The Craziest Supreme in History

Chapter 2436 Let's all break through together, and also repair the magic trick!

Po Jianshan stared at Lu Chen and said, "I joined Huoyang Palace and grew up in Huoyang Palace, so I don't beg you, don't destroy them, don't kill them, but let me do it by mistake, otherwise I would rather die! "

"Love and righteousness! I like it!" Lu Chen didn't intend to let him do it, so he laughed.

Po Jianshan said gratefully, "Thank you for your understanding."

"But I have a task for you, and you have to help me complete it."

"Say!" Po Jianshan said respectfully.

"At the foot of the mountain, there are nine caves, you should know that, right?" Lu Chen looked at the sword mountain with a smile.

Pojianshan hummed, "It is rumored that there are nine ten-star secret realms at the foot of Nine Realms Mountain!"

"Yes, now, I want you to go to these nine ten-star secret realms and help me get the divine essence!"

Po Jianshan frowned, "Take Shenyuan?"

"Well, but don't worry, if you are in danger, just run up the mountain, no one can do anything to you." Lu Chen told Pojian Mountain.

Po Jianshan understood, "Okay, I understand."

"Okay, get all kinds of gods, you save them first, and if someone asks you about your identity, you'd better not answer, because now there are a lot of masters under the mountain, and their strength is not easy."

"I know." Pojian Mountain knew the recent events of Jiujing Mountain, so naturally he didn't dare to say anything more, so Pojian Mountain disappeared from the top of Jiujing Mountain in a flash, and arrived near the foot of the mountain.

The people at the bottom of the mountain only felt that something appeared, but they didn't know what it was. After all, they never thought that there would be people coming here from Jiujing Mountain.

So everyone continued to guard at the foot of the mountain.

Pojian Mountain stared at Jiujing Mountain, then looked at the nine caves below, and then muttered in his heart, "It really is Jiujing Mountain!"

Now Pojian Mountain fully knew that Lu Chen was really the master of Jiujing Mountain.

So Pojian Mountain didn't think much about it, and went to those caves to collect Shenyuan.

As for Lu Chen's split soul, he was on the top of the mountain at the moment, and just as he sent Pojian Mountain away, he saw thunderclouds forming in the sky above Jiujing Mountain.

"This is." Chase Lu was curious.

Then the mountain god appeared and looked at Lu Chen with a smile, "The little guys you brought are going to become gods."


"Nine Realms Mountain, there is a magical place. Once one person breaks through, it may bring about a chain reaction of other people, especially those who are close to the breakthrough, will be affected, so we break through together."

"So amazing?" Chase Lu felt so amazing.

The mountain god smiled, "That is."

Lu Chen looked curiously, and the people down the mountain also found thunderclouds outside the dense fog above Jiujing Mountain, so everyone was curious.

"what's the situation?"

"Someone broke through."

"Who is it?"

"Is there really someone in Jiujing Mountain?" Someone was startled.

All of a sudden, people everywhere were curious about what was going on, and there were bursts of shouts from inside the Nine Gods Temple.

After a while, Hao Han and they came out one by one.

Then Haohan was the first to rush to Lu Chen, and said proudly, "Master, look, I'm already in the Ten-Star Heavenly God Realm."

Lu Chen frowned, "You just broke through, shouldn't you be a one-star earth god? Why are you a ten-star god?"

Not only that, but also other guys, such as ten-star demon gods, ten-star ghost gods, ten-star heaven spirit gods, and so on.

The mountain god on one side smiled and said, "Nine Realms Mountain, those who break through together will receive superimposed cultivation bases, so they jumped and entered the Heavenly God Realm, and each of them has ten stars."

Lu Chen was stunned, "So amazing?"

"Not only that, if they go to experience some experience and master the strength in their bodies well, then they will soon be able to break through to the Profound God Realm, and they will even be invincible."

Hao Han immediately said excitedly, "Master, we are going down the mountain."

Lu Chen hesitated, "You can go down the mountain, but you can't say that you are from Jiujing Mountain."

"Master, don't worry, we are only talking about the one who killed the God Pavilion, and I am the Pavilion Master." Hao Han is not stupid, he knows the horror of Jiujing Mountain, and with their current ability, they will definitely be arrested.

Lu Chen hummed and said, "Okay, later you avoid the sight of everyone at the bottom of the mountain and go to the vicinity of Jiujing Mountain in batches. Don't let them think that you went down from the mountain."

Everyone took orders one by one.

But the mountain god added, "For those of the Nine Gods Temple, even the gods, you'd better memorize them all, and then practice them together when you practice, it will get twice the result with half the effort."

Hao Han smiled, "We've written it down before, but we haven't started using it yet."

"Yes, it seems that you should know what this Lian Shen Jue is." The mountain god smiled, and Lu Chen smiled, "Then I don't know."

Hao Han said happily, "Master, the Lian Shen Jue is a group of us. Once we use it together, we can borrow each other's power. For example, I, who is in the God Realm, can use the power of the Demon God Realm."

Lu Chen smiled, "It's interesting."

"Master, let's go then."

"Go, yes, but do something for me by the way."

"Master, tell me."

"There are nine secret realms at the foot of the mountain, so you go in and help me collect divine essence."

"Okay!" Hao Han said without hesitation, and after Lu Chen thought about it, he explained some things to him, especially Po Jianshan's identity, and told them to prevent them from encountering each other.

After everyone took orders, they disappeared one by one.

The people down the mountain suddenly felt something moving around, but when they tracked it out, they found that there was no trace.

Everyone thought they were fooled, and wondered what was going on.

Lu Chen split his soul and looked at the mountain god with a smile, "What secrets does this Jiujing Mountain hide?"

"You'll know when you reach the God Realm." After the mountain god finished speaking, he disappeared, and Lu Chen smiled helplessly, "It seems that I have to break through quickly."


On the other side, Lu Chen himself had added a lot of formations in the tenth camp he had regained, and at the same time, the souls in front of the eleventh camp continued to make trouble.

After the formation was almost strengthened, Lu Chen himself went to the front of the eleventh camp.

At this moment, the eleventh camp can be said to be full of people, and there are many masters.

Even Lu Chen himself didn't dare to step in at will, but he smiled at the group of fire cavalry, black swordsmen, and masters of moving gods outside, and said with a smile, "You don't plan to be shrinking turtles. "

"Boy, are you screaming every day, is it interesting?" A person emerged from the ground, and when he appeared, he was still in the state of sand.

After a while, the sand turned into a human being.

Like Pojian Mountain, he belongs to the God-moving Realm, and is also a five-star, called Sand Mi.

Before that, Chase Lu's split soul fought against him, but he has a magical ability, that is, he can control a lot of sand and stones at once.

Therefore, many of Lu Chen's souls just appeared, and they were hit by his sandstone and disappeared, so now when Lu Chen saw him, he smiled instead, "Before, I have been playing with you with clones, and now I come to this deity, so I can have fun Already!"

"This deity? Don't lie to me!" Sha Fan didn't believe it, and even patted the dust on his body and sneered. (end of this chapter)

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