The Craziest Supreme in History

Chapter 3236 Difficult guy, here he comes again!

Hearing Xu Yan's words, Lu Chen frowned and fell into deep thought.

After seeing that Lu Chen didn't speak, Xu Yan laughed there, "How is it? Scared?"


"The token, I have sealed it in this space now, but you just can't get it." Xu Yan laughed strangely.

Lu Chen was curious, "In this space?"

"That's right, I still want to use these tokens to help me with something." Xu Yan smiled evilly, and Lu Chen muttered to himself, "What else can this token do for him?"

Seeing that Lu Chen didn't speak, Xu Yan laughed there, "What? Did you stop talking?"

"It's not that I don't talk, I'm thinking about something." Lu Chen looked at Xu Yan with a smile.

Seeing that Lu Chen was still in the mood to think about things, Xu Yan teased, "Still thinking about things?"

"of course."

"Oh? Could it be that you thought of something good?" Xu Yan wanted to know, so he looked at Lu Chen.

Lu Chen smiled, "Since the token is still here, then I just need to get the token."

"What? Get the token? I'm afraid you are a little naive?" Xu Yan laughed.


"Isn't it?" Xu Yan smiled, but Lu Chen smiled, and the other spirits dispersed one by one.

It's just that Xu Yan looked at Gui Qianjun, "Fix him well."

"Okay." Gui Qianjun's deity is very powerful, and with a single force, all these souls were sent flying.

However, Lu Chen's ghost and shadow were very powerful, and he rushed to the side of those Patriarchs, intending to rescue them first.

But Gui Qianjun suddenly fell in front of Lu Chen, and then smiled at Lu Chen, "Boy, I'm still here."

I saw Gui Qianjun condensed a black shadow with his palm, and hit Lu Chen heavily, intending to knock Lu Chen away.

Lu Chen took out the Soul Blowing Fan and flicked it.

Although Gui Qianjun's soul was not blown away, he flew out uncomfortable, then stared at Lu Chen strangely and said, "Boy, blowing the soul fan, why is it here with you?"

"Oh, I took down your senior brother, and this fan is naturally mine."

"But this fan, without tens of millions of years of refinement, cannot be controlled at all." Gui Qianjun was puzzled.

"That's someone else." Lu Chen played with a fan and smiled strangely.

Gui Qianjun looked weird, but Xu Yan was curious, "What's going on?"

"This guy has a fan."

"Oh? That fan?"

"Yes, this fan is not simple." Gui Qianjun said depressedly.

Xu Yan smiled, "Small meaning."

I saw a strange black flame condensed in Xuyan's hand, then compressed into a small black ball, and flung it out.

The speed was very fast, and it hit the fan immediately, and the fan was sent flying on the spot, while the fan was still burned by the beads.

Then the fan lost its divinity.

Lu Chen was startled secretly, "This heavenly walker has some skills."

Gui Qianjun was overjoyed, and flew to Lu Chen with a smile, "Boy, I don't have a fan, I see what you are crazy about."

Lu Chen looked at him, "I heard that you have reached the Great Perfection Chaos Realm and are about to ascend, right?"

"So you should know my strength." Gui Qianjun looked at Lu Chen with a smile, but Lu Chen said, "You are very strong, but it doesn't mean that I have no ability to take you down."

After finishing speaking, "black" tentacles suddenly grew on Lu Chen's body, and these tentacles belonged to Heitunling.

I saw the power of Heitun Ling fused to Lu Chen, so Lu Chen's tentacles directly entangled Gui Qianjun.

Gui Qianjun, Guixiu, deeply knew what this tentacle was, so he wanted to break free, but when he found that he was entangled, he immediately said, "I want to die!"

Gui Qianjun's eyes were red, and then a red light flew out of his eyes and hit Lu Chen heavily.

Lu Chen's body burned, and those tentacles were also retracted.

Then Gui Qianjun snorted, "Go to hell!"

A black cloud was shot out from the palms of both hands, and it directly landed heavily on Lu Chen's ghostly shadow, and then knocked Lu Chen's ghostly shadow into the air.

This power is quite strong, but Lu Chen said as if nothing happened, "It's a little weaker."


Gui Qianjun was startled, "Is this all right?"

Xu Yan on the side laughed, "It seems that you can't take him down."

But Gui Qianjun said, "Don't worry, my deity is countless times stronger than him, so wait a minute, I can easily defeat him."

"Oh? Then I'll wait and see the good show." Xu Yan smiled there, while Gui Qianjun stared at Lu Chen, "Boy, watch it."

I saw Gui Qianjun floating up, red light flashing on his body, then his eyes were red, and then countless blood-red spear shadows appeared behind him.

Xu Yan smiled when he saw it, "Ghost Xu Long Spear Technique, not bad!"

Ghost Void Spear Technique?

what is it

Lu Chen didn't know, but from Ling Shanye's memory, Lu Chen knew that it was a top ghost technique of the ancient academy.

Once hit, the soul will be burned, and then life is worse than death.

But Lu Chen still expressed his calm look, and Gui Qianjun said strangely, "Boy, do you know that you are afraid?"

"You said I was afraid?"

"Nonsense, if I pass this spear, you will definitely die." The other party said with certainty, and Lu Chen smiled, "Come on."


Seeing that Lu Chen was not afraid of death, Gui Qianjun snorted, and then countless gun shadows flew out one by one.


Countless gun shadows hit Lu Chen's "body" one by one.

Chase Lu felt uncomfortable at first, but the ghosts and gods in the Nine Divine Elephants in his body were running wildly, and all the power of these spears was sucked into it.

Therefore, these long spears just floated by Lu Chen, like a passerby, but Lu Chen was fine afterward.

This can make Gui Qianjun choked up.

This made Gui Qianjun startled, "This."

Lu Chen looked at Gui Qianjun with a smile, "If you only have this ability, then forget it."

Gui Qianjun was in a hurry, but Xu Yan was a little curious, and looked at Lu Chen, "Son of Tianxuan, it's just different, even so, it's as if nothing happened."

Lu Chen ignored him, but continued to look at Gui Qianjun, "Aren't you coming?"

"Boy, I still have more." Gui Qianjun intends to continue to try other methods, but Lu Chen's body has always been "strong".

How many attacks came from the opponent, how many attacks did Lu Chen absorb, so that Gui Qianjun could only give up in the end, and then looked at Xu Yan, "I have no choice."

Xu Yan laughed, "You are too weak."

"This guy is too weird." Gui Qianjun was very helpless, but Xu Yan smiled, "Then, lend me your body."


Before Gui Qianjun could react, Xu Yan had already entered his body suddenly, and Gui Qianjun was startled, "My lord, what are you going to do?"

"I said, I will borrow your body." Xu Yan smiled, and then Gui Qianjun suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Then Xu Yan looked at Lu Chen with a smile in Gui Qianjun's body, "Boy, last time, I was in Bai's house, this time, I borrowed a stronger body, I hope you can hold it, otherwise I'm sorry I overestimated you! "(End of this chapter)

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