He still maintained Draco’s appearance, but the result was recognized by Luna Lovegood, so Harry was curious about how the other party recognized him and what was wrong with his disguise.

“Can you tell me how you saw through my disguise?”

“Intuition, my intuition is telling me you’re Harry Potter.”

Hearing this, Harry couldn’t help but say, “It’s really cheating-like instinct.”

He did not suspect that the girl in front of him was lying, because Harry knew very well that the kind of human transfiguration he got from the Gate of Truth was definitely not something that Lunalovgood could see, and there were absolutely no flaws, so the only explanation was Lunalovegood’s intuition.

Harry looked at Luna in front of him, then smiled and said, “You seem to have guessed that I’m coming?” ”

“I feel like you should come to me.”

“Then tell me what you feel I came to you for.”

Harry looked at the girl in front of him with a trace of indifference in his eyes, Harry hated Luna’s feeling, intuited this unreasonable thing, Harry obviously did not want the other party to continue to exist.

“I don’t think you should kill me.”


“I don’t know, but that’s how I feel.”

Harry’s eyebrows twitched, whether to kill this girl or not, Harry’s original heart had already made a decision, it was impossible to keep the flaws of the other party’s appearance, so Luna must die, but now by the appearance of this girl, and you feel that it seems that you can’t leave this girl alive.

However, after this thought appeared in Harry’s mind, Harry immediately laughed, and it was a little ridiculous that he would come up with such an idea.

“Unfortunately, this idea of yours guessed wrong, Harry raised his finger at Luna: Avadaso life!”

The green light instantly shot towards Luna, but the next moment the green light seemed to be bounced back, and instantly hit Harry himself.

Just when the Avadaso Curse was about to hit Harry himself, a red barrier flashed on Harry’s body, blocking this Avadaso Life.

His face instantly became gloomy.

If it weren’t for Harry’s use of some defensive means that the Philosopher’s Stone had arranged for himself, then the Avadaso Curse just now could almost directly take Harry away.

Someone else’s Avadaso Spell has no effect on Harry, that’s for sure, as long as their mystery doesn’t reach the same level as Harry, their magic and spells won’t work.


This is Harry’s own use, to bounce back his life, the mysterious level is completely equal to Harry’s own, that is, if he is hit by the Ajadaso curse just now, Harry will definitely die.

Harry’s expression was extremely ugly!

Looking at Luna Lovegood in front of him, Harry felt as if he had been calculated.

From the very beginning, Luna Lovegood showed her uniqueness.

If it weren’t for this, Ah Li wouldn’t care so much about Luna Lovegood, let alone take the initiative to find Lovegood now.


Harry looked coldly at Lunalovgood in front of him, Harry was almost sure that this Lunalovgood was the fatal blow that fate arranged to give him, that is, fate’s protection of himself.

“You said that Voldemort appeared in Malfoy Manor before, and then left without a win after a fight with Lucius?”

Dumbledore felt that his three views had been violently impacted?

“Yes, it’s hard to be confident, but Lucius and Voldemort fought a tie, and neither of them drank much.”

Very good, if it weren’t for Snape who said this, Dumbledore almost thought that the other party was not here to have fun for himself, before Snape was also called out by Voldemort, and then saw the battle between Lucis and Voldemort, Voldemort actually failed to take Lucius, which made Snape directly shocked when Lucius was so strong.

“But what surprised me even more was that Voldemort didn’t seem to be going after me, just let me tell you that now you and he have a common enemy.”

Because of the Harry Potter book, Snape’s inner ghost can be said to be completely exposed, and the previous indoor service did not actually want to respond to Voldemort’s call, but in the end, it was.

Dumbledore fell into thought, Voldemort said that they had a common enemy, so who was this enemy?

Dumbledore suddenly had an idea, could it be that Voldemort was not actually the heir of Slytherin at all, the heir of Slytherin was someone else, and the real heir of Slytherin was actually Draco Malfoy?

This thought appeared in Dumbledore’s mind, and then this thought could not disappear from Dumbledore’s mind at all.

In a moment, Dumbledore felt his head begin to hurt.

“Severus, arrange for me to meet with Voldemort.”

Snape looked at Dumbledore, “Are you planning to work with the people of the province?” ”

“I have a reason for doing this, I know you hate Voldemort, but I have a reason for doing it.”

Dumbledore had to figure out if Voldemort was the heir to Slytherin.

This is important!

Snape did not speak, silently glanced at Dumbledore, and then turned to leave.

“I’m sorry Severus, but I have to.”

Dumbledore explained to Snape’s back, but Snape ignored you and left directly.

The Harry Potter book that Dumbledore picked up and put on the side looked at it again.

“Resurrection Stone.”

The stone on Marvolo Gaunt’s ring is actually the legendary resurrection stone, and Dumbledore saw that Yuzo fell in love with the powerful black magic on the resurrection stone baby ring and finally died due to black magic.

Dumbledore didn’t care about this, Dumbledore now just wanted to know if that one resurrection stone could really do it.

Although it has already been said in the book, it is only to conjure up illusions.

But the ones summoned by Harry Potter in the end were different, which gave Dumbledore some hope.

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