The End of Technology

Chapter 134 Ordinary Love

How good are people at hearing and distinguishing specific sounds in a crowd?

A mother may be able to distinguish her child's voice from the chorus of more than twenty people chanting.

A class teacher who has taken care of children for six years may be able to hear who is talking nonsense and saying some unpleasant things in a noisy classroom through the door.

An excellent band conductor's ability to hear harmonic colors can often reach an abnormal level, and he can separate out the wrong parts from the mixed sound.

But if the scene changes to an elegant Western restaurant, there is a piano in the restaurant, and during peak dining hours, the restaurant invites a dedicated performer to play the song "Dream Wedding" for the diners on the stage. The diners sitting at the table were sitting in their respective seats and talking softly in different voices.

There is an internet-connected computer at the bar, connected to a microphone, and the beautiful woman at the front desk will provide diners with some restaurant information while the performer is playing.

There was a programmer sitting in a corner of the restaurant who was waiting for a blind date. He refused to let go of the time while waiting. He took out the computer he brought with him and typed on the keyboard, modifying something that should not have appeared. BUG.

To the left of the programmer is probably a family gathering.

Although it is a bit strange to choose a Western restaurant for a family gathering, you can probably understand it by looking at the way the children use knives and forks skillfully when eating steak. After all, it is food that children like. The sound of clinking knives and forks, and the laughter of children from time to time, combined with the chatter of adults, made the atmosphere particularly harmonious.

In the surrounding cubicles are pairs of couples, having lingering love words, angry quarrels, and plain speechlessness...

The pictures and sounds of human fireworks make the western restaurant very lively.

But if you want to distinguish and hear the sounds in a long table box with the door closed in this environment, it is almost impossible for humans. So neither Coolidge nor Nicholas Harold would worry about their conversation being heard by anyone.

Even though these contents are somewhat of a trade secret.

Because this restaurant was randomly selected by them and specially selected as a Western restaurant with private rooms and good privacy.

Also because the restaurant doesn't even have any modern electronic equipment.

Even their mobile phones were handed over to others.

But Ning Zi, who had returned to the office, happened to be able to sit quietly in the office and listen to everything they discussed. This probably shows that artificial intelligence can also be much better than humans in distinguishing and restoring sounds.

It must be admitted that both the Cisco business data reported by Nicholas Harold and Coolidge's analysis of Samsung Telecom's business data are consistent with the data collected in March.

In other words, they chose honesty.

March's judgment was correct. The lessons given to these people at the Mathematicians Conference were deeply remembered by them. I no longer dare to continue to falsify the data.

But this is normal.

This is the time when the world is least confident about data security.

Even after returning to China, many people were secretly asking if he had any way to obtain some sensitive data through those devices. Of course, Ning Zi also answered honestly.

This is not because I prefer to be modest, or because I am afraid of getting angry.

Mainly because the beta version really doesn’t have this feature.

It is very easy to bring down these routers and switches all over the world. Even if Ning Zi wanted to, he could even number them, and strike on odd numbers on single days, and strike on even numbers on even days. If he was in a bad mood, a general strike would not be impossible.

Of course, this is not completely impossible to have, it is mainly unnecessary. After all, if there was really valuable data, Ning Zi would only need to query the March database. From this point of view, March is probably the most powerful virus on the Internet in the world.

It can quietly summarize all the data it considers useful and incorporate it into the database.

However, Ning Zi has no plans to learn too much about these data for the time being.

Looking back at the entire incident, what alarmed Ning Zi the most was the importance of having the right to speak in this Internet age.

A senior executive of Samsung Group could be labeled a traitor by the people in just five hours because of a video and introduction. This was something Ning Zi never expected.

This even made Ning Zi sympathize with Kim Jong-nam. After all, according to the information he had, this guy was actually the only one in the negotiating team who had been fighting for Samsung's interests. When the two deputy heads faced difficulties, Basically silent.

In the eyes of outsiders, Kim Jong-nam's behavior might be a bit ridiculous, but Ning Zi, who was in control of everything from beginning to end, could tell that at least this guy was really thinking of ways to fight unyieldingly.

If there was no external pressure, Mr. Jin would probably choose to exert extreme pressure in the opposite direction.

Of course the end result won't be any different. Because if it really gives up the negotiation, Samsung Telecom will also have to pay nearly 100 billion US dollars in compensation according to the contract, and will be kicked out of the world telecom network equipment market. But no matter what, this spirit of courage to fight in the face of adversity is commendable.

It's still a little better than someone lying flat on his back.

But before the final result of the negotiation came out, it was thrown into the dust. The public opinion was so terrifying.

The editing and release of that video actually had nothing to do with March.

Behind the scenes, there is really a struggle for power within the group, so Ning Zi naturally does not feel any guilt. In fact, during this negotiation process, no one needs to feel guilty. It’s just that everyone needs to maximize their interests.

The weak picks up a knife to attack the weak. The process may have many twists and turns, and the reasons behind it are embarrassing and even cause for reflection. But mutual exchanges between strong people are often so simple and boring. It didn't even create a ripple. The trend is exactly the same as expected.

This also made Ning Zi suddenly lose interest in continuing to listen to these people's discussion.

It's boring to be able to predict the outcome from the very beginning. He might as well wait and see what emoticons Lu Xiaoya will send him today.

Today was a day off, and Ning Zi was supposed to practice shooting in the evening.

But after experiencing these messy things, he suddenly felt a little tired, and suddenly wanted to change his schedule and go for a simple appointment to wash away the complicated emotions in his heart. So I picked up my phone and clicked on WeChat, found Lu Xiaoya's profile picture, and clicked on it.

"free tonight?"

"What do you want to do?"

"Please take a walk."

"You are making me very embarrassed. The martial arts forum series in T105 of the gymnasium is about to start in half an hour. It is something that martial arts practitioners of our generation cannot miss. Why don't you come and take a look? I'll help you. Take a seat."

"Oh, wait a moment."

After sending the message, Ning Zi called Chen Yonggang. After chatting for a few words, he hung up and returned to WeChat.

"The instructor has something to do with tonight's lecture. The lecture time has been changed to tomorrow afternoon. Are you free now?"

The other person quickly sent a horrified facial expression, followed by an invincible whirlwind flying kick...

30 seconds later…

"Brother Ning, you are so awesome. Spanish matadors have to walk around when they see you. Tell me, where can I meet you? The little girl is convinced."

"At the wicket of the second stadium."

"See you in ten minutes."

Things that seemed boring to Ning Zi were actually not that simple.

After the bosses left the Western restaurant and got their mobile phones, the electronic signals transformed by their voices began to shuttle between various routers.

Negotiate the price as quickly as possible and then make a final decision.

By eight o'clock in the evening, the conclusion was roughly reached.

At least when Kim Jong-nam and Park Jung-tae walked into Coolidge's room, they had already received the news.

Kim Jong-nam acted calm, or indifferent.

Some things are already doomed, and he is just here to go through the motions, or to make this negotiation look somewhat ceremonial.

When they entered Coolidge's room, representatives from all the companies had gathered again in the spacious suite living room. What was embarrassing was that, probably because they arrived late, there wasn't even a seat reserved for them. "

"Welcome both of you, Mr. Jin and Mr. Park. This place is still a little tight, so let's keep it short. Tomorrow you will quote a minimum odds of 4 times. We have calculated that this is a good choice for everyone. "As a representative, Coolidge made a request that had already been discussed to the two Korean executives.

"Actually, I have another suggestion." Jin Zhengnan said suddenly.

Park Zhengtai couldn't help but glance sideways at Jin Zhengnan, his eyes filled with surprise. He thought that Jin Zhengnan had accepted the reality.

"Oh? What suggestions do you have? Mr. Jin?" Coolidge looked at Jin Zhengnan seriously and asked.

“It would be better for us if we could come together and just accept three times the compensation or even less. This is a negotiation, and that’s not how normal negotiations are supposed to be! Think about it, gentlemen, If we can play against Ning Zi as a whole, he will also feel the pressure! Ning Zi is a person with great ideals. We can see that he needs money to do many things, and he also needs advanced instruments and equipment. As long as we can show that we are willing to sacrifice everything, we may be able to force him to make concessions, and no one can refuse the temptation of hundreds of billions of dollars!"

Kim Jong-nam waved his hands and spoke loudly, like a speaker. I have to say that his impassioned tone, paired with his fluent English, is actually quite provocative. The only pity is that the audience for his speech was not a group of young men in their early twenties. For a group of middle-aged and elderly people, the youngest of whom is nearly fifty, the effect of this passionate speech is obviously worrying.

After everyone was silent for a moment, Nicholas Harold said: "I have to say, Mr. Jin, your proposal is very tempting. Of course we hope to only give twice the compensation. There is only one problem, if our purpose If it is not achieved, or even the opposite result is achieved, is Samsung willing to bear all the losses caused? Of course, or in other words, can you make this decision on behalf of Samsung Group?"

Jin Zhengnan smiled, but still spoke in an impassioned tone: "Of course, I don't deny the possibility, but this is a coward's game. Only by closing your eyes and slamming on the brakes can you win. Of course, if If the other party refuses to give in, the end result will be a lose-lose situation for both parties. But please think about it, the Chinese people have already made major breakthroughs in the field of artificial intelligence. If they receive massive funds in the future..."

Speaking of excitement, Kim Jong Nam raised his hand and started waving it in the air, which made his speech more powerful.

"Think about the chip R\u0026D center built with Apple's aid! Think about the conditions he proposed. Advanced instruments and equipment can be deducted twice as much compensation. Now it's just the lagging behind in the field of artificial intelligence. If we have this money, With those equipments and the bullets you gave us, which track will lead next? And when China starts to exert its efforts on more tracks, what advantages do you have?"

"Semiconductors, machine manufacturing, aerospace, bioscience, materials...these are all industries that can achieve miracles with large amounts of capital investment! Ning Zi is a double winner of the Fields Medal and the Turing Award. His identity can help He has attracted a large number of high-quality talents. I don’t need to judge how terrifying the research and development capabilities of the laboratory he directs will be in the future! Everyone, do you really think all this is worth it?"

"This is a war, and every penny of your compensation will become a bullet fired at you in the future. The idea of ​​appeasement will only encourage his arrogance, and after tasting the sweetness, there will only be a second and third time. The blackmail gets even worse, and in the end all of us can only follow him and watch how he robs us of our market share. That is the beginning of the real disaster. Are you really willing to watch that happen? "

The long speech also brought about a longer silence, but Jin Zhengnan was not proud, because he could see the sarcastic smile on the corners of some people's mouths, although he did not know whether the sarcasm was directed at him. That's what I said, but it doesn't feel good...

After a long time, Coolidge finally said, "Are you done? Is there anything else you want to say?"

Jin Zhengnan shook his head, and there was really nothing more to say. This was a speech he had been brewing for a long time, and he vented it out at once.

"Okay, Mr. Jin, you are looking very far. I do not deny that what you said may happen, but it will take time. This time everyone stumbled, but it also made us understand the strength of our opponent. Do you think we Why come here? To survive. As you said, the Chinese are leading the field of artificial intelligence, and they have also exposed their ambitions. But so what? "

"If this is a race, then we have made all preparations for a formal opponent, and now it is about fighting for a chance to still be on the track. Thank you for your foresight and reminder, but you missed the point. Everyone can shout slogans, but you have not mentioned a word about how to effectively solve the risk of tens of millions of computing devices leaking data and being attacked and causing downtime. This is the most critical issue we need to solve at the moment!"

"Yes, maybe a breakup will prevent Ning Zi from getting the compensation. But so what? Can you accept that all the equipment used in the computer rooms on South Korea are Chinese products, or can you accept that the country's network has no Protection is exposed to the risk of DDOS attacks. The other party can use this method to attack, but you have no power to fight back? This is a fair world, where the strong make the rules and the weak follow the rules."

"Of course, strength and weakness are relative. We are lagging behind in the field of artificial intelligence, but we still have the right to speak in other fields. The parts lost here can be found in other ways. But first, we must work in the areas where we are lagging behind. The fields are catching up. As you said, we will face competition in many fields, but at least we are leading in those tracks. One chip R\u0026D center cannot represent everything, it is only the most advanced chip R\u0026D center in Asia."

"So, I am asking you again, Mr. Jin, whether Samsung is ready to give a minimum compensation ratio of four times in the document report submitted tomorrow. This is our most important issue today, and I want to start from You hear a definite answer from your mouth. Instead of those empty slogans. What you can think of, there are many people smarter than you who have already thought it through."

Kim Jong-nam looked at Coolidge. After the two looked at each other for a long time, the unyielding Korean Island fighter finally nodded.

Yes, he can only shout slogans, but slogans cannot solve actual problems.

Obviously, this negotiation also made these people think about their options.

But no matter what kind of backhand it is, it probably has nothing to do with him.

At this moment, Jin Zhengnan only felt deeply powerless...and humiliated.

"It seems that we have reached an agreement, so here is a formal contract within us, which contains the compensation ratios that all companies involved will give tomorrow, the amount of compensation required, and the final allocation of compensation funds. I need you here Signed and stamped on behalf of Samsung Group, the contract needs to be handed over to me at ten o'clock tomorrow morning, otherwise many things that no one wants to see may happen."

"Yes, Samsung may need to suffer some losses this time, but there are always accidents. Mr. Jin, be more open-minded. Some things are unavoidable. It is normal for us to pass on losses to you when we encounter unbearable losses. With all due respect, do you really think that Koreans can enjoy the life they have now because of your efforts? Don’t be naive. Without our permission, you might still be in the backward industrial age, so you should learn to be grateful. Open Open your eyes and look across the way, if it makes you feel better."

Jin Zhengnan nodded, and then calmly took the contract from Coolidge that had been signed by other companies.

There was nothing left to say. Although Coolidge's words were a little ugly, they were also heartbreakingly candid and even made it impossible for him to argue.

Ten minutes ago.

The stands in the Yanbei Sports University gymnasium were already filled with people.

Although it was still half an hour before today's martial arts forum officially started, students who were interested in martial arts chose to come early to get a good seat.

After all, this is not a study room, so it is not suitable to lose a seat by throwing away a book.

Lu Xiaoya is naturally one of them.

It is an extremely rare thing to come together with like-minded little sisters to listen to a lecture given by a big boss, and there will also be a live Sanda performance today.

Until Ning Zi suddenly sent a WeChat message.

In fact, Lu Xiaoya was still quite confused. After all, it was a good choice to take a walk with Ning Zi. However, she didn’t want to miss the excitement today. After being confused for a few seconds, she boldly sent Ning Zi to listen. Invitation to speak...

Anyway, she and Ning Zi couldn't tell each other clearly.

From the perspective of her classmates, she and Ning Zi had been separated and reunited several times. The various love stories discussed in private can be as touching and pathos as the love stories in Korean dramas, so if someone is surprised when watching a martial arts forum together, it only means that these guys have never seen the world.

Then she received news from Ning Zi.

"Oh, wait a minute!"

Really, after seeing these words and considering the meaning of the context, Lu Xiaoya really thought that Ning Zi had accepted her invitation. She was really a little uneasy and planned to sneak to the back row to find someone who was not too noticeable. When I reached the location, my phone vibrated again.

Lu Xiaoya couldn't understand the content sent this time...

What does it mean that the lecturer is suddenly in trouble? With so many people waiting, who dares to cause trouble...

joke! So without even thinking about it, I just threw a bunch of emoticons over...

It happened that the little sister next to me asked: "Xiaoya, who are you sending a WeChat message to? You smile so ambiguously."

Lu Xiaoya raised her head and replied casually: "Someone was joking with me, saying that today's event will be rescheduled to tomorrow."

Just at this time, she saw someone walking to the audience with a microphone: "Dear students, I have just been informed by the school that today's special guest at the martial arts forum is Professor Feng Ziheng, director of the Sanda Teaching and Research Office and national martial arts referee. Due to emergencies that need to be dealt with, today’s martial arts forum time will be changed to tomorrow at 2 pm. Please understand and leave in an orderly manner.”

Hearing these words, Lu Xiaoya suddenly realized that she still thought of her brother Ning a little too easily...

"Pfft... Xiaoya, who is your friend?"

Lu Xiaoya glanced at the little sister next to her who was already trying to put her head on the screen of her mobile phone, and immediately turned off the screen of her mobile phone. After turning her little head around, she said with a serious face: "My dad... has something to do with me. , slipped away first..."

After saying that, he stood up, curled up, and walked away quickly, leaving the little sister there with a blank look on her face.

Xiaoya’s father?

The so-called back door of the Second Stadium is actually a small iron gate on the side of the trail. Because it is next to the stands and right next to the teaching building, it is basically open all year round.

There are many people coming in and out from here during the day. Because after class, it is relatively close to the sports stadium after walking out of the teaching building. At night, there are few people coming in and out from here. Because the open door on the other side is close to the student dormitory, it is naturally more convenient.

This time Ning Jie arrived before Lu Xiaoya.

After all, the administrative building is closer to here. And Ning Zi walks faster, so it’s not good to keep girls waiting every time. But he didn't let him wait long, and soon Ning Zi saw an agile figure under the moonlight rushing over like an elf in the dark night...

That's right, that's the girl.

When she got closer to the light at the back door, Ning Zi could still see a trace of sweat hanging on Lu Xiaoya's nose, and her cheeks were red because of the trot just now, like a newly ripe apple in autumn.

However, the beautiful scene came to an abrupt end when the girl asked, "Hey, hey, you...what did you do to Professor Feng?"

Ning Zi subconsciously raised her hand, originally thinking of wiping away the beads of sweat hanging from the girl's nose, but then suddenly realized that this action was a little intimate and not appropriate, so she turned a corner and put it down, which seemed very humane. He scratched his head and replied calmly: "I just called Principal Chen and asked him to change the time of today's lecture."

" just mentioned Principal Chen and agreed?" Lu Xiaoya looked shocked. After all, this was so unprincipled.

"Well, you can understand this as the reason why I like Ti University and also like Principal Chen. Principal Chen actually hopes that I can make some demands on some innocuous little things." Ning Zi replied.

This sentence is so true.

As long as Ning Zishao does something big, Chen Yonggang really wants him to make such small requests every day. Isn't that how feelings deepen step by step?

Lu Xiaoya felt that the operating mode of this world was slightly incomprehensible to her.

Yes, thousands of words came to her mind at this time, and there were even many dirty words that were only suitable for complaining to little sisters, but in the end there were only three words left: "You win."

"Well, I always win, and I must win. Otherwise, everyone will lose together, so Principal Chen's decision is actually right. You can understand that my time is more precious, so I need some cooperation."

"Um...time to find someone to take a walk with is also precious?"

"Well, so you have to adapt."

"No, why should I adapt?"

"Didn't I tell you last time that I will obey you?"

Lu Xiaoya's calm defense once again left Lu Xiaoya speechless...

"I'll take a walk with you, brother, let's not talk about that."

"Well, let's go."

Ning Zi took a step forward and did not choose to walk into the playground. Although it was already night, there were still too many people in the playground.

You should find a quieter place to fall in love.

The paths on campus are a good choice.

Lu Xiaoya subconsciously walked beside Ning She, and this time she finally got closer, side by side.

After walking about a hundred meters like this, Ning Jie still said little. Fortunately, Lu Xiaoya had adjusted her mentality and took the initiative to find a topic: "The moon is so full today."

Ning Zi did not raise her head, but glanced at the girl beside her and said, "It is normal for the moon to be round in the middle of the month."

Lu Xiaoya rolled her eyes and said, "Hey, you've done so many things to ask me to come out and walk with you. Are you just trying to despise me for talking nonsense?"

Ning Zi shook her head and said, "No, I just feel a little depressed and want to go for a walk with you."


Lu Xiaoya was stunned for a moment, and then asked curiously: "You can still have troubles? Oh my God, when I was daydreaming that day, it was so cool to have me take my place in your life, wasn't it?"

This sentence aroused Ning Zi's interest and asked: "What's the best way to get excited?"

Lu Xiaoya immediately said with excitement: "You are so powerful and so many people pamper you, of course you can do a lot of things! For example, when you encounter injustice, you roar, pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger, play with the bad guys, and become a generation of heroines Name. Just like those heroines on TV..."

Well, after listening to Lu Xiaoya's words, Ning Zi suddenly felt much better, but still asked: "But how do you know who is a good person? Who is a bad person? How do you know that what a good person does must be right? , what bad people do must be wrong?”

Lu Xiaoya said dissatisfied: "Isn't this simple? No, you can't say that I can't even distinguish between good people and good people and bad people and bad things, right?"

Ning Zi thought for a while and said, "I'd like to tell you the story about the live broadcast of the movie you asked for? Do you know that Kim Jong-nam, the leader of the Korean Island negotiation team, was on the live broadcast today?"

Lu Xiaoya immediately replied: "Um? Of course you remember, the cat introduced him for a long time. By the way, is that cat a real artificial intelligence? I think many people suspect that there is actually someone there. Talking in the background, the cat is an animated meme.”

Ning Zi shook his head and said, "Don't worry about this issue for now. Let's talk about Jin Zhengnan first..."

As he spoke, Ning Zi explained what Kim Jong-nam had done after he came to China. After the video was sent to South Korea, the Koreans talked about Kim Jong-nam's comments and actions. .

Then he asked: "So you think so many people in Korea are stupid and can't tell the difference between good and bad? Now, if you are a Korean, if you are also one of the people who don't know the truth and are bewitched by the video, you happen to have the ability. Directly ask Kim Jong-nam to disappear from this world, and actually do it, what will you think when all the truth is revealed?"

Lu Xiaoya's eyebrows furrowed, probably because she really entered into the scene described by Ning Zi, then she thought for a while and said: "If it were me, I would definitely not let Jin Zhengnan disappear. The most I would do is beat him up. The truth of this matter After you find out, find him, apologize to him, help him restore his reputation, and then find the person who manipulated public opinion and beat him until his mother doesn't recognize him."

After hearing this answer, Ning Zi smiled happily. She subconsciously raised her hand and patted Lu Xiaoya on the shoulder, saying, "This is a good solution. Lao Jin must think you are a good brother!"

"Bah, bah, bah, what kind of brothers are we not brothers? I'm a girl, okay?"

Lu Xiaoya complained unhappily, and then added: "And I still have your backing. If you let me bring in that very capable person, I will naturally know the cause and effect of the whole thing. Now that I know, of course I will still stand on the side of justice.”

"Then now that you are a Chinese, what if the justice you insist on is inconsistent with our interests?" Ning Zi asked again.

Lu Xiaoya replied without hesitation: "Of course you have to do it for your own people. Only when you are strong can you administer more justice. Hey, I said you are not that old, why do you think everything is so complicated? ? My dad told me that the world is not black and white, but as long as you sit upright and do the right thing in the general direction, you will feel confident. If you think too much, life will be so tiring. "

"Well, you're right, I'm being hypocritical." Ning Zi felt inexplicably enlightened.

Hearing Ning Zi admit her mistake, Lu Xiaoya immediately became excited and said proudly: "That's right, let me tell you, make everything simple. Just like when I was playing a game when I was a kid, my dad said, before the game Don’t think about winning or losing. For those who practice martial arts, courage is enough.”

After finishing speaking, Lu Xiaoya said in a simulated thick accent: "If you lose, the sky will not fall; if you win, it is just a staged victory. Since no one can win all the time, all that can be done is to train as usual Do your best. Although Comrade Lao Lu is often unreliable, I think what he said is right."

"Your dad is very knowledgeable."

Ning Zi nodded and said: "Then if you see something unfair in the future and want to help, you can ask me first and I will try my best to help you figure out the truth of the matter."

"Uh..." Lu Xiaoya blinked, but before she could say anything, she suddenly felt a coldness in her little hands, so she subconsciously glanced at the man next to her, and her whole body suddenly became nervous...

This action was a bit sudden.

At that moment, half of Lu Xiaoya's body stiffened suddenly, her muscles were exerting force, and she almost used a complete set of over-the-shoulder throwing movements under the control of muscle memory. Fortunately, at the critical moment, her brain was quick and she stopped it forcefully. Use your muscles to complete this set of actions.

Instead, he relaxed his body, lowered his head, blood surged up, and his cheeks were stained with red.

This was the first time in her life, except for Laolu, that someone of the opposite sex directly held her hand, and it was so natural that she didn't even have a chance to react.

This guy is so overbearing, how could he not ask for her opinion? Fortunately, it seems to feel pretty good...

"Why aren't you talking?" Ning Zi asked.

"You're already like this, what else do you want from me?" Lu Xiaoya said sadly and indignantly.

She suddenly had a feeling that after today she would no longer be able to hold out her small breasts and confidently say that she had nothing to do with Ning Zi.

"How's it going? Isn't this normal?" Ning Zi turned her head and asked seriously.

In fact, Ning Zi was also very nervous when he held a girl's hand for the first time, but the strong psychological quality developed by Yue Yue prevented him from showing it at all.

"Where is it normal?" Lu Xiaoya asked with a headache.

"Lovers are all like this, I'm sure. And there are even more extreme ones." Ning Zi said with certainty.

The speed of the car was a bit fast, and it seemed to Lu Xiaoya that it was definitely speeding. But before her messed up little mind could sort out the clues, a tentative voice suddenly came from the front: "Xiaoya?"

"Um..." Lu Xiaoya raised her head and saw the little sister who was sitting together walking with several classmates. At this time, she was walking in front of the two of them.

It's all Ning Zi's fault.

People who practice martial arts instinctively see and listen in all directions, but Ning Zi's small movements just now made her lose her original vigilance, and she didn't even notice the person coming face to face.

"Ah, Zhang Yan, are you going... to... to the stadium?" Lu Xiaoya subconsciously wanted to break free from Ning Zi's hand, but the other party still held it and could not shake it off.

"Yes, Luo Tao and the others are going to play football. Let's go and see. Where are you planning to go?" the student opposite asked as he looked at the two of them with a smile.

In fact, most of the eyes were still looking at Ning Jie. After all, this scene was indeed rare to see today.

Although everyone knew that the relationship between Lu Xiaoya and Ning Zi was unclear, and even the counselor had acknowledged it, this was indeed the first time they had seen them walking hand in hand like this.

As the saying goes, seeing is believing, and it is indeed a rare sight.

Ning Zi, who had been silent all this time, took the initiative and said, "Xiaoya and I plan to take a walk here."

"Oh, Ning Xueshen, we won't disturb your date. Xiaoya, see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow." Lu Xiaoya bit her lip and replied.

Then when the two people passed each other, Zhang Yan suddenly leaned into Lu Xiaoya's ear, biting her ear and said: "Hey, Xiaoya, are you meeting your father?"

Lu Xiaoya's body stiffened, and then she turned around and glared at the inconspicuous little sister, who then walked forward with a mysterious smile and waved to her in a coquettish way...

That expression seemed to say: "I really know how to play..."

Well, Lu Xiaoya was too lazy to care. She turned back to look at Ning Zi and said with a sad and angry expression but seriously: "Brother Ning, you are done. You have to be responsible for me."

"Oh." Ning Zi nodded and replied, "Okay."

The attitude was so straightforward that Lu Xiaoya couldn't find any flaws, so she simply accepted her fate. Then she suddenly became excited again, and said in her unique proud tone: "Well, my boyfriend is very powerful, does that mean that I am also very powerful?"

After the girl apologized in one sentence, Ning Zi once again saw the woman praising the strength of two people in one sentence.

So he nodded cooperatively and said, "Yes."

"Look, I'm actually very prophetic. I told you to obey me a long time ago. Well, it turns out that you can't escape my grasp."

"Well, you're right."

"I think you're mocking me by saying that."

"Oh, maybe this is not an illusion."

"Hey, can you give me some face?"

"Okay, you are right."

Well, Lu Xiaoya suddenly didn't know what to say, so she simply became quiet, so the two of them held hands and walked quietly on the path under the moonlight, no longer caring about the looks of other people passing by.

Occasionally, she would pass by other couples, and Lu Xiaoya, who calmed down, would always get a lot of looks.

For example, Ning Zi heard the private voice carried by the wind from the young couple who had just passed by: "Is his girlfriend good-looking?"

"Uh... no, you misunderstood, I didn't look at that girl..."

"Your eyes are straight and you haven't looked at that girl yet? Heh... are you looking at that boy?"

"Yeah, you didn't notice that boy seems to be Ning Zi."

"Ah? Really?"

"By the way, Ning Zi, what is your ideal?"

After a while, Lu Xiaoya's delicate voice came from beside her. It lacked the sophistication and was quite gentle.

Ning Zi raised her head, looked at the moon hanging high in the sky, and said casually: "The first step is probably to actually build a base on the moon."

"Um...then when your lunar base is built, can you make me the first supreme commander of the moon?"

"Okay, but at that time the moon was probably filled with robots. Are you sure you want to be the top leader of a group of robots?"

"Forget it, I'll stay on earth."

"Well, it's the right choice. When I leave the earth, I will take you with me."

"You mean I can pick a planet now and we can go there to retire in the future?"

"Your idea is very interesting, I can work hard in this direction."

"Bah... bragging!"

"Well, then just think I'm bragging for now."

Under the bright moonlight, the emotions of youth are rippling...

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