The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2301: Something serious

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No delusion, deep in the gates of the Tianji Sect, above the high school grounds, the supreme lord of the Tianji Sect, Zao Wuji, and the Dragon Emperor of the Dragon Dragon family, sit quietly on both sides of the seal, kneeling, as if asleep. ¤,

It has been a month since many masters from the Infinite Realm and hundreds of beasts in the beast-god realm entered the other world. During this month, the two strong men have been waiting here without leaving in the middle. .

Xiuwei was definitely able to sit down when they reached their present state, but when one month quietly slipped away, whether it was Zhao Wuji or Dragon Emperor, they were still unable to sit up.

"Yu, it's been a month. There is no movement at all below, and I don't know how everyone is progressing."

The first to speak is the Dragon Emperor, the Dragon Emperor of the Tianlong tribe. At this moment, he can't help but feel worried for his hundreds of people and his subordinates.

Frankly speaking, he also understood that Zhao Wuji sent so many strong men from the Wraith Realm to the other side of the seal, I am afraid that he went with the mentality of letting everyone sacrifice, but he did not want his people and kin All are buried in a different world.

There are not many strong people in the beast **** world, especially his Tianlong clan, the members are even more scarce. The death of each Tianlong clan can be said to be a huge loss for the entire group, and he really cannot afford some loss.

In his heart, the others didn't matter, as long as his tribe could return, he would be satisfied.

There are four Dragon Kings in the alien world this time. These four dragon kings are all important figures in the Dragon Dragon family. If they really hang in the other world, it will undoubtedly be a great blow to the Dragon Dragon family.

"Brother Long need not worry. At this time, hundreds of great conquerors have been dispatched from our two worlds, and there are thousands of demigods who have turned seven times and eight times. Such a force is united and it is a fight. The other side was caught by surprise, and I believe that the ultimate victory will definitely belong to us. "

After hearing the sigh of the Dragon Emperor, the Supreme Emperor Zhao Wuji could not help but smile slightly, but comforted the Dragon Emperor softly.

It can be seen that his mood seems to be much better than that of Zhao Wuji. As for where his good mood comes from, that is not what Dragon Emperor can understand.

"Speaking of which, this time, you should be no less than five hundred great consummates who have shot in vain, right? Counting more than one hundred of my beast **** world, that's six hundred. Power, as long as it has been condensed together, can really exert a lot of energy. "

Nodded, the Dragon Emperor could only comfort himself like this, because he didn't know what he could do except to comfort himself like this!

In any case, it is absolutely impossible for him to do anything in the other world himself. After all, if something happens to him in another world, the whole beast **** world will be dangerous.

He is the backbone of the beast-god realm. Without his cohesion and command, the beast-god realm will be a piece of sand. Once there is any danger, it is really very dangerous.

Having said that, there are more than 600 Great Perfectionists, around 4,000 demigods, and seventy-eight turn strong. This kind of power seems to be really strong!

"Brother Promise, if this problem can be solved easily, then the two worlds of you and me will continue to be stable. By then, the Emperor hopes that you and I can communicate more and complement each other's advantages. What do you think? ? "

The face of the Dragon Emperor has always been a little bit inaccessible. In his perception, the realm of the delusion and the beast **** are really approaching with an invisible crisis, and this action seems to be a little too smooth.

If the crisis he foresaw was resolved so easily, then at this moment, he should feel that his body has become relaxed. But at this moment, he seemed to feel more dangerous.

At this moment, he can only say a few words to Zhao Wuji to ease his emotions.

"This nature is good. There are many places in the beast **** world that can be used by human warriors, and we in the human world also have a lot of things that are lacking in the beast **** world. It is certainly the best thing for you and me to communicate with each other . "

Zao Wou-ki nodded for the first time, but directly agreed to the proposal of the Dragon Emperor, looking at his posture, as if he really wanted to communicate with the beast **** world.

"Well, since Brother Wuji also thinks this is feasible, then when the matter here is resolved, the emperor will go back and arrange it."

The mood of the Dragon Emperor was much better now. Speaking of which he put forward such an opinion, naturally he had his thoughts.

The world of human warriors has always been higher than the Warcraft of the beast **** world. If they can communicate with the world of no delusion, then they can definitely learn the advantages of human warriors. This is for the reproduction of the beast **** world. And development, both have a pivotal role.

Although the Tianlong tribe is not worse than a human warrior, they are a bit too proud from top to bottom. It is even more difficult for the Tianlong tribe to teach other ethnic groups in the beast **** world than to deal with human warriors.

"No problem, let's discuss it more carefully at that time."

With a slight smile, deep inside Zhao Wuji's eyes, he couldn't help flashing an invisible light. Obviously, he treats everything that he said at the moment as if he were listening.

"I won't talk about this anymore. I'll wait for their results. I don't know how many people can come back alive after entering the seal ..."

After pouting, Long Huang's heart was still a little worried about his clan, but when he was worried, his complexion suddenly changed slightly, and he suddenly stood up.


Suddenly, when the Dragon Emperor raised his hand for the first time, he took out a piece of scales of the Tianlong tribe. At this moment, the scales that should have been very calm, at this time, were constantly beating, and there was a light on them Constant flashing, it looks like it is about to explode.

"Well? What's wrong, Brother Long? But is there anything wrong?"

Seeing Long Huang suddenly stand up, the whole person's face was a little unsightly, and Zao Wou-ki couldn't help but stand up and asked with great concern.

"Clan messaging, it seems that something urgent needs to be reported to me."

After hearing Zao Wou-ki's inquiries, the Dragon Emperor could not help but hesitated, but still answered truthfully. For some reason, at this moment, the bad hunch under his heart seemed to be getting stronger and stronger.

From the reaction of the scales, it is obvious that it is the most urgent signal of the Tianlong tribe. However, when he came, he had arranged the Tianlong tribe very properly. In principle, there should be no problems.

"Since it's a matter within Brother Long's clan, I'm going to retreat first."

After hearing the words of the Dragon Emperor, Zao Wou-chi frowned, and wanted to leave the place for a while and let the Dragon Emperor listen to the Tianlong clan's message alone.

"Where is Brother Wuji, everyone is an old acquaintance, but the Tianlong clan cannot tell the brother Wuji without any secrets."

When he waved his hand, the Dragon Emperor did not let the other person leave. He was taking a deep breath, and then he input his strength into the scales and listened to the messages.

"Master Dragon King, Qingyan Dragon King rebellion, the Tianlong tribe is at stake !!!"

As the power of the Dragon Emperor was conveyed into the scales, an unusually rapid sound resounded directly on the entire campus, and almost immediately, the Dragon Emperor was the person who heard the news. It was not the others who sent the news, but the wide-eyed dragon king of the Tianlong tribe, known as the first dragon king who knew everything in the beast **** world.

However, at this moment, the Dragon Emperor did not have the mood to control who was the person who subpoenaed, because the content of the other party's messenger had changed his expression for the first time.


The horror momentum soared into the sky. At this moment, the Dragon Emperor was like a furious female bear. At that moment, his body was full of golden scales. Obviously, at this moment, The situation is definitely not good.

"How is that possible? This is definitely not true !!!"

The sudden message made Dragon Emperor unable to believe his ears, but his power was continuously flowing towards the scales, and the words of the wide-eyed dragon king in the scales were repeated over and over again. .

As the ear and eyes of the Tianlong clan, the Guangmu Dragon King is definitely the most authoritative. Although the message he sent this time is incredible, the Dragon King chose to believe it for the first time. No way, during this time, he has been feeling restless, and the message from here seems to justify this.

"Uh, this ..............."

Zao Wou-Ki was always listening, and when he heard the message from the scales, there was a hint of shock on his face, as if he had not expected that this would happen.

"Brother Long, can it be fake?"

His brow was slightly wrinkled. At the moment, Zhao Wuji was very concerned, and his face was anxious.

"It's a message from Guangmu. Whether it's true or not, I have to go back."

Struggling to suppress the shock in my heart, it is obviously impossible for the Dragon Emperor to stay here for a while. After all, compared with the safety of the entire Tianlong tribe, several dragon kings are simply worthless.

In fact, there is one more thing that is even more disturbing to him. That is, in the rumor of Guangmu Dragon King, he mentioned the rebellion of Qingyan Dragon King. For Qingyan Dragon King, he always felt that the other party was an honest man. How to offend the good guy, but now think about it, the more such people, the more likely it is that there will be problems.

"Yu, if the situation is true, then the problem is really a bit serious." With a breath, Zhao Wuji thought for a moment, then continued, "Long brother, let me go with you, if the day If the Dragons are really in danger, at least I can help. "

The Tianlong tribe and the Tianjizong can be said to be all in one glory and the other is damaged. If the Tianlong tribe is really destroyed, then the Tianjizong is probably not the same.

"Yu, then there will be Brother Wuji, let's go !!!!!!"

With a little thought, Long Huang agreed for the first time. Just as Zao Wou-Ki said, if the Tianlong clan really had a crisis of extermination, then with the help of Zao Wou-Ki, the possibility of recovery should be greater.

"Okay, let's go now !!!"

Zhao Wuji also seemed to understand that it was not too late. When he was talking, he was physically moved and swept directly into the air. When he raised his hand, he opened the transmission channel between the Tianlong tribe and Tianjizong. The flashes of the two powerful men, one after another, disappeared into the channel.

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