The Craziest Supreme in History

Chapter 2960 about natural disasters in ten thousand domains

King Lei Dan took the opportunity to make things difficult for Lu Chen, "Elders, take a look, there seems to be something wrong with me?"

Lu Chen laughed strangely, "As for me, I attacked you before, so I left my breath on you. Let everyone see later, is it right?"

"Impossible!" King Lei Dan didn't believe it.

Those elders were also puzzled and wanted to know what was going on, so they looked at Chase Lu strangely, wanting to see how Chen Lu explained.

Lu Chen released his ghost heart.

As soon as Guixin came out, King Leidan's soul became inexplicably terrified, and he stammered at Guixin, "What, what is this?"

When King Lei Dan was nervous, some aura left by Lu Chen appeared on him.

Everyone was startled.

King Lei Dan turned pale with fright, and wanted to leave, but the ghost heart had already passed, and a dark barrier was created.

Within the barrier, Lei Dan King's spirit has nowhere to escape.

This frightened King Lei Dan into a panic.

The other elders didn't expect Lu Chen to take them down so easily, but Elder Qin asked Lei Danwang, "What do you mean?"

King Lei Dan saw that he could no longer quibble, so he snorted, "The Heavenly Dao League has done me a favor."

Elder Qin became angry when he heard the Tiandao League, "It's the Tiandao League again!"

King Lei Dan stared at everyone, "Elders, if you are sensible, you should surrender and submit to the Heavenly Dao League, so that the Wandan Palace can develop better, otherwise, when the natural disaster of Wanyu comes, Wandan Palace will cease to exist. "

The expressions of Elder Qin and the others changed drastically, while Chase Lu was curious about what is the natural disaster of the Ten Thousand Territories.

Seeing everyone's shock, King Lei Dan burst out laughing immediately, "Cooperate obediently."

Lu Chen looked at everyone, "Can you give him to me first?"

"What are you?" Elder Qin was curious, but Lu Chen said, "The Heavenly Dao League is after me, so I want to take him down."

After Elder Qin and the others looked at each other, they had no choice but to agree, but King Lei Dan was anxious, "Are you really going to hand me over to a stranger?"

Elder Qin became gloomy, "He is not a stranger."

"Why is he not a stranger?" King Lei Dan asked anxiously, while Elder Qin said, "His status is special."


King Lei Dan didn't know what it meant, but Elder Qin didn't want to say more. As for Lu Chen, he directly put his soul into the black soul bottle.

Everyone became helpless one by one.

Lu Chen looked at everyone, "Everyone, tell me about me now."

Everyone was curious about what Lu Chen meant, but Elder Qin was suspicious, "I don't know what you want to say?"

"You invited me to Wandan Palace, not just to see the scenery." Lu Chen looked at them with a smile.

Elder Qin said in a loud voice, "Come on, let's go to the main hall to talk."

After finishing speaking, Elder Qin called everyone up.

After a while, these elders chatted with Lu Chen in the main hall. It turned out that Wandan Palace asked Lu Chen to come mainly because the palace owner wanted to see him.

The second is about the natural disasters in the Ten Thousand Territories.

When it comes to the natural disasters in the Ten Thousand Territories, Lu Chen asked with some doubts, "I don't know what is going on with the natural disasters in the Ten Thousand Territories?"

"It is rumored that there will be many terrible insects appearing from outside the Ten Thousand Territories in the natural disaster of the Ten Thousand Territories, and these insects especially like to eat some precious things, such as pills, medicinal materials, etc." Elder Qin explained.

Lu Chen was curious, "Then why does Lei Dan Wang say that the Tiandao League can save him?"

"There are quite a few masters in the Heavenly Dao League. I guess what he means is that if they submit to them, they can send masters to protect our Wandan Palace and keep the pills intact. After all, pills are our foundation." Elder Qin said suspiciously.

Lu Chen understood and said, "It seems that you know that I can deal with natural disasters?"

Elder Qin continued, "It is rumored that the son of Tianxuan has a way to deal with natural disasters."

"How much do you know about the son of Tianxuan?" Lu Chen asked.

Elder Qin thought for a while and said, "Actually, we don't know much, after all, the Palace Master told us."

"When will your palace master come out?" Lu Chen asked, and Elder Qin said, "It should be soon."

"Then let me ask you a question. If you know anything, please tell me." Chase Lu looked at everyone.

Everyone was curious about what Lu Chen wanted to ask, so Elder Qin said, "Say it."

"Sword tower, where is the sword tower of Wanyu Continent?" Lu Chen asked.

Everyone looked at each other, then shook their heads, especially Elder Qin, who was still confused, "Sword tower? What sword tower?"

Lu Chen was suspicious, "You haven't heard about the sword tower?"

Everyone shook their heads, saying that they had never heard of it, but Lu Chen became suspicious, "That's strange."

Everyone was also confused.

After a while, a voice said to Elder Qin, "Elder Qin, let him come and find me."

Elder Qin immediately said happily, "Yes."

Elder Qin took Lu Chen and left here, and went to a secret room.

"Go in, the Palace Master is waiting for you inside." Elder Qin said to Lu Chen, and Lu Chen calmed down and entered a door, and then disappeared in front of everyone.

There was a long corridor behind this door, and Chase Lu came to the innermost after walking for a long time.

Here, Chase Lu heard a voice, "Come?"

It was the voice of a middle-aged man, and it was in a dark place. After Chase Lu walked over, he happened to see a man with his back turned to him, but he was staring at a wall.

Lu Chen looked and saw a stone painting on the wall.

On the stone painting, it is like a map.

At this time, the other party turned around and looked at Lu Chen with a smile, "I am the owner of Wandan Palace. Everyone likes to call me Laoguan."

"Master Guan, I don't know why you came to me?" Lu Chen looked at the other party curiously, and the other party smiled, "I know you have a lot of questions, but when I talk to you slowly, you will understand."

Lu Chen looked at the other party in puzzlement.

The other party explained, "Wanyu Continent, there will be a natural disaster every once in a while, and the last time, it was hundreds of millions of years ago, when our Wandan Palace was still very weak, so we didn't have much loss, but now, our loss Sorry."

"So you're looking for me?"

"Yes, it is rumored that only the son of Tianxuan can solve it." The other party replied, and Lu Chen looked at him with a smile, "How are you sure, I can solve it?"

The other party said with a smile, "That's what the rumor says. As for whether it's true or not, we won't know until it happens, right?"

Lu Chen smiled knowingly, "When is that?"

"Unknown, maybe after a while, maybe a long time." No one on the other side shook his head specifically.

Lu Chen had no choice but to ask, "Then can I ask you something?"


"Sword Tower."

The other party was puzzled, "Sword tower? What sword tower?"

Lu Chen briefly explained the matter, but the other party frowned, "I've never heard of such a thing, but if you want to know, you can go to Wanxin Pavilion and ask."

"That's exactly what I mean, but I don't have the Wanyu Stone." Lu Chen smiled tactfully.

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