..."

"To express my gratitude, why don't I treat you to a meal. But first we have to get out of this damn place. My car is parked over there..."

Xing Wenji glanced in the direction of the woman's finger and saw a Mustang parked on the roadside.

Compared to the woman's outfit, the car is quite decent, and of course this Ford is not cheap either. But at least the price is not as expensive as a Porsche... If it is really too luxurious a car, Xing Wenji now would not dare to have any idea at all.

Xing Wenji hesitated for a moment, thinking that he was about to go bankrupt and would most likely not be able to eat at the high-end restaurants he once liked for a long time. He finally nodded and said: "Okay, then. Thank you, beautiful lady. By the way. , you can call me Thomas."

"Oh, Thomas, hello, my name is Jenny. I should treat you to dinner. My father has told me since I was a child that you should repay everyone who has shown kindness to you. This will make me more and more lucky."

"Oh, I'm sure you are a lucky woman."

"Well, can we go now? You know this place makes me very uneasy. Can you touch me..."


Xing Wenji quickly reached out to support the woman and walked towards the luxury car across the street.

He was glad that he had changed into expensive clothes that made him look equally wealthy.

If he had been dressed in poverty, he probably wouldn't have had such an opportunity.

The woman probably had some pain in her ankles, so she pressed half of her body tightly against him. The smell of high-end perfume kept coming into his nose, which made Xing Wenji feel a little distracted, especially when his arm would brush against the other person's from time to time. His body was a little confused.

Finally the two sat in the car.

"I happen to know that there is a good French restaurant near the hotel where I am staying, but unfortunately I have not made a reservation. But if I go there now, maybe I can get a seat. Well, do you like French food?"


"By the way, where are you from?"

"What do you think?"

"Definitely not Korean. The Koreans and Japanese I know have weird accents, so are you Chinese or New Zealander?"

"You guessed it right, Chinese."

"Oh, I heard that China is a beautiful and magical country. My father said it, but I have never been there. He went to China to discuss business and stayed there for a year."

"Where did he go?"


"That's a coincidence. I grew up in Mingzhu."

"Oh, then you won't mind telling me about that city."


"I'm looking forward to it more and more. I'm sure it will be a fantastic night today."

It was indeed a magical night.

In fact, Xing Wenji feels that he is a very cautious person.

The luxurious restaurant and the courteous waiters still fascinated him. A bottle of red wine costing thousands of dollars was once his standard drink. He didn't even mind throwing it away just to add some excitement, but today it was absolutely delicious.

Of course, the most important thing was that the woman opposite would look at her with admiration from time to time, which made him unable to help but show off his past achievements, as if he was still the squandering young man.

He even subconsciously prepared to pay the bill after the luxurious dinner, and even shouted out in a cool voice. If he hadn't realized the next moment that his credit card might have been blocked. And now I can't afford today's meal at all. Not to mention the food, the bottle of No. 23 Bucket from Stag's Leap Wine Cellar costs $3,300 here.

Fortunately, the lady opposite today was very considerate: "Oh, dear, we agreed that I would treat you today. Maybe you can treat me next time."

Xing Wenji, who had returned to reality, smiled bitterly in his heart: "Where can there be a next time?"

But he still showed a gentlemanly and confident smile on his face: "Well... okay, but you must ask me next time, so I must have the honor to leave your phone number, right?"

As he said that, Xing Wenji took out his mobile phone, which was new from Apple last year.

"Oh, no, no, no, of course I'm willing to give you my number, but I don't think it should be here, right? As a gentleman, wouldn't you like to take me back to the hotel and have a drink together? The good news is The hotel I’m staying in is right next to it, very close.”

"Huh...of course." Under the stimulation of alcohol, looking at the woman sitting opposite who elegantly took out her credit card and a few hundred yuan tips, Xing Wenji decided to indulge once more before living in poverty. After all, this level of hints and invitations will I'm afraid it's hard to come across.


One last indulgence!

Xing Jianxin felt a little tired after working hard for several hours. But fortunately, the article has been written, and the writing is brilliant. Even if it is just a thesis, it is qualified because every argument can be found from a source and supported by arguments.

Although some of these things have been refuted on the Internet, and there are even videos to prove it, but so what? The video may also be photoshopped. In this era where everything can be faked, who knows what the truth is?

The law of information dissemination in this world has never been that the truth must be correct. When most people filter information, they never take the truth as the criterion. They only filter out the information they don't like to see, and then they crazily absorb the information they firmly believe in.

People have always been divided into groups. If everyone were that smart, people in this world wouldn’t be deceived every day.

Not to mention that Xing Wenji could see that Ning Jie's popularity was actually not good. There were many controversies surrounding him, but all the cynicism was suppressed by his achievements. Countless people lack a channel to vent.

At this moment he is the warrior who needs to cry out for himself.

Huaxia, Beijing, Yanbei Sports University, Administrative Building.

Ning Zi regained her previous rhythm again.

What's different this time is that without March's guidance, he can only rely on himself to construct a complete proof process. March can't even help in this regard, and construct this brand-new theory. There is no need for it to be inserted into the vast database at any time. But it can still be regarded as the most effective assistant, because it can always help Ning Zi simplify the inevitable calculation and verification process in theoretical derivation.

This also happens to be what March does best.

What is probably even more joyful is the transformation from the status of knowledge disseminator to the status of pure assistant. March behaves very naturally.

Lying there quietly, it only reacted when Ning Zi called it, and then silently watched Ning Zi construct the digital world in his mind.

Until the time came to two o'clock in the afternoon.

There was a knock on the door, and Ning Zi finally stretched out.

The preliminary outline of the theory has almost been completed, including more than twenty theorems and related lemmas that he roughly deduced and need to be proved. They have been listed.

Of course, the complicated proof process that follows is the most important work, but now it’s time for regular weekly discussions with Dominic.

This mathematician who traveled thousands of miles to China cannot be left out in the cold.

"Come in, Dominic."

"I feel like you're not in the right mood today. You seem to be very excited? That's not normal. Did something happen?" Dominette Duncan said in surprise as he walked into Ning Ju's office with his laptop in hand.

"Is there any?" Ning Zi subconsciously touched her face and asked.

"I'm sure. Because when you let me in, you usually say, Come in, Professor Duncan." Dominette Duncan said, imitating Ning Zi's tone.

What's even more valuable is that he spoke in Chinese.

Well, this is a very sensitive guy, and his Chinese is getting better and better, which makes Ning Zi feel very relieved. This shows that this guy has never given up on learning Chinese, and has even made full preparations for his future life in China.

"Actually, there's nothing wrong. Well, let's see your results this week first." Ning Zi decided to change the subject.

He had no plans to share his newfound inspiration with Dominic Duncan for the time being.

It wasn't that he was being too conceited, but that the two of them had already decided on the next topic. At this time, he didn't want this talented mathematician to feel frustrated and affect his progress.

More importantly, it's not time to discuss it yet.

Dominette Duncan shrugged, walked to Ning Zi's desk, and prepared to turn on the computer.

"By the way, I have something to tell you. I have invited another person to discuss the topic before. Professor Fang Xu from Yanbei University. Next year he will also join the Department of Mathematics at the University of Physical Education. Well, you should have met him. I I have already sent him part of the information, and he will be responsible for part of the work."

"Oh? Why?" Dominette Duncan was obviously surprised. He paused while turning on the computer, then raised his head and looked at Ning She in surprise and asked.

Although he had not been in China for a long time, he almost knew that Ning Zi did not have a good relationship with Yanbei University.

Otherwise, he would not have chosen to be bigger back then.

"Because he may become my brother-in-law next year. Well, you should understand what brother-in-law means, right?"

"Of course, sister's husband, my Chinese teacher is very responsible, and she also happens to have a brother-in-law... But this is not what a rigorous and upright mathematician should do. Because I don't think he can have too much influence on our work. How helpful, if I remember correctly, his previous research direction is not related to this topic." Dominette Duncan expressed his opinion.

"You're right about this, Dominic. I have never been a rigorous and upright mathematician. Well, especially integrity. You should know that this word doesn't go well with me." Ning Zi responded calmly. sentence.

Dominette Duncan fell silent.

To solve a proposition that could shock the world, he certainly didn't want to share it with others. But it's a pity that he can't make the decision in this matter, because the main proof ideas for this proposition are provided by Ning Zi, so Ning Zi is the big boss and leads this topic. If Ning Zi wanted to add someone to the team, he would have no choice but to agree.

Of course, there was another option, which was to offer to quit the team in order to threaten Ning Zi to retract his decision, but his mind was clear.

"Okay, Fang Xu, let me think about it, I should have met him in the class on Friday. His last name is very distinctive, because Fang is related to graphics in Chinese, so I remember him, what a good luck Guy. So you want to put him on the podium for the Fields Medal?"

"Well, yes, so I plan to let him be the first author. But I still think you can become very good friends. Once you interact with each other more, you will find that he is a very sincere and reassuring partner." Ning Zi explained patiently.

Not surprisingly, these words made Dominette Duncan even more frustrated.

After all, he could only be the second author on such an important issue. After all, he didn't even dare to think about the identity of the corresponding author.

Keenly noticing Dominette Duncan's emotions, Ning Zi added: "Well, we are two corresponding authors. The Department of Mathematics of the University of Physical Education serves as an independent corresponding unit. Of course, the premise is that we can solve this problem as planned."

"No, no, no, Ning Zi, as far as I know, the four most well-known mathematics journals all stipulate that multiple corresponding authors are not allowed." Dominette Duncan shook his head and said, "You would never choose to publish this article. Publish the paper to other journals?"

Ning Zi shook his head and said confidently: "Dominite, you should be more confident. That's just a rule for other mathematicians. You should believe that any rule will make exceptions for some people. Why don't we bet a hundred dollars? I bet any of those four journals, at my insistence, will temporarily ignore the rules and allow us to be co-corresponding authors."

Dominette Duncan looked at Ning Zi, and then blinked.

“There are only so many Fields Medal winners alive in this world, and almost all mathematicians who have a chance to win another Fields Medal are in this room, so what limits your imagination for the future? "Ning Zi asked.

"Ning, you must have been stimulated by something today. You are not usually like this." Dominette Duncan emphasized again seriously, but before Ning Zi could answer, the guy grinned and said: "But you know what? I like you better like this, really. Of course, I am also happy to participate in this bet. Well, just bet a hundred dollars."

Ning Zi rolled her eyes at this guy and took the initiative to move the laptop over.

However, the other person's mouth still didn't stop: "Ning Zi, you should remember that I actually have a sister, she is not even married yet, and she is very beautiful. From a genetic point of view, mixed-race offspring will be more beautiful, smarter and healthier. I You can call her today and invite her to come to China to enjoy a wonderful vacation. Summer vacation is coming soon and she has time."

"For example, Xiaoya and I invite you to dinner tonight. We can talk about this topic during the dinner. Well, you should also know that Xiaoya studied martial arts for a while when he was a child..."


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