
“That’s probably it.”

After looking at the setting related to the main characters of “I Can’t Be a False Devil” that he had preliminarily completed on the computer screen, Shinomiyazuki also rubbed his temples because of his swollen mind.

Glancing at the alarm clock on the side, the time has come to the early hours of the morning, calculating the time, it has taken more than 4 hours of his time.

Before, during dinner, his editor, Machida Enko, also suddenly called, asking him to write a set set of the master’s debut mission as soon as possible.

In line with the principle that more is better than less, Shinomiya Tsuki politely refused Machida Enko’s request, which was “arrogantly” rejected by Machida Enko….

[Ukraine’s proposal to abolish Russia’s veto was vetoed by Russia…].

It’s probably like that.

“This level should be enough to deal with that woman.”

After a long sigh of relief, Shinomiyazuki was still quite satisfied with his completed character setting.

Of course, the woman in Shinomiyatsuki’s words is none other than Machida Enko, the deputy editor-in-chief of the Immortal River Bunko Tokyo area, one of the four major libraries of the Neon Country in this world, and is also the responsible editor directly responsible for Shinomiyatsuki.

Of course, this can only be said behind the scenes….

However, although Shinomiya Yue said that he should cope with his own editing, in fact, his body was very honest and carefully completed the character setting set.

When designing his own works, Shinomiyazuki is always extra serious.

Even among the readers and fans of the Shinomiya Moon, there is a saying that the works of the old thief of the white moon are precious things that he sacrificed in the “physiological period” with the festival.

Even if it is just a simple initial character setting set, Shinomiyazuki will seriously consider what kind of character information he should disclose, and whether he needs to bury some foreshadowing or Easter eggs in the setting.

Of course, this would have taken some time to complete, and generally speaking, with the quality requirements of the Yokiyazuki, a normal light novelist can complete it in about five days.

However, in less than five hours in the fourth palace month, the high-intensity work was directly completed.

On the one hand, the reason is that Shinomiya Moon, who is recognized as a genius newcomer, naturally has enough talent in light novels.

On the other hand, it was the brain domain enhancement given by the Golden Finger [God-level Novel System] as a traverser, which made the memory of the Four Palaces Moon have reached an incredible state.

Only he consciously remembers one thing, and he can’t forget it at all, so Shinomiyatsuki’s work is more like reproducing on paper what he has thought about in his mind, and there will definitely be no missing kind.

Seeing that it was already the early hours of the morning, Shigongyue also smiled “insidiously” and dialed the mobile phone number marked as an old woman in the contact information.

“Don’t blame me for calling you so late, but you want to finish it as soon as possible…”




When the end of the mobile phone was connected, Shinomiyazuki was also quite unexpected.

I thought I needed to call several times to remind the other party, but I didn’t expect to connect it once, which is a pity….

“Hey, is it Goddess-sama? It’s me. ”

After connecting the phone, Shinomiya Yue also said without restraint.

“I’ve been in the light novel business for some years, and you’re still the first author to call me in the middle of the night, so tell me, Hakugetsu-sensei, what is the reason why you have to contact me in the early hours of the morning?”

Machida Enko, who was woken up from sleep, asked Shinomiyazuki in a very “kind” tone, but for a woman her age, she knew that staying up late was a woman’s natural enemy.

Shinomiya Yueji also explained unhurriedly.

“Actually, it’s not a big deal…”

“Oh roar, do you really dare to say it, Bai Yue-sensei?”

“Actually, it’s still a little important…”

Feeling that the other party’s tone was a little unkind, Sigong Yue, who felt the inexplicable chill, wiped the cold sweat that might be shedding and immediately changed his words.

After clearing his throat, Shinomiyazuki continued.

“Ahem, in short, this is what I have already completed the set of characters you asked me to write.”


Hearing that Machida Yuanko here was also silent, when did that old thief of the white moon who had been dragging for ten thousand years suddenly change his life and become so diligent?

After a pause, Machida Enko still asked with some doubt.

“Bai Yue-sensei, you mean…”

“Well, that’s right, I’ve completed the collection of character settings that you asked me to write as the third volume monobook.”



Shinomiyatsuki also responded to the other party’s words.

“If you’re kidnapped, blink.”

“What a faux pas! Besides, you can’t see it even if I blink! ”

Shinomiya Yue also scolded each other.

“Sorry, sorry, I didn’t expect that Baiyue teacher to have such a diligent day.”


“So, this Saturday, you come to the editorial office with a character set.”

“Ah, can’t I send it directly to the mailbox?”

“There are other things that need to be discussed with you in person.”

Seeing that Shinomiya Moon finished the work, Machida Enko, who is an editor, also improved her tone a lot.

“Is there anything you can’t say on the phone?”


“However, I already have an appointment on Saturday.”

“Have an appointment?”


Although he doubted the authenticity of Shinomiya Moon’s words, Machida Aoko changed the time.

“What about Sunday?”

“Well, I have an appointment on Sunday…”

“There is also an appointment on Sunday?”

This time, Machida Yuanko’s tone was full of doubt.

“It sounds like I made it up, but that’s what it is.”

“You always have to go to school on Fridays, right?”

“This is…”

“Well, this Friday afternoon after school, you can just bring your things, that’s it!”

“That’s right…”

Machida Enko on the other end of the phone seemed to have thought of something again.

“Is there anything else?”

“If you don’t come, I’ll visit you this time on Friday!”

In his words, he was still a little dissatisfied with the call at this time of the fourth palace moon, thinking that this was a woman.


“How is it possible, am I that kind of person…”

Shinomiyatsuki said, but his tone was also a little weak, as if he had been pierced by the true thoughts in his heart.

“That’s the best.”

“That’s it, hang up.”

With a clean busy tone coming from the mobile phone, Sigongyue sighed a little helplessly.

Damn, I was completely guessed the idea, this old woman is also too familiar with herself!


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