The Craziest Supreme in History

Chapter 2503 Remove the entire animal bone and alarm the entire Bone Demon Cult

"That's okay, it's better than someone making trouble here, and I don't even know about it." After finishing speaking, a group of purple light flew over from behind the secret door, and this purple light had a beast shadow.

As soon as the beast shadow rushed into the gourd, it sensed the aura that seemed to be there, but also seemed to be absent.

Lu Chen hid in a corner of the gourd again, but this time, Lu Chen turned himself into a "demon god", and then his aura merged with the aura of the surrounding space.

Therefore, the beast shadow came in and wandered around for a while, and after finding nothing, it exited here again.

"What kind of beast is this? It looks so weird." Lu Chen was puzzled.

After the beast shadow left the gourd, it came outside and said to Gu Jian, "I didn't find it."

"Then aren't you wasting your power for nothing?" Old Gu Jian was a little worried.

"It's nothing, just a little strength." After the other party finished speaking, he looked around again, and after finding no traces, he said to Gu Jian again, "Okay, leave the liquid, you can go away."


Gu Jian threw the gourd to the secret door, and then had a thought, the liquid in the gourd tilted inward, and in the darkness, he saw a skeleton in front of him.

After these liquids flew out, they sprinkled on the skeleton one by one.

I saw that the skeleton was very huge, but there were phantoms flashing, and when the liquid was poured in, some places would light up, and then calm down again.

Lu Chen knew that the other party was sensitive, so he turned himself into the aura of "beast deity", and hid in the dark places around him that exude animal aura.

After the liquid in the gourd was poured, he returned to the original road, and then the old man Gu Jian left here.

As for the huge animal bone flashing there, it made a dull sound, "It's here, so why hide and hide."

The next moment, countless purple lights flickered in the area where Lu Chen was, and a group of purple shadows shone within the body of the animal bone, and then the purple shadow was looking in Lu Chen's direction.

"It was discovered?" Lu Chen was a little surprised.

The other party joked, "It's really you. In the magic weapon, you can become the breath of a weapon soul, and here, you can become my breath again. It's really ever-changing."

"You know everything?" Lu Chen stared at the purple shadow with some surprise.

"I'm the most sensitive to breath. Didn't you investigate carefully when you came here?" The other party scorned, and Lu Chen smiled, "Since you know, why do you let the outsiders leave?"

The other party said to himself, "If I don't do this, you will come out? If I don't do this, you will still stand here obediently?"

While talking, piles of animal shadows appeared, and then these animal shadows formed an enchantment, trapping Lu Chen, and Lu Chen smiled, "You don't seem to be able to exert a lot of power."

"It's more than enough to deal with you who are in the realm of demons and gods." The other party said confidently.

However, Lu Chen said, "Don't you want to leave here early?"

"What do you mean?"

"The extracted bone fluid is probably the thing that unlocks your seal." Chase Lu became suspicious, and sure enough the other party replied, "So what?"

"Don't you notice that the liquid is different this time?"

The other party was curious, and after studying it, he became suspicious, "How did you mix in a few drops of 80% pure bone fluid?"

"That's what I refined, and if you give me a few days, I can still refine it with a purity of 90." Chase Lu said to himself.

The other party didn't believe it, and said to Lu Chen, "Boy, don't you try to lie to me!"

"Don't believe me? Then give me a piece of divine bone to try!" Lu Chen smiled strangely.

The other party was dubious, so he took out a piece of divine bone from the pile of white bones under his own animal bone, and then the divine bone flew in front of Lu Chen, and warned Lu Chen, "If you dare to lie to me, I will let you die!"

Lu Chen sneered, "Look at it."

I saw Chase Lu refining a liquid with a purity of eighty in front of the other party, and the other party asked strangely, "You really refined it?"

"This is necessary, and as I said just now, in a few days, I can still have ninety purity!"

"Then I want to see." After the other party finished speaking, he trapped Lu Chen there, and Lu Chen looked at the animal bone and asked, "Why are you sealed here?"

"Little thing, you shouldn't ask, don't ask too much." The other party stared.

Lu Chen smiled, "Actually, I want to leave, and I will leave immediately, but I think you are very interesting, and I just want to cooperate with you."

"Cooperation? Who do you think you are?" The other party stared at Lu Chen.

Lu Chen smiled strangely, and then cast the "All Souls Technique", absorbing the animal shadows on the surrounding enchantment one by one, and reaching the pile of animal bones in one go.

The other party was surprised, "How did you crack it?"

"It's easy." Lu Chen smiled confidently.

The other party didn't believe it, so they created a bunch of beast shadow enchantments, but the result was the same, and Lu Chen reminded, "Don't waste your power, or the more you waste, the weaker you will be."

"You!" The other party was startled.

After Lu Chen smiled, he put one hand on the pile of animal bones, and found that there was a powerful seal inside the animal bones, and when the bone fluid fell on it, the seal would weaken a little.

Then the opponent will strengthen a little.

This made Lu Chen a little surprised, "Who, with such a big hand, can seal such a powerful thing like you here."

"Hmph, you don't need to know." The other party said madly, and Lu Chen smiled, "It seems that I don't have to wait a few days, I can clean you up first."

"It's a joke, you are only in the Demon God Realm for a day, don't you really think you are very powerful?" The other party said arrogantly.

Lu Chen took out the "Desolate Gate", and sucked all the animal bones and a pile of divine bones into it at once, but the moment he sucked in, the surroundings suddenly trembled, and then began to collapse.

Lu Chen was shocked, and when he was about to go out, he saw Gu Jian rushing in. When he saw Lu Chen, a stranger, his face was weird, "Who are you!"

Seeing the exposure, Lu Chen didn't say much to the other party, just smiled, "Farewell."

The other party was shocked and wanted to kill Lu Chen with a sword, but Lu Chen immediately switched positions with the nearby souls, so the old man's sword only hit the souls.

Seeing this, Gu Jian became anxious, and then quickly checked the cave, and rushed out after finding that the monster bone was gone.

And the disappearance of the monster's bone spread throughout the Bone Demon Sect, especially the closed leader and elders rushed out one after another.

"What's going on?" A man with only bones in his body asked the old man Bone Sword.

And this person is the leader.

"Master, just now, a guy from the Heavenly Demon God Realm appeared inside just now, and he even made Master Bone disappear." Old Gujian said in a panic.

"What? Missing?" The leader's eyes widened.

The other elders were even more terrified.

"It's over, this is something from the Bone Seizing Alliance, and we have been busy here for hundreds of thousands of years, so it's gone?"

"It's dead now."

"Hurry up and notify the Bone Seizing Alliance." Someone even suggested. (end of this chapter)

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