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The strong man nodded heavily.

With a grin, his originally ferocious face seemed a little honest.


Liu Yubai still looked alert and glanced at Luo Yun inquiringly, wondering what the other party meant.

"It doesn't matter, just go and take a look."

Luo Yun shook his head calmly, then said to the strong man:

"You lead the way."

The sturdy man nodded immediately, turned around and walked towards the old man.

Luo Yun didn't waste any words, and followed closely with Liu Yubai. Liu Yubai was still alert, following Luo Yun closely, with his right hand in front and his left hand behind his back, holding the family iron fan in his hand!

As long as the other party showed a hint of hostility, he would take the initiative!

But Luo Yun looked relaxed.

Soon, several people walked in front of the old man.

When the guards around the old man saw the sturdy man, they also made way for Luo Yun and others to enter.

"My dear friend, please forgive me for my presumptuous invitation. I am Chen Zhiliang."

When the old man saw Luo Yun coming, he smiled and said kindly:

"I don't know what your name is, my friend?"

"Old man Chen, just call me Luo Yun."

Luo Yun nodded and looked at this old man Chen from a close distance.

He possessed master-level medical skills. He could not see clearly from a distance before, but when he came close and looked at this old man Chen, his brows suddenly frowned.

This old man Chen had a hunched body, cloudy eyes, aging skin, and looked like he was about to get old.

However, between his body, he seemed to have the power of a dragon and a tiger, and seemed to be full of vitality.

These two states appeared in an old man, which had to be said to be very contradictory.

And in order to qualify, it should be that this old man Chen himself was already in a state of aging, but he used a special method to make up for his remaining All of his life span has been compressed into a very short period of time.

During this period of time, he will gain the physical strength of a young man.

But once this period of time has passed, he will probably die immediately!

Simply put, it is a disguised form of last gasp.

It's just that the time of his last gasp will be much longer because of some means.

Of course, this will also greatly reduce his life span.

And if this method is used, it will not be healed by sea ganoderma.

After all, the greatest effect of sea ganoderma is detoxification, treatment, and life-saving.

There is no way to prevent the behavior of stimulating oneself with unexpected forces and maintaining one's physical strength at the cost of life.

"I don't know what it is that can make this man so determined to maintain his physical strength even if it means shortening his life span."

Luo Yun thought to himself, and glanced at the strong man who still had a simple and honest face.

"Is it possible?'s for"

"Young friend Luo Yun, you are indeed extraordinary, especially the guard beside you, who is a rare talent! It is fate that I can meet you two today."

Mr. Chen smiled slightly, and then went straight to the point and said:

"In this ghost market, let's not talk about whether there are capable people among those individual visitors. Let's just talk about you and me, the pirates from the South Sea, and the gang of people in suits. Although they have a close relationship with my **, after all, after so many years, they can no longer be considered as my kind! Only you and me are from the ** orthodoxy! In order to avoid killing each other, how about we cooperate?"


Luo Yun was slightly stunned.

From the mouth of this old man Chen, he also heard the news he wanted to know.

Yihe Dang?

If it was before, Luo Yun would definitely not have heard of this name.

However, in recent days, Luo Yun has also learned about some underground forces in this world.

For example, this Yihe Dang is an underground force organization on Wan Island.

It is said that it has a lot of connections with the Sakura Country.

Although it is not as famous as organizations like Koushan Group, its strength cannot be underestimated.

"Mr. Chen, how do you want to cooperate?"

"I want the sea ganoderma! I must get it! As long as you, Luo Yun, don't fight with me for this thing, then the rest of the things, my Chen family is willing to pay for it for you! How about it?"

Old Master Chen's eyes were burning, and in his originally turbid eyes, a terrifying gleam suddenly appeared!

The momentum was like a rainbow!

However, under the gaze of this old man Chen, Luo Yun had a calm face, as if he was not affected at all, and smiled and shook his head:




"How dare you speak to our old man like that!"

""Looking for death!!"

Suddenly, several guards around him glared at Lu Yun with murderous intent!


However, Liu Yubai was faster than them!

He directly raised the iron fan in his hand, and the cold front suddenly rose, full of murderous intent!

"This, this iron fan!? What is your relationship with the Dongguang Liu family!? Who are you?"

Mr. Chen was shocked and waved his hand to drive away the guards beside him. Then he frowned and stared at Luo Yun and Liu Yubai with a complicated expression:

""Friend Luo Yun, the people below are ignorant. I have no hostility towards you! We are all descendants of **. What I, Chen Zhiliang, hate most in my life is internal strife! But this sea Ganoderma Lucidum, I, Chen, must get it! No matter how much money it costs, I must get it!"

Dongguang Liu family?

Luo Yun was slightly stunned and glanced at Liu Yubai.

But he was not too surprised.

When Liu Yubai was eighteen years old, he was summoned to the modern era by himself.

So if it develops in this way, his father will not be mad at him.

After marrying his stepmother, maybe he had a few more children and continued the Liu family to the present.

But now is naturally not the time to pursue these things. Looking at the frank old man Chen, Luo Yun still smiled and shook his head:

"This sea ganoderma is useless even if you take it back. It can't save you, nor can it cure him."


Mr. Chen was stunned for a moment, looked at the direction of Luo Yun's finger, and then looked horrified:

"You!? What did you say!?"


PS: Thank you for the reward from the boss of []!

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