The Craziest Supreme in History

Chapter 3438 Powerful Sealing Technique

Lu Chen didn't show weakness and said, "I'm here to find someone."

"I don't care who you are looking for, now, immediately, release the old woman immediately, and then leave here quickly." The other party reprimanded.

Lu Chen asked curiously, "Tianxinmeng, do you know him? You are the writer, recording a person's deeds, so why did she disappear when she went to the Hall of Life?"

Hearing this, the other party was startled immediately, "Boy, are you here after that woman?"


"Sorry, I won't tell you anything about her whereabouts, so just give up." The other party said coldly.

Lu Chen immediately smiled wryly, "I'm sorry, I'm not that easy to be scared."

"If you are obsessed with obsession, then don't blame me for being rude." The other party said angrily, and Lu Chen laughed, "Oh?"

At this time, a gust of wind flew out from the hall, and then that gust of wind surrounded Lu Chen, as if to roll him up.

Lu Chen was very calm, and even said nothing, "Is this useful?"

"Boy, don't underestimate my strength, it will kill you." The other party became gloomy.

Lu Chen disagreed.

General Stone Soul and the drunkard looked weird, especially General Stone Soul said to Lu Chen, "Boy, I think you should give up."

Not only General Stone Soul, but also the drunkard said, "Yes, give up, otherwise, the consequences will be very serious."

Facing the words of these two people, Lu Chen just replied, "Don't worry, it's just the beginning."

just started?

These people didn't know what Lu Chen meant.

Lu Chen showed a weird smile, "It's started."

I saw that Chase Lu absorbed all the wind around him one by one, so those winds lasted for a while and then completely dissipated.

Seeing the wind dissipate, both General Stone Soul and the drunkard were startled.

Lu Chen was very calm, and even walked towards the main hall, but the stone pen suddenly shook, and then a shadow fell on Lu Chen's head.

This shadow is a pen.

This pen passed through Lu Chen's physical body and directly entered Lu Chen's body, and Lu Chen's soul seemed to be fixed there.

Seeing that Lu Chen was motionless, General Stone Soul sighed, "This is called the Soul Fixing Pen. Once it is fixed by it, no spirit can leave."

After hearing this, Lu Chen just smiled dismissively, "No soul can leave? Are you sure?"

"Really, we won't lie to you." General Stone Soul was sure, but Lu Chen just smiled slightly, "There is nothing to be afraid of."

I saw the Heavenly Prohibition Mirror on Lu Chen's body move, and then the brush immediately lost its luster, and was forced out of the body by Lu Chen.

I saw an extra black pen in Lu Chen's hand, which seemed strange.

"What? You were forced out?" General Stone Soul was surprised, and the drunkard also showed a strange look, "It's inevitable."

The drunkard was obviously frightened, but in the hall, there was an unpleasant voice, "Boy, you actually, can you take down my soul-fixing pen?"

"It's just a pen, it's no big deal." Lu Chen said disapprovingly, while the person inside snorted, "It's just a pen? Well, I'll let you see more."

After speaking, countless pens flew from different directions.

I saw that these pens were very powerful, and they were all aimed at Lu Chen.

Then these pens turned into phantoms one by one, rushed into Lu Chen's body, and then hit Lu Chen's soul.

It was about to destroy Chase Lu's soul, but Chen Lu was fine, because after these pens entered his body, Chase Lu took them all at once.

I saw dozens of pens in Lu Chen's hand.

General Stone Soul and the drunkard were stunned. They didn't expect Lu Chen to break the pen sealer so easily.

As for the writer, he was a little surprised in the hall, but after he paused there for a long time, he said, "Boy, you really pissed me off!"

Lu Chen didn't take it seriously, and continued to move forward, and soon he entered the hall with his whole body, and in the hall, there were various pens floating around.

These pens shone gold, white, green...

At the same time, on the wall not far behind these pens, there is a shadow, and this shadow is the person who wrote the pen. I saw a list of stone books placed on the corner of the wall in front of him, as if he was recording something for someone.

After seeing this, Lu Chen was full of curiosity, "How do you know a person's deeds?"

"Boy, I haven't dealt with you yet, yet you still dare to ask me questions?" The other party was immediately displeased.

Shi Hun also felt that Lu Chen was too courageous, so he quickly said to him, "Be careful, otherwise, there will be trouble."

"Trouble, am I afraid?" Lu Chen didn't take it seriously.

At this time, the writer snorted, and the pens in the hall flew over immediately, and then formed an enchantment around Chase Lu.

Not only that, these pens also shot out countless lights one by one, and after these lights entered Chase Lu's body, Chase Lu's divine power seemed to be controlled by something and could not burst out.

"Boy, don't struggle. Now you have been completely controlled by me." The writer laughed strangely.

General Shi Hun sighed, "After all, I still can't resist so many pens."

The drunkard said helplessly, "It's too scary."

However, Lu Chen looked at the various lights on his body and smiled, "Do you think this little thing can stump me?"

"Is it difficult?" the writer asked back.

Lu Chen smiled suddenly, and the pens on his body disappeared one by one, without even finding a trace, but the pen holder was stunned, "This."

Lu Chen looked at him with a smile, "How about it, didn't expect that?"

The writer's face was very ugly, and he "flyed" out from the wall, and stood in front of Lu Chen, glaring at Lu Chen.

Lu Chen saw an old man with disheveled hair and a few weird pens on his back.

"I just want a person's whereabouts, is it so difficult?" Lu Chen stared at him.

Under the disheveled hair, the writer said darkly, "Boy, let me tell you, not only will I not tell you, but I will also take you down."

"Take me down? Are you whimsical?"

"Whimsical? I think it's you." After the other party finished speaking, countless brush shadows gathered in his hand, and these shadows, like sword energy, rushed towards Lu Chen one by one.

Lu Chen turned into ghostly shadows and let these shadows pass by.

But the ghosts and shadows were sealed by these shadow pens after resisting for a while, and these shadow pens also attacked Lu Chen's spirit frantically.

After a while, Lu Chen remained motionless, as if completely sealed.

The writer still had a big smile on his face, "Boy, my writing skills are great, aren't you?"

"Pen skills?"

"That's right, one move to seal the pen can seal the soul and power of a person, so now you have no soul and power, what kind of power do you use to fight against me?" the writer said contemptuously.

General Shi Hun and the drunkard looked at each other, and they all became emotional, while the writer gave them a blank look, "Are you on his team? Do you still feel sorry for him?" (End of this chapter)

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