The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2292: True sanctuary

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The silver-white space world is full of rich and terrifying auras of heaven and earth. Looking up at the sky, the blue sky is like a blue mirror. The purity is almost unreal.

And in this world that can be said to be free of any flaws, the pavilions, the palaces, and the palaces of Qionglou are like scenes in a dream, full of sacredness and spirituality. It can be said that this is the real wonderland, but anyone who has been here will have a feeling of being in this life.

Under the blue sky, a high platform stands quietly above a square. The high platform is almost ten meters high, but its diameter is more than thousands of meters. The entire pedestal is cast by special spar, and it is knocked casually. Coming next, I am afraid that it will be enough for ordinary people to use for a generation.

Of course, the prerequisite is that it can be knocked down. In fact, this high platform is a complete special spar. It is simply difficult to knock this thing down.

"Om !!!!!!"

At a certain moment, over the huge high platform, a light curtain that completely matched the diameter of the high platform suddenly appeared, and with the emergence of the light curtain, the entire high platform was slightly bright, it seemed to echo the light curtain above. .

"Well !!!"

The light curtain appeared, and then, one after another, they came out of the light curtain one after another, and the feeling was like being dumplings.

"Brush !!!!"

The time is not long. A total of sixty figures have successively moved from the light curtain to the high platform. After the last figure landed on the ground, the huge light curtain flickered slightly and disappeared. Seems like it never happened.

"His, this is ........."

Sixty or more super-strong men are standing on the high floor at the moment. Except for a few strong men, all those who have never been here are basically dumbfounded and thoroughly looked at. The sight was calmed down.

The people who come here this time are basically the rising stars of the Ziyun Palace and Ling Jue Palace. For them, their knowledge is really limited. At least, they are like the wonderland in front of them. They are definitely the first. See you again.

"Yu, a marvelous world, human warriors are different. In contrast, the secret environment of the Tianlong clan seems to be a bit worthless !!"

Yuan Feng was among the crowd at the moment, and like everyone else, when he saw the beautiful scenery in front of him, he couldn't help but stay a little bit, apparently surprised by the sight in front of him.

He had been to the secret place of the Tianlong clan. Frankly speaking, the scene here is very similar to the secret place of the Tianlong clan, but if it is really more than one, it is still more prosperous here. Of course, perhaps, this is also due to his habit as a human warrior. After all, humans and Warcraft are, after all, two different ethnic groups.

"It ’s so rich in heaven and earth aura. If you practice in such a place, I'm afraid that one day is worth a month of practice in Ziyun Palace. It seems that here, it should be the so-called Tianzong !!"

His eyes narrowed for a moment. At this moment, he couldn't help looking at the distance and concentrated on the palaces and pavilions in the distance.

Frankly speaking, the magnificent palaces and immortal pavilions have seen a lot of them, but these palace pavilions shrouded in cloud and mist now look like any building he has seen They are all different, and the most obvious point is the existence of these palaces and pavilions.

"Well? Good guys, all of them are hanging in the air? Well, this is really what it is!"

Gaze glanced at the clouds of palaces and buildings, Yuan Feng keenly found that these palaces and pavilions were all suspended above the clouds.

In other words, this place looks like a city, but it is actually a place!

Let a huge city hang in mid-air. Such handwriting is indeed not something that ordinary forces can do. At least, even the Ziyun Palace has absolutely no such ability.

"Brother Ziyun, come and gather !!!"

Just when Yuan Feng and a group of young brothers were shocked by the sight in front of them, the voice of Huo Yunting, the owner of Ziyun Palace, suddenly came, breaking the silence on the court, and pulling everyone back from the loss.

"It's all together, don't be dazed."

On the other side, the master of Lingjie Palace almost spoke with Huo Yunting at the same time, convening a meeting of Lingjie Palace brothers.

At this point, whether you are a superpower or a genius, it is necessary to put away all the sharp edges, obey the rules here obediently, and even be a man with a tail.

Don't talk about other people, even Huo Yunting and Ling Jue, at this moment they dare not pretend to be wanton.

The younger brothers of the two major forces soon divided clearly into two teams, and after the assembly was completed, the two palace masters did not have any instructions, and instead looked at the palace groups in the distance.

Seeing that the two palace masters did not say anything, the others were naturally even more silent. For a moment, the entire platform became extremely silent.


However, this silence did not last for a long time. Soon, a ray of light flashed out of the distant palace group. With the ray of light, a sound of breaking sound also suddenly turned toward The two teams approached the high platform.

"It turned out that Ziyun Palace and Ling Jue Palace arrived, and the two palace masters are polite !!!"

The sound of breaking air came, and then, a slightly old voice sounded over the high platform, and with the sound of the sound, the figure of an old man slowly emerged from the deep space, in Behind him, two young men followed.

The old man was wearing a purple robe with a flower-like hair, like silver wires, and deep in his eyes, there was a faint mulberry and indifference. Obviously, this old man's practice years will definitely not be shorter than Huo Yunting and Ling. As for repair, of course, it is also a state of great consummation.

The two young people behind the old man seem to be quite young, but they can be repaired to reach the semi-god realm of seven turns, even if they are eight miles away, they are almost the same.

Perhaps because of their origins, the faces of the two young people inevitably have a superior sense of superiority. When they look at the two teams, they obviously have a condescending feeling.

"Meet the six elders !!!"

When the old man's figure landed down on the high platform and landed lightly on the platform, Huo Yunting, the owner of Ziyun Palace, stepped forward for the first time and saluted the other side slightly.

It can be seen that the so-called six elders, even the owner of the Ziyun Palace, are very respectful. Obviously, the identity of the so-called six elders should be very high.

"Oh, all brothers, brother Yun Ting is still so polite."

Seeing Huo Yunting's courtesy to himself, the six elders couldn't help but smile a little, looking very modest. Speaking of which, his strength will not be much stronger than Huo Yunting, and Huo Yunting is the master of the first house. If you really want to say, he is not better than the opponent.

"Let the six elders meet in person, we two are really ashamed to be, the six elders are polite !!!"

Ling Jue, the master of Ling Jue Palace, was also a step forward now. He also gave a gift to the six elders, and he could see that he was also respectful and even more so than Huo Yunting. .

"Oh, why did Brother Ling come up with Brother Yun Ting? It's this time, but it's better to be casual."

Seeing Ling Ju also ran out, the six elders could not help shaking his head, but it felt a bit helpless.

Between them, they can be described as real old brothers. It is not easy for them to live to this day since ancient times. In the later years, whether it was Ling Ju or Huo Yunting, most of them All of them practice in Tianzong. In fact, they are no different from a martial artist.

"Yes, it seems that both of them have worked hard. With so many new forces, our hopes can be much greater."

After greeting the two palace masters, the six elders couldn't help looking at the team behind the two. And when he saw that both teams had strong demigods, and the numbers were not bad, his eyes flashed with satisfaction.

Right now, at a critical time, although ordinary people in the demigod seven or eight turns are also important, if the number does not reach the standard, the effect is really small.

However, the power of a semi-perfect realm is not the same. The power that a full-powered power can exert is far beyond that of an ordinary seven-eighth-powered power.

The sum of the great consummates of the two major forces has exceeded ten, which is already among the top among the forces that have come one after another.

"Well? There's another demigod that turns around?"

Gaze glanced at the team of Ziyun Palace. The attention of the six elders was naturally attracted by Yuan Feng among them.

At this moment, Yuan Feng was standing between the two great protectors and the four great perfection brothers. It was obvious that he was sitting on an equal footing. However, a person with a divine spirit turned two people on an equal footing with the great perfectionist. Somewhat unexpected.

Under these circumstances, he almost subconsciously believed that Yuan Feng might be a direct descendant of Huo Yunting. This time he brought it with him. It has a different purpose.

However, thinking of Huo Yunting's person, it seems that the other party should not bring such a brother to make trouble at this time.

"Hehe, the six elders don't know. This is my Ziyun Palace brother Yuan Feng. Although he seems to have only two turns, in fact, he is a truly great conqueror, but he just covers it up by some means. It ’s a matter of real repair. "

Seeing that the six elders had questions, Huo Yunting could not help but smile slightly and explained softly.

"Well? Is there such a thing?"

Upon hearing Huo Yunting's explanation, the six elders suddenly looked at each other, apparently there was an incredible feeling to Huo Yunting's explanation. You know, he has cultivated for so many years, and he has never seen anyone who can hide himself in cultivation!

Yuan Feng doesn't seem to have long years of practice, but he can have a great state of perfection and he can't see through him. However, he has to look at Yuan Feng a little more.

"Yuan Feng, this is the six elders of Tianzong, you've seen it soon !!!"

Seeing the six elders looking at Yuan Feng up and down, Huo Yunting was also looking upright, and hurriedly ordered Yuan Feng.

"Brother obeys !!!"

Yuan Feng didn't dare to neglect at the moment, and speaking, he stepped out of the team and gave a gentle gift to the six elders.

"Later junior Yuan Feng, met the six elders !!!"

For these strong men of the older generation, he really felt the respect from his heart. Aside from other things, it is enough for him to honor him for only so many years of cultivation.

"No need to be polite !!!"

He waved his hands at Yuan Feng, and the six elders were still a little suspicious, because even now, he really can't see where Yuan Feng has a great satisfaction.

On the side, Ling Jue ’s palace master Ling Jue, also looked a little bit flashed, because he also found Yuan Feng before, and like the six elders, he did not see that Yuan Feng was a strong man with a great divine spirit It wasn't until Huo Yunting told Yuan Feng's true cultivation, that he felt that Yuan Feng seemed so unusual.

"Well, this is not the place to talk, let's go, I will arrange a rest place for you first, and then we will work together after the others have arrived."

He didn't pay too much attention to Yuan Feng. Speaking, the six elders looked at Huo Yunting and Ling Jue again, and said lightly.

"By the arrangement of the six elders !!!"

Of course, Ling Jue and Huo Yunting didn't say anything. Talking, the group was led by the six elders and went straight to the west of the palace group.

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